Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response
Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response
Part 1: Interview
Contact a professional individual to interview, in person or on the telephone, who knows of an existing crisis response plan. Identify the person you interview and their specific job or role, such as crisis counselor or a member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or therapists who work with victims of PTSD or are involved in CISD, and arrange an interview. Once you arrange a personal interview, develop a set of open-ended questions that will allow you to gain a clear and complete picture of the plan as it currently exists. (See the sample interview questions provided within the assignment.)
Ask your interviewee to give you a specific example of an actual crisis and the details of the various roles that are involved in the plan that is utilized, including any mental health professional. Examine what you are told by the interviewee, and compare it to the identified elements recommended for response plans in the Mental Health All-Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS, 2003), provided in the Resources.
Part 2: Description and Analysis
Describe and analyze a counselor’s role and responsibilities in a crisis response. Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the crisis response system in order to identify the type of necessary training for the role of the counselor.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to do the following:
- Compare and contrast the elements of a real-world example of an emergency management plan, obtained through your personal interview of a professional in the field, to the elements identified in the course studies, particularly the Mental Health All-Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance (USDHHS, 2003), provided in the Resources.
- Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor, including the professional role, functions, and relationships as a member of a crisis response plan during a local, regional, or national crisis, disaster, or other trauma-causing event (CACREP, 2016).
- Describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as a member of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team.
- Describe the types of training a counselor requires to develop the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management.
- Exhibit proficiency in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking skills.
Note: A template for your APA formatted paper is included in the assignment Resources. Please use the template to present the assignment criteria in an organized way. The headings guide you to the criteria, and the details that are included describe what is necessary to complete the assignment to a Distinguished degree.
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
- Content: Prepare a comprehensive paper that includes all sections described above.
- Components: The paper must include a title page, abstract, and reference list.
- Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.
- Number of pages: The body of the paper should fall within 10–12 pages, excluding title page and reference list.
- Number of resources: Minimum of 5 current resources, published within the last 12 years.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Role of the Counselor in Emergency Management Teams
Learner First Name MI. Last Name
Capella University
Instructor Name
There is no indent on an abstract. An abstract is a paragraph that summarizes the most important parts of the entire paper. It briefly allows your reader to quickly obtain an overview of your writing. It is an accurate reflection of the purpose and content of the text written in clear and concise language within the limit of 150 to 250 words.
Role of the Counselor in Emergency Management Teams
Include the title of your paper centered at the top of the page, not bolded; it is not considered a heading. This first section is your paper’s introduction. Note that it does not have a heading (Introduction); its position at the beginning of the body of the paper implies that it is the introduction. In the body of your paper, indent the first line of each paragraph. As always, use double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1.0 margins all around the page layout. Please cite your textbook and at least 4 articles throughout the paper. For the purposes of this assignment, simply replace this text with a brief paragraph in your own words introducing the topic and informing the reader of the organization of the paper.
Interview with an Emergency Professional
In this section of the paper, provide a summary of the interview you conducted with a professional in your community who has knowledge of an emergency plan. Please do not provide a transcript, but rather a descriptive narrative. The individual will give you a specific example of an actual crisis and the details of the various roles that are involved in the plan, including mental health professionals.
Comparison with the Mental Health All-Hazards Planning Guidance
Examine what the interviewee tells you and compare it to the identified elements recommended for response plans in the Mental Health All-Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS, 2003), provided in the Assignment’s Resources. (See the Planning Guidance’s APPENDIX A: ELEMENTS OF AN ALL-HAZARDS STATE DISASTER MENTAL HEALTH PLAN). Support your discussion with additional professional literature published within the past 10 years.
Counselor Responsibilities in Emergency Management
In this section of the paper, summarize the responsibilities of the counselor, including the professional role, functions, and relationships as a member of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team during a local, regional, or national crisis, disaster, or other trauma-causing event.
Skills, Knowledge, and Training Required for Crisis Counselors
Describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as a member of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team. Support your discussion with examples and relevant information from the professional literature.
Describe the types of training a counselor requires to acquire the skills and knowledge relevant to emergency responding.
