Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:
· CO 1: Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems.
· CO 3: Integrate communication modalities that convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments.
· CO 4: Apply change and leadership theories to plan sustainable, evidence-based quality improvement within an atmosphere that supports care for self and others.
Criteria for Content
Consider the insights gained through class readings, self-assessment of leadership capacity, reflections on individual competencies, and the issue related to your specialty track for which you will advocate for change. Complete parts I and II of the assignment using the guidelines and rubric below.
Part I: Video Recording
Create a one- to three- minute video recording of yourself presenting the following (refer to the rubric for specific requirements).
· Introduction
· Your personal leadership style
· Your change advocacy statement and rationale
· Conclusion
Please note: The intent of the video portion of the assignment is to videotape yourself presenting the information. No PowerPoint or other media should be used to deliver the information in the video. The recording must include you presenting information face-to-face with the camera. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Part I: Create a video recording of yourself presenting the information required in the assignment. Follow the instructions to create and upload a video recording using Kaltura, which is located in the Canvas course. Please refer to the Kaltura tutorial for specific instructions; the tutorial is located in your weekly module. The video recording must be a minimum of one minute and no more than three minutes in length. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
*To submit your video recording, use the Submit Assignment button and select the Text Entry tab. Please see the Kaltura directions for submitting the Kaltura video. Make sure you click the Submit Assignment button to complete the submission.
Part II: Written Summary
Criteria for Content
Consider the insights gained through class readings, self-assessment of leadership capacity, reflections on individual competencies, and the issue related to your specialty track for which you will advocate for change. Complete parts I and II of the assignment using the guidelines and rubric below. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Part II: Written Summary
Create a concise summary, no more than two pages in length, explaining the following elements.
· Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources (current within 5 years) to support your work
· Introduction
· Statement of personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and rationale
· Conclusion
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Part II: Using Microsoft Word 2013, create the summary paper for the assignment. Include a title page with your name, date, and course information, as well as a reference page.The summary paper must be concisely written and no more than two pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. A minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are required. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor. No direct quotes may be used in this assignment. First person tense may be used for this assignment. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
*To submit your summary, you will go the assignment page and use the Re-Submit Assignment button to upload the file. Select the File Upload tab to submit your Word document. Make sure you click the Submit Assignment button to complete the submission. Both your video and your Word document will be available to your professor.
Please note: After you upload your summary, you will not be able to see your Kaltura video except for in the media gallery. However, your instructor will be able to view both submissions when reviewing your work. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement
The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights gained through learning activities and personal reflection in order to create a personal leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will record a video of themselves presenting their individual leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will conclude by noting how the selected leadership style can facilitate the change process. A concise summary paper is included. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:
· CO #1 – Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems.
· CO #3 – Integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments.
· CO #4 -Apply change and leadership theories to plan sustainable, evidence-based quality improvement within an atmosphere which supports care for self and others.
Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Seven
Total Points Possible: 125 points
Criteria for Content
Consider the insights gained through class readings, self-assessment of leadership capacity, reflections on individual competencies, and the issue related to your specialty track for which you will advocate for change. Complete parts I and II of the assignment using the guidelines and rubric below. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Part I: Video Recording
1. Create a one- to three- minute video recording of yourself presenting the following (refer to the rubric for specific requirements):
a. Introduction
b. Your personal leadership style
c. Your change advocacy statement and rationale
d. Conclusion
IMPORTANT – the intent of the video portion of the assignment is to videotape yourself presenting the information. No PowerPoint or other media should be used to deliver the information in the video. The recording must include you presenting information face to face with the camera. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Part II: Written Summary
1. Create a concise, summary, no more than two pages in length, explaining the following elements. Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources (current within five years) to support your work. Refer to the rubric for specific requirements:
a. Introduction
b. Statement of personal leadership style
c. Change advocacy statement and rationale
d. Conclusion
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
2. Part I: Create a video recording of yourself presenting the information required in the assignment.
a. Follow the instructions to create and upload a video recording using Kaltura, which is located in the Canvas course.
b. Please refer to the Kaltura tutorial for specific instructions; the tutorial is located in your weekly module.
c. The video recording must be a minimum of one minute and no more than three minutes in length.
3. Part II: Using Microsoft Word 2013, create the summary paper for the assignment. Include a title page with your name, date, and course information, as well as a reference page.
a. The summary paper must be concisely written and no more than two pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages
b. A minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are required.
c. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
d. No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.
e. First person may be used for this assignment. Wk7 Project Assignment Paper
Directions and Assignment Criteria
Grading Criteria
Category Points % Description Part I: Video-recording
25 20% Student creates and submits a video recording of him- or herself presenting · Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Part I: Presentation skills 15 12% Presentation includes evidence of the following: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Part II: Summary Paper –
10 8% Introduction includes: · Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Part II: Summary Paper –
Statement of Personal Leadership Style
20 16% This section includes: · Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Part II: Summary Paper –
Change Advocacy Statement
25 20% This section includes: · Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources
Part II: Summary Paper –
15 12% Conclusion includes: · Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Part II: Graduate-level Writing Style
15 12% Graduate-level writing style is included, evidenced by integrating the following standards: · Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas; accurate use of APA levels of headings
· APA format for citing and referencing sources
· No direct quotes are used within the assignment
· APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size
· APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, reference page
· Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
Quality of Literature Support It is an expectation that a minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are included to support your work. If the above expectation is not met, 6 points shall be deducted.
