Case Study and SOAP Assignment

Case Study and SOAP Assignment

Case Study and SOAP Assignment

There are 3 attachments to this task

at least 5 scholarly resources to support your diagnostic reasoning and treatment plan.


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    Develop a Focused SOAP Note, including differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into the responses in the template: Case Study and SOAP Assignment

    · Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?

    · Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?

    · Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide at least three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case. Case Study and SOAP Assignment

    · Plan: What is your plan for psychotherapy? What is your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also incorporate one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.

    · Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? Discuss what your next intervention would be if you could follow up with this patient. Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (think beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion, and disease prevention, taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.). Case Study and SOAP Assignment

    · Provide at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced-based guidelines that relate to this case to support your diagnostics and differential diagnoses. Be sure they are current (no more than 5 years old).

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    Case Study: Dev Cordoba

    © 2021 Walden University, LLC 1

    Case Study: Dev Cordoba Program Transcript



    DR. JENNY: Hi there. My name is Dr. Jenny. Can you tell me your name and how old

    you are?

    DEV CORDOBA: My name is Dev, and I am seven years old.

    DR. JENNY: Wonderful. Dev, can you tell me what the month and the date is? And

    where are we right now?

    DEV CORDOBA: Today is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s March 17th.

    DR. JENNY: Do you know where we are?

    DEV CORDOBA: We’re at the school.

    DR. JENNY: Good. Did your mom tell you why you’re here today to see me?

    DEV CORDOBA: She thought you were going to help me be better.

    DR. JENNY: Yes, I am here to help you. Have you ever come to see someone like me

    before, or talked to someone like me before to help you with your mood?

    DEV CORDOBA: No, never.

    DR. JENNY: OK. Well, I would like to start with getting to know you a little bit better, if

    that’s OK. What do you like to do for fun when you’re at home?

    DEV CORDOBA: Oh, I have a dog. His name is Sparky. We play policeman in my

    room. And I have LEGOs, and I could build something if you want.

    DR. JENNY: I would love to see what you build with your LEGOs. Maybe you can bring

    that in for me next appointment. Who lives in your home?

    DEV CORDOBA: My mom and my baby brother and Sparky.

    DR. JENNY: Do you help your mom with your brother?

    DEV CORDOBA: No. His breath smells like bad milk all the time. [CHUCKLES] And he

    cries a lot, and my mom spends more time with him.

    DR. JENNY: So how do you feel most of the time? Do you feel sad or worried or mad or


    DEV CORDOBA: Worried.

    DR. JENNY: What types of things do you worry about?



    Case Study: Dev Cordoba

    © 2021 Walden University, LLC 2

    DEV CORDOBA: I don’t know, just everything. I don’t know.

    DR. JENNY: OK. So your mom tells me you also have a lot of bad dreams. Can you tell

    me a little more about your bad dreams, like maybe what they’re about, how many

    nights you might have them?

    DEV CORDOBA: I dream a lot that I’