Cite your textbook in addition to at least 4 scholastic articles. The reference below provides an example citation for an article.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume#(issue#), xx–xx.
*The Appendix starts on the next page where you will list the questions you used in your interview.
Appendix A
Interview Questions
1. List the questions you used in your interview.
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Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response
Your goal for this assignment is to determine a counselor’s role in an interdisciplinary team responding to crises, disasters, or other traumacausing events.
Part 1: Interview – Choose a professional individual who has knowledge of an existing crisis response plan. Identify the person you interview and their job, such as the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and arrange a personal interview. Develop a set of openended questions that will allow you to gain a clear and complete picture of the plan as it currently exists. See the sample interview questions provided below. Ask that individual to give you a specific example of an actual crisis, and the details of the communication structures that are involved in the plan. Examine what you are told by the interviewee, and compare it to the identified elements recommended for response plans in the Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provided in the Resources section.
Part 2: Description and Analysis – Describe and analyze a counselor’s role and responsibilities in a crisis response. Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the crisis response system in order to identify the type of necessary training for the role of the counselor.
Sample Interview Questions
1. In a crisis, are there critical time lines to be considered? If so, what are they? 2. Is there a developmental time sequence to a crisis? If so describe it. 3. Considering a communitywide crisis, who are the local people or organizations that I need to contact? In what order or sequence or time do I do that?
4. Considering a communitywide crisis, who are the state and national people or organizations that I need to contact? In what order or sequence or time do I do that?
5. What helpful or positive role can the local media play in helping to resolve the crisis? How does one facilitate that to happen?
6. What helpful or positive role can the national media play in helping to resolve the crisis? How does one facilitate that to happen?
7. Who are the critical players on your emergency management team? Why are they critical? 8. What is the worst ecosystemic crisis you can imagine? Why? 9. What kind of training, education, and experience do you believe should be required to be an effective and competent manager of a communitywide crisis such as the one you described above?
10. Given a natural disaster such as a communitywide crisis, how do you go about coordinating and communicating an effective response?
11. When the crisis situation exceeds your local capacities and resources to respond, how and when do you know who to call for help?
12. What are your backup resources? Do you have redundancy in your system? In case I or any of my staff become incapacitated for any reason, are there persons available who can effectively step in and assume the vacated responsibilities?
13. What kind of emergency crisis interventions are going to be provided for those who survive? Who is going to provide the interventions? When will it happen?
14. When and under what conditions will you declare the crisis situation terminated? 15. Do you believe that current stress reduction procedures, such as CISD for emergency workers, are
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helpful? If yes, how so, if no, how not? 16. What steps do you take to take care of your own stress and trauma and that of your staff? 17. What are the response team’s goals, functions, operations, organizational structure, and
responsibilities? 18. Who is in charge of what security provisions? 19. What balance needs to be maintained between security of staff and providing human services? 20. What kinds of training do staff receive to prepare for emergencies? 21. What screening devices are used for volunteer selection? Are they reliable and valid? 22. What security personnel will be needed? Where and when? 23. Are there emergency contingency plans for a variety of problems? Do staff members know what is
expected of them under varying circumstances? 24. Does the crisis response management team have a protocol for dealing with violent situations? 25. Who is in charge of responding to threats or physical violence?
Submit your paper in the assignment area.
Project Objectives To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Compare and contrast the elements of a realworld example of an emergency management plan to the elements identified in the course studies.
2. Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management system.
3. Describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as a member of a Crisis Response Team.
4. Describe the types of training a counselor requires to acquire the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management.
5. Exhibit proficiency in effective, credible academic writing, and critical thinking skills.
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Content: Prepare a comprehensive paper that includes all sections described above. Components: The paper must include a title page, abstract, and reference list. Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting. Number of pages: The body of the paper should fall within 10–12 pages, excluding title page and reference list. Number of resources: Minimum of 5 current resources, published within the last 12 years. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12point.
Project Grading Criteria
Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response Scoring Guide Grading Rubric
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Criteria Nonperformance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Interview an appropriate crisis
response professional (e.g., crisis counselor,
member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency
Management Agency [FEMA], therapist who specializes in PTSD) and present
summary of interview (not a transcript).