Length of video recording It is an expectation that the video recording is at least 1 and no more than 3 minutes in length. If the above expectation is not met, 6 points shall be deducted.
Length of summary paper It is an expectation that the summary paper is no more than 2 pages in length. If the above expectation is not met, 6 points shall be deducted.
Total 125 100% A quality assessment will meet or exceed all the above requirements. Chamberlain College of Nursing NR504: Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development
NR504: W7 Assignment Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement 10/3/18 AS 1 Grading Rubric
Assignment Criteria
Exemplary (100%)
Accomplished (92%)
Average (84%)
Marginally Acceptable (76%)
Insufficient (0%)
Part I – Video Recording Possible Points = 40 Points
Part I: Video-recording
25 Points 23 Points 21 Points 19 points 0 Points Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner. All of the following are included:
· Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and succinct rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included:
· Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and succinct rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included:
· Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and succinct rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: · Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and succinct rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: · Introduction
· Personal leadership style
· Change advocacy statement and succinct rationale
· Conclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy
· Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Part I: Presentation Skills
15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 11 Points 0 Points Exemplary presentation skills are evident, which meet all of the criteria below: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Accomplished presentation skills are evident which fully meet at least 6 of the criteria below: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Average presentation skills are evident which meet at least 5 of the criteria below: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Marginally acceptable presentation skills are evident which meet at least 4 of the criteria below: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Insufficient presentation skills are evident which meet 3 or less of the criteria below: · Clear, audible presentation
· Use of correct grammar and professional tone
· Logical, organized flow of information
· Timing and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented
· Eye contact with the video-recorder is maintained
· Facial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in nature
· Very limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)
· Professionally-appropriate attire
Part I Video Recording Subtotal ________of 40 points Part II – Written Paper Content Possible Points = 70
Part II: Summary Paper – Introduction
10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 0 Points Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner. All of the following are included:
· Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included:
· Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included:
· Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: · Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: · Introduction of self
· Chosen MSN specialty track
· Purpose for the presentation
Part II: Summary Paper: Statement of Personal Leadership Style
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 15 Points 0 Points Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner. All of the following are included:
· Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included:
· Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included:
· Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: · Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: · Personal leadership style
· Explanation of your leadership style
Part II: Summary Paper – Change Advocacy Statement
25 Points 23 Points 21 Points 19 Points 0 Points Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner. All of the following are included:
· Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included:
· Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included:
· Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: · Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: · Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocate
· Rationale for the change
· Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented
Part II: Summary Paper – Conclusion
15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 11 Points 0 Points Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner. All of the following are included:
· Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included:
· Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included:
· Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: · Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: · Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for change
· Self-reflection of learning
Part II Written Paper Content Subtotal ________of 70 points Assignment Format Possible Points = 15 Points
Graduate-level Writing Style First person may be used for this assignment
15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 11 Points 0 Points Exemplary graduate level writing style is evident, which meets all of the criteria below: · Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings
· APA format for citing and referencing sources
· APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size
· APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, reference page
· Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
· Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)
Accomplished graduate-level writing style is evident which meets at least 6 of the criteria below: · No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· No more than 2 errors in writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings
· No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources
· No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size
· No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page
· No more than 2 errors in APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
· Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)
Average graduate-level writing style is evident which meets at least 4 of the criteria below: · No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· No more than 2 errors in writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings
· No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources
· No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size
· No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page
· No more than 2 errors in APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
· Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)
Marginally acceptable graduate-level writing is evident which meets at least 2 of the criteria below: · No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· No more than 2 errors in writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings
· No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources
· No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size
· No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page
· No more than 2 errors in APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
· Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)
Insufficient graduate-level writing style is evident which meets 1 or less of the criteria below: · No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
· No more than 2 errors in writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings
· No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources
· No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size
· No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page
· No more than 2 errors in APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)
· No direct quotes are used in this assignment.
· Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)
Quality of Literature Support 0 Points Deducted 6 Points Deducted A minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment. The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support. Length of Video-Recording 0 Points Deducted 6 Points Deducted The length of the video-recording portion of the assignment is at least one and no more than three minutes in length. The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for total length. Length of Summary Paper 0 Points Deducted 6 Points Deducted The length of the paper portion of the assignment is no more than two pages in length. Total page count does not include title or reference pages.
The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for total length. Assignment Format Subtotal _____of 15 points
Assignment Total Points Earned _____of 125 Points NR504: W7 Assignment Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement 10/3/18 AS 16