IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
Guidelines and Rubric Situational Analysis
Prompt: First, review the text readings and course resources you have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project Milestone One and Module Four Worksheet submissions and instructor feedback to those submissions. The SWOT analysis you completed in the Module Four Worksheet is one method by which to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also refer back to the Bellevue: Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis.
Next, in 2 to 3 pages, conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the internal and external market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a service to market for the organization and develop marketing goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how the proposed marketing goals align with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. Keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the SMART goal framework (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely).
I have attached the rubric for this assignment as well as the assignments that are needed for reference. A SWOT worksheet is attached as well as the SWOT assignment completed in Module four as an example.
IHP 510 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Situational Analysis
Overview: For Final Project Milestone One, you analyzed Bellevue Hospital, and in your Module Four Worksheet, you practiced completing a very basic SWOT analysis. Now, for this second milestone, due in Module Five, you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the internal and external market factors that impact the Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to market for the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this proposed service. Prompt: First, review the text readings and course resources you have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project Milestone One and Module Four Worksheet submissions and instructor feedback to those submissions. The SWOT analysis you completed in the Module Four Worksheet is one method by which to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also refer back to the Bellevue: Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis. Next, in 2 to 3 pages, conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the internal and external market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a service to market for the organization and develop marketing goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how the proposed marketing goals align with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. Keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the SMART goal framework (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely). The following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Situational Analysis: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be conducting a needs analysis to identify and propose a service for the organization.
A. Analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization. B. Propose a service to market for this organization. Include an explanation as to whether it is addressing an opportunity or weakness from the
market factor analysis. C. Develop a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework. D. Justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. E. Analyze the competition for the proposed service. F. Evaluate how the current marketing strategies used by the organization adhere to industry ethical criteria.
Refer to your completed Final Project Milestone One and Module Four Worksheet, as well as to the text readings and other course resources to support your responses. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback on this milestone submission into your final project.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be submitted as a Word document, 2 to 3 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and the latest edition of the APA manual for formatting and citations.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Situational Analysis: Market Factors
Analyzes the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization
Analyzes the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization, but analysis is incomplete or unclear
Does not analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization
Situational Analysis: Propose a Service
Proposes a service to market for this organization, explaining whether service is addressing an opportunity or weakness based on market factor analysis
Proposes a service to market for this organization, explaining whether service is addressing an opportunity or weakness based on market factor analysis, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic
Does not propose a service to market for this organization
Situational Analysis: Marketing Goal
Develops a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework
Develops a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework, but goal is incomplete or unclear, or framework is applied inaccurately
Does not develop a marketing goal for the proposed service
Situational Analysis: Alignment of Goal
Justifies the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization
Justifies the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization, but response is incomplete or unclear
Does not justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization
Situational Analysis: Competition
Analyzes the competition for the proposed service
Analyzes the competition for the proposed service, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy
Does not analyze the competition for the proposed service
Situational Analysis: Ethical Criteria
Evaluates how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria
Evaluates how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy
Does not evaluate how current marketing strategies adhere to industry ethical criteria
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
IHP 510 Module Four Worksheet
For this task, you will complete a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific healthcare organization’s service or product. Based on your SWOT analysis, you will then propose an additional service or product to market for the organization, while also comparing your additional service or product to a competing healthcare organization’s service or product. IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
This task is designed to provide practice for the analysis, service proposal, and competition analysis that you will complete as part of Final Project Milestone Two in Module Five.
To complete this worksheet, first review the module resources.
Part I. Complete the SWOT for the selected organization.
1. List at least 3 strengths and explain what makes them strengths.
2. List at least 3 weaknesses and explain what makes them weaknesses.
3. List at least 3 opportunities and explain what makes them opportunities.
4. List at least 3 threats and explain what makes them threats.
Be sure to apply instructor feedback on this worksheet task to your Final Project Milestone Two, due in Module Five, especially the sections on the situational analysis, service proposal, and competition analysis that you will need to consider when completing your final healthcare marketing and communication plan.
Bellevue Hospital
Maria Williams
Southern New Hampshire University
Bellevue Hospital
Bellevue Hospital and Its Current Services
Bellevue Hospital is a non-profit making organization that is locally owned. It offers a range of services whose aim is better healthcare of the community. To begin with, the hospital offers a range of ambulatory services on-site. They provide patients with high quality and convenient care in outpatient and private setting. Most patients do not like receiving medication through oral, injection, or infusion, but prefer the use of IV. Bellevue Hospital also offers aquatic therapy, which provides patients with a chance to receive therapeutic services with low impact. It has been proven that pain is typically minimized or eliminated in aquatic therapy since the body is supported by water, which in turn offloads the weight directed at joints. IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
Additionally, the hospital provides cardiac rehabilitation services for clients who have already undergone surgery and are recovering. This program seeks to speed up the recovery of the patients and also minimize the chances of it re-occurring in the future. Patients learn how to improve physical fitness and exercise through this program (Stiehl, 2017). Also, the hospital offers specialized education for diabetic patients to help them create and maintain a healthy lifestyle through topics such as monitoring, education, medication, exercise, and diet. Bellevue Hospital, also using advanced technology, offers diagnostic imaging convenient services that fit various needs of a whole family.