Does not interview an appropriate crisis response professional (e.g., crisis counselor, member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], therapist who specializes in PTSD) or does not present a summary of interview.
Interviews an appropriate crisis response professional (e.g., crisis counselor, member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], therapist who specializes in PTSD), however, details are lacking or interview is not presented in the form of a summary.
Interviews an appropriate crisis response professional (e.g., crisis counselor, member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], therapist who specializes in PTSD) and presents summary of interview (not a transcript).
Interviews an appropriate crisis response professional (e.g., crisis counselor, member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], therapist who specializes in PTSD) and presents a summary of interview (not a transcript). The crisis professional is clearly identified and the background and experience of the counselor is provided. The summary of the interview is presented in a narrative form that is logical and well organized.
Compare and contrast the
elements of the real world example of an
emergency management plan
obtained by interview to the
elements identified in Mental Health All Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance from the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, provided in the Resources.
Does not identify, compare, or contrast the elements of a real world example from an interview of an emergency management plan to the elements identified in Mental Health All Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance, in the Resources.
Identifies but does not compare or contrast the elements of a real world example from an interview of an emergency management plan to the elements identified in Mental Health All Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance, in the Resources.
Compares and contrasts the elements of the realworld example of an emergency management plan obtained by interview to the elements identified in Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance, provided in the Resources.
Compares, contrasts, and analyzes the elements of a real world example of an emergency management plan obtained by interview to the elements identified in Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance, provided in the Resources, with additional supporting references published within 10 years.
Summarize the role and responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management
system, described in the Resources.
Does not summarize the role or responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management system or use the Resources for the assignment.
Summarizes the role and some of the responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management system identified in the Planning Guidance in the Resources section.
Summarizes the role and responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management system described in the Resources for the assignment.
Summarizes and analyzes the role and responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the emergency management system and provides examples to substantiate the summary.
Describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function
Does not identify or describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to
Describes some of the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as
Describes in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as
Describes in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as
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order to function
effectively as a member of a crisis response team.
a counselor in order to
function effectively as a member of a crisis response team.
function effectively as
a member of a crisis response team but does not provide adequate detail.
function effectively as
a member of a crisis response team.
function effectively as
a member of a crisis response team and provides examples and research to support the description.
Describe the types of training a counselor requires in order to acquire the required skills and knowledge
relevant to emergency
management. 15%
Lists but does not describe the types of training a counselor requires in order to acquire the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management.
Describes some of the types of training a counselor requires in order to acquire the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management and provides incomplete descriptions.
Describes the types of training a counselor requires in order to acquire the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management.
Describes the types of training a counselor requires in order to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management and crisis response.
Exhibit proficiency in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking
skills. 20%
Does not exhibit any proficiency in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking skills.
Exhibits skills in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking which do not meet the standards for the profession or program of study.
Exhibits proficiency in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking skills.
Exhibits flawless effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking skills, which exceed the expectations for the profession and program of study.
Project Components
Project Component Course Grade Weight Unit Due
Role of the Counselor in Emergency Management Teams
20% 8
Total: 20%
[u08a1] Unit 8 Assignment 1
Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response Part 1: Interview
Contact a professional individual to interview, in person or on the telephone, who knows of an existing crisis response plan. Identify the person you interview and their specific job or role, such as crisis counselor or a member of the Red Cross or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or therapists who work with victims of PTSD or are involved in CISD, and arrange an interview. Once you arrange a personal interview, develop a set of openended questions that will allow you to gain a clear and complete picture of the plan as it currently
Resources Role of the Counselor in Crisis Response Scoring Guide.
Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance.
iGuide: ePortfolio.
Unit 8 Assignment Template.
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exists. (See the sample interview questions provided within the assignment.)
Ask your interviewee to give you a specific example of an actual crisis and the details of the various roles that are involved in the plan that is utilized, including any mental health professional. Examine what you are told by the interviewee, and compare it to the identified elements recommended for response plans in the Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS, 2003), provided in the Resources.
