Assessment and Testing Paper

Assessment and Testing Paper

Assessment and Testing Paper

Interpret Clinical data

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    PSY 335 Interpreting Statistics Worksheet

    Testing of 20 randomly selected subjects yielded two sets of scores: Verbal IQ and Reading Comprehension. The table below displays the results and descriptive statistics, as well as frequency distribution charts for each variable and a scatterplot of the correlations between the two variables:


    Subject Verbal IQ Rdg. Comp.
    1 90 88
    2 99 97
    3 101 110
    4 115 121
    5 97 98
    6 98 95
    7 92 89
    8 104 109
    9 103 100
    10 117 100
    11 100 96
    12 98 101
    13 96 105
    14 105 105
    15 78 80
    16 121 99
    17 82 75
    18 85 89
    19 81 78
    20 82 86
    MEAN 97 96
    MEDIAN 98 97
    MODE 98 89
    STD.DEV. 11.8 11.2
    RANGE 43 46
    CORREL VERB x RDG 0.79



    Please answer the following questions within the appropriate column in the table below:

    I. Using the provided data and graphs, describe the frequency distribution for the IQ test:

    a) What is a typical score for this sample?

    b) How variable are the scores?

    c) How are the scores distributed?


    II. Using the provided data and graphs, describe the frequency distribution of the reading test scores:

    a) What is a typical score for this sample?

    b) How variable are the scores?

    c) How are the scores distributed?


    III. Consider the correlation data given the provided data and graph:

    a) How are IQ and reading achievement related?


    IV. Evaluate the data from a psychological testing perspective:

    a) Are these samples good representations of the general population? How do you know?

    b) What could you do to make them a more representative sample?

    c) How would you interpret the correlation results?

    d) What are some ways this knowledge of their relationship could be used?





    Reading Comprehension Frequency Distribution

    Frequency 70 80 90 100 110 120 More 0 3 4 7 6 1 0STD SCORE

    Verbal IQ Frequency Distribution

    Frequency 70 80 90 100 110 120 More 0 1 4 7 4 2 1STD SCORE


    Rdg.Compre 90 99 101 115 97 98 92 104 103 117 100 98 96 105 78 121 82 85 81 82 88 97 110 121 98 95 89 109 100 100 96 101 105 105 80 99 75 89 78 86Verbal IQ Score


    Reading Scores

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    PSY 335 Interpreting Statistics Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric

    In order for psychologists to conduct effective assessments, they must interpret test data. This assignment provides you an opportunity to analyze two sets of data and practice interpreting them. This assignment is intended as a review of descriptive statistics and correlation—a refresher to set the stage for understanding how these concepts will be applied in future modules, to understand what the scores represent, and to be able to summarize the data in a meaningful way. Assessment and Testing Paper

    Prompt: The included data set contains two sets of data—Verbal IQ test scores and Reading test scores, along with descriptive statistics for each variable and correlation data comparing the two variables. Please answer the following questions in the space provided in the Interpreting Statistics Worksheet.

    In the Interpreting Statistics Worksheet, the following critical elements, specifically, must be addressed:

    I. Using the provided data and graphs, describe the frequency distribution for the IQ test: a) What is a typical score for this sample? b) How variable are the scores? c) How are the scores distributed?

    II. Using the provided data and graphs, describe the frequency distribution of the reading test scores: a) What is a typical score for this sample? b) How variable are the scores? c) How are the scores distributed?

    III. Consider the correlation data given the provided data and graph: a) How are IQ and reading achievement related?

    IV. Evaluate the data from a psychological testing perspective. a) Are these samples good representations of the general population? How do you know? b) What could you do to make them a more representative sample? c) How would you interpret the correlation results? d) What are some ways this knowledge of their relationship could be used? Assessment and Testing Paper



    Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your one- to two-page worksheet must be submitted using the Interpreting Statistics Worksheet. Cite any sources using APA format.

    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Frequency

    Distribution: IQ Test Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response contains no errors and is logical and informed by statistical knowledge

    Correctly describes typical score, variable of score, and score distribution of IQ Test data set; minor errors present; response is logical and demonstrates statistical knowledge

    Describes typical score, variable of score, and score distribution of IQ Test data set, but response is illogical or overlooks key statistical facets; response is also incorrect, missing, or containing illogical conclusions

    Does not describe typical score, variable of score, or score distribution of IQ Test data set


    Frequency Distribution: Reading

    Test Scores

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and response contains no errors and is logical and informed by statistical knowledge

    Correctly describes typical score, variable of score, and score distribution of Reading Test data set; response is logical and demonstrates statistical knowledge

    Describes typical score, variable of score, and score distribution of Reading Test data set, but response is illogical or overlooks key statistical facets; response is also incorrect, missing, or containing illogical conclusions

    Does not describe typical score, variable of score, or score distribution of Reading Test data set


    Correlation Data Meets “Proficient” criteria and supports correlation with scholarly research and examples

    Correctly relates results of IQ and Reading Test scores by using relevant psychological methodology

    Relates results of IQ and Reading Test scores by using relevant psychological methodology, but correlation is illogical or overlooks key components

    Does not relate results of IQ and Reading Test scores


    Evaluate the Data Meets “Proficient” criteria and strengthens conclusions with examples from scholarly research

    Draws informed conclusions regarding representations, samples, and relationships within data sets

    Draws conclusions regarding representations, samples, and relationships within data sets, but correlation is illogical or overlooks key aspects

    Does not draw conclusions regarding representations, samples, and relationships within data sets


    Articulation of Response

    Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

    Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

    Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

    Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


    Earned Total 100%


    • PSY335InterpretingStatisticsWorksheetGuidelin
    • Rubric