Moreover, it provides family health services through different appointments, and they often accept new patients. Their rehabilitation team can complete services that are related to work for families so that they improve their safety and health, productivity, minimize injuries, and reduce costs. Besides, the hospital gives full lactation services, and they support the rights of the baby to breastfeed.
Ways the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Goals Serve Its Stakeholders
The mission statement helps the stakeholders by taking care of the patients. Bellevue works to prevent illness, treat the injured, and heal the sick among its stakeholders (William, N. R., & Joan, R. (2015). In addition, through their mission, they protect their trust so that it can be a progressive and quality healthcare facility. Using its vision statement, the hospital ensures that its stakeholders have the necessary resources which could help them attain high health levels throughout life. In addition, they can benefit from the hospital through its courage, integrity, compassion, and respect for their confidentiality and individuality. Bellevue hospital is also progressive in its provision and anticipation of future health services. Finally, the hospital is reliable and always available to serve the community whenever they need it.
The Current Target Market of Bellevue Hospital
The target market for this hospital currently is substance use disorder patients. To reach them, the hospital has formed a task force that would help it find ways in which it can achieve this group. People in this group usually start using drugs for a desire to experiment with them; then, they go on to consume them occasionally, and finally, they end up using them intensively and sometimes developing a substance use disorder. This progression is complex and is only partially known. The process depends on the interactions between the substance, the user, and the environment. Treatment of this disorder varies depending on the substance and circumstances. The specific treatment depends on the drug consumed, but usually consists of advice and sometimes requires the use of other substances. The support of the family and the support groups helps to maintain the person’s commitment to interrupting consumption. Since the sharing of needles is a frequent cause of HIV infection, programs to reduce their incidence are carried out. Its objective is to reduce the infections due to the use of drugs in which they cannot stop using them. Therefore, consumers are given sterile needles and syringes so that they do not reuse those of other users. This strategy helps reduce the transmission and costs to society of HIV infection and hepatitis. IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
William, N. R., & Joan, R. (2015). The history of the Bellevue Hospital chest service (1903–2015). Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 12(10). Retrieved from https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201506-370PS
Stiehl, C. (2017, January 10). The Most Bizarre & Inspiring Stories from America’s Oldest Public Hospital & Psych Ward. Retrieved from https://www.thrillist.com/health/nation/bellevue-hospital-nyc-psych-ward-crazy-true-stories-history
The selected product for this analysis is the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program
1. Strengths
The first strength of this program is that it is a science-based, outcome-focused program that uses extensive research by Mayo Clinic experts to transform healthy living lifestyles of both Mayo Clinic patients and Rochester visitors. This means that patients can enjoy a program that has been tested and is bound to be successful. Second, the program uses a combination of the knowledge and experience of Mayo Clinic experts and state-of-the-art wellness facility to provide users with the best experience. Lastly, the program is individualized to the user as it is centered on their goals and budget. This is beneficial to patients because all people are not the same. The program is specialized to meet the specific goals of the patients, whether they are trying to manage a chronic condition, lose weight, manage pain, or simply attempt to live their best life possible. After completing the program, patients are also offered follow-up services to check on their progress. IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
2. Weaknesses
The first weakness of this program is that it can be quite expensive since most often than not, it is not covered by the insurance companies. Of course, the information on the website advises patients to call their insurance providers, but the reality is that the patients are forced to pay cash to enroll in the program. Second, it can be time-consuming hence not ideal for those who run a very busy schedule. The program requires a complete change of habits all the way from how people eat to how they shop. Furthermore, patients are expected to check-in with their professional advisors every so often hence missing sessions will make the program unsuccessful. Lastly, one has to be in Rochester, MN, to enjoy the program. This means that most people are geographically disadvantaged.
3. Opportunities
There is an opportunity to embark on additional research in the areas of nutrition, resiliency, physical activity and stress management. The health facility can join efforts with external experts to improve the program. Secondly, there is a lot of opportunity in the online community. Since not everyone can make it to Rochester, coming up with an online version of the program with a 24-hour support service will be beneficial to both the organizations and patients located in other parts of the globe. Lastly, the management can consider taking the program to organizations as part of their wellness plan. From experience, most organizations will be more than willing to enroll their staff in the program.
4. Threats
Competition from organizations offering the same services at a lower rate or even for free. Since healthy living is taking over people’s lives, many organizations are offering wellness programs at very low prices. Second, with the influx of more similar programs, the Mayo Clinic Wellness program might experience a turnover. Changes in insurance plans pose another threat for enrollment in the program because most patients are forced to pay cash despite them being insured. There is also the threat of other fitness centers with better facilities which may attract people living in the same locality. IHP 510 Final Project Milestone 2
Proposed additional service for the organization
In addition to taking care of the physical health of patients, Mayo Clinic’s healthy living program should also focus on mental health. Healthy Hopkins Wellness Services has a very well-researched mental health program and it has been deemed successful. Many patients enroll in it because, in addition to being effective, it is also free for patients!
This can be seen as a good way of giving back to the community.
The selected product for this analysis is the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program
The first strength of this program is that it is a science based, outcome focused program
that uses extensive research by Mayo Clinic experts to transform healthy living lifestyles of
both Mayo Clinic patients and Rochester visitors.
This means that patients can enjoy a program that has been tested and is bound to be successful.
Second, the program uses a combination of the knowledge and experience of Mayo Clinic experts and state
of the art wellness facility to provide users with the best experience. Lastl
y, the program is individualized to the user as it is centered on their goals and budget. This is beneficial to
patients because all people are not the same. The program is specialized to meet the
specific goals of the patients, whether they are trying to
manage a chronic condition, lose
weight, manage pain, or simply attempt to live their best life possible.
After completing the program, patients are also offered follow up services to check on their progress.
The first weakness of this program is that it can be quite expensive since most often than
not, it is not covered by the insurance companies. Of course, the information on the website
advises patients to call their insurance providers, but the reality is that the patients are
forced to pay cash to enroll in the program. Second, it can be time consuming hence not
ideal for those who run a very busy schedule. The program requires a complete change of
habits all the way from how people eat to how they shop. Furthermore, patients are expected to check in with their professional advisors every so often hence missing sessions will make the program unsuccessful. Lastly, one has to be in Rochester, MN, to enjoy the program. This means that most people are geographically disadvantaged.
3. Opportunities
There is an opportunity to embark on additional research in the areas of nutrition,
resiliency, physical activity and stress management. The health facility can join efforts with
external experts to improve the program. Secondly, there is a lot of opportunity in the online community. Since not everyone can make it to Rochester, coming up with an online version of the program with a 24 hour support service will be beneficial to both the organizations and patients located in other parts of the globe. Lastly, the management can consider taking the program to organizations as part of their wellness plan. From
experience, most organizations will be more than willing to enroll their staff in the program.
4. Threats
Competition from organizations offering the same services at a lower rate or even for free.
Since healthy living is taking over people’s lives, many organizations are offering wellness
programs at very low prices. Second, with the influx of more similar programs, the Mayo
The selected product for this analysis is the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program
1. Strengths
The first strength of this program is that it is a science-based, outcome-focused program
that uses extensive research by Mayo Clinic experts to transform healthy living lifestyles of
both Mayo Clinic patients and Rochester visitors. This means that patients can enjoy a
program that has been tested and is bound to be successful. Second, the program uses a
combination of the knowledge and experience of Mayo Clinic experts and state-of-the-art
wellness facility to provide users with the best experience. Lastly, the program is
individualized to the user as it is centered on their goals and budget. This is beneficial to
patients because all people are not the same. The program is specialized to meet the
specific goals of the patients, whether they are trying to manage a chronic condition, lose
weight, manage pain, or simply attempt to live their best life possible. After completing the
program, patients are also offered follow-up services to check on their progress.
2. Weaknesses
The first weakness of this program is that it can be quite expensive since most often than
not, it is not covered by the insurance companies. Of course, the information on the website
advises patients to call their insurance providers, but the reality is that the patients are
forced to pay cash to enroll in the program. Second, it can be time-consuming hence not
ideal for those who run a very busy schedule. The program requires a complete change of
habits all the way from how people eat to how they shop. Furthermore, patients are
expected to check-in with their professional advisors every so often hence missing sessions
will make the program unsuccessful. Lastly, one has to be in Rochester, MN, to enjoy the
program. This means that most people are geographically disadvantaged.
3. Opportunities
There is an opportunity to embark on additional research in the areas of nutrition,
resiliency, physical activity and stress management. The health facility can join efforts with
external experts to improve the program. Secondly, there is a lot of opportunity in the
online community. Since not everyone can make it to Rochester, coming up with an online
version of the program with a 24-hour support service will be beneficial to both the
organizations and patients located in other parts of the globe. Lastly, the management can
consider taking the program to organizations as part of their wellness plan. From
experience, most organizations will be more than willing to enroll their staff in the
4. Threats
Competition from organizations offering the same services at a lower rate or even for free.
Since healthy living is taking over people’s lives, many organizations are offering wellness
programs at very low prices. Second, with the influx of more similar programs, the Mayo