Basic Windshield Survey – Urban
Basic Windshield Survey – Urban
You will enter Sentinel City® via the link to begin your virtual experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City®. Since this is your first tour, please select the slowest speed and stay on the bus the entire time at least once before getting off the bus.
As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically those that align with the demographics and/or subsystems listed in the left-hand column of the rubric.
- Describe the characteristics of the people you see in Sentinel City®.
- What are the race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, and gender mix?
- Are there signs of poverty or wealth? What are they?
- Who do you see on the streets?
- Parent with child, teens, couples, disabled persons?
- Are there homeless persons, beggars, etc.?
- Is there anyone in the city you would not expect to see?
- Are there dogs on or off the leash? Are there other animals?
- Are there churches and what are their denominations?
Compile your observations addressing each item listed in the first column of the rubric. You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column.
Select a target population of interest and discuss relevant demographic data and health status indicators for this population group. Identify major health concerns for this target population. Include discussion of major health concerns in relation to a global health issue. Basic Windshield Survey – Urban
Reading and Resources
- Harkness & DeMarco (2016) Read Chapters 1 & 2
- Read all Sentinel City information available at the top of the course homepage.
- Visit QSEN: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses
- Read the Report: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
- Read the Report: The Future of Public Health
- Review Final Project Requirements
- Watch the Henry Street Settlement: 120 Years in 4 Minutes Video
- View this 9 minute video entitled Community Assessment Windshield Survey, to help you see what types of things to look for when you conduct a windshield survey in the Sentinel City simulation
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Option
- 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.
Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Henry Street Settlement: 120 Years in 4 MinutesHenry Street Settlement: 120 Years in 4 MinutesPreview YouTube video Community Assessment Windshield Survey
Population Health- Basic Windshield Survey
Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will synthesize theories and concepts to build an
understanding of the human experience.
Course Competencies: 3) Integrate concepts from behavioral, biological and natural sciences to
review health needs of diverse populations. 5) Utilize information from available data bases to
assess community health needs. 7) Conduct a windshield survey. 10) Discuss the sociopolitical,
economic, and ethnic characteristics of a community and their influence on population health.
QSEN Competencies: 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 5) Safety
BSN Essential I Area Gold
Mastery not
Demonstrated Observations
Describe the characteristics of the people you see in Sentinel City®: race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, gender mix. Signs of poverty/wealth?
Who do you see on the streets-parent with a child, teens, couples, disabled persons?
Anyone in the city you would not expect to see? Homeless persons, beggars, etc.?
Dogs on or off leash, other animals? Churches or denominations?
All of the listed observations are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner with
two or more specific examples.
Additional issues, not listed, are addressed.
One or two of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth, specific examples missing.
Three or four of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth, specific examples missing.
Five or more of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth.
Target Population
Select a target sub- population of interest within Sentinel City.
Discuss relevant demographic data and health status indicators for your chosen population group.
All relevant data to target population is provided
Some relevant data is provided
Missing demographic data relevant to target population
Does not include data relevant to selected target population
Identify major health concerns for target population.
Include discussion of major health concerns in relation to a global health issue
A minimum of three major health concerns for target population are addressed and rationale provided
Two major health concerns for target population are addressed and rationale provided
One major health concerns for target population are addressed and rationale provided
Major health concerns are superficially addressed or is missing
Create four SMART goals based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to major health concerns for your selected target population.
Four SMART goals created based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to major health
concerns for your selected target population.
Three SMART goals created based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to
major health concerns for your selected target population.
One to two SMART goals created based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to major
health concerns for your selected target population.
SMART goals not created based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to major health
concerns for your APA, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
References Provides two or more references.
Provides two references.
Provides one references.
Provides no references.