Part 2: Description and Analysis
Describe and analyze a counselor’s role and responsibilities in a crisis response. Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor within the mental health component of the crisis response system in order to identify the type of necessary training for the role of the counselor.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to do the following:
1. Compare and contrast the elements of a realworld example of an emergency management plan, obtained through your personal interview of a professional in the field, to the elements identified in the course studies, particularly the Mental Health AllHazards Disaster Planning Guidance (USDHHS, 2003), provided in the Resources.
2. Summarize the responsibilities of the counselor, including the professional role, functions, and relationships as a member of a crisis response plan during a local, regional, or national crisis, disaster, or other traumacausing event (CACREP, 2016).
3. Describe in detail the specific skills and knowledge required by a counselor in order to function effectively as a member of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team.
4. Describe the types of training a counselor requires to develop the required skills and knowledge relevant to emergency management.
5. Exhibit proficiency in effective, credible academic writing and critical thinking skills.
Note: A template for your APA formatted paper is included in the assignment Resources. Please use the template to present the assignment criteria in an organized way. The headings guide you to the criteria, and the details that are included describe what is necessary to complete the assignment to a Distinguished degree.
Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio, in the Professional Showcase binder. Please return to this assignment after a final grade has been given and upload the instructor’s final assessment.
Community Emergency Management
Unit Eight Summary
On rare occasions extreme crisis may hit an ecosystem demanding immediate response from crisis workers that may cause them to be placed in harms way. In the event of crisis negotiation, hostage negotiation or disaster response the crisis worker must be prepared to enter a harsh demanding environment with little to no warning or preparation (James & Gilliland, 2013). In these rare but high-stressed situations it is imperative for the counselor to maintain calm and to work with the other crisis responders.
Crisis/Hostage Negotiation
When we think of hostage negotiation we typical are reminded of action films and SWAT teams running to the rescue leaving little room for the role of a counselor in hostage situation. However, 52 percent of all hostage takings occur when a mentally ill individual acts out at a school or medical facility (James & Gilliland, 2013). In addition, there is a rising number of hostage taking incidents inside the work place that stem from the rise in worker violence (James & Gilliland, 2013). While terrorist’s plots and James Bound villains make for good movies they are often far off from the realties of hostage negotiations.
Disaster Response
Not unlike hostage taking disaster response is often viewed as an odd place for the counselor. However, with the rise in Crisis Response Teams (CRTs) the counselor role in disaster relief is becoming more clear (James & Gilliland, 2013). These rapid response teams were developed throughout the 1980s and 1990s to respond in the wake of any kind of disaster such as a plan crash to a school shooting. These teams began receiving national support with the development of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) (James & Gilliland, 2013).
NOVAs purpose is to develop local crisis response teams with goal of aiding communities in alleviating grief, trauma and stress resulting from national disasters (James & Gilliland, 2013). Professional organizations such as the Red Cross and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) work with volunteers from the American Counseling Association and the American Psychiatric Association to provide crisis workers along with professional guideless and standards for schools and government agencies increasing the need and effectiveness of the counselor in a crisis situation.
James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2013). Crisis intervention strategies (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
Citing an Interviewee – Unit 8
In this sentence the individual is introduced (fictitious). You may use the first name here as the introduction, but in the next example you will see that the last name only is used, just like an article author.
· Kelley McPhea (personal communication, February 27, 2012), Disaster Preparedness Response Coordinator for the American Red Cross, was interviewed for this assignment.
After the introduction of the interviewee, however, you only use the last name just like when you report on an article and use the author’s last name only.
· McPhea mentioned for small disasters, such as a house fire, a mental health clinician is not dispatched, but one is on standby for referral, if needed (personal communication, February 27, 2012).
Here the last name only was used appropriately and in the citations you do not need to repeat the name since it was used within the text of the sentence.
· The Damage Assessment Team not only assesses for damage, but also makes a preliminary estimation on what the community may need to return to pre-disaster status (K. McPhea, personal communication, February 27, 2012).
In this last sentence the information was shared without using the interviewee’s name, so the citation includes the first name initial and the last name.
For an interview you must use citations for the information you obtained from the individual, and remember that this is information you would not know otherwise, so it is like finding it in research.
*NO reference is used for a personal interview in the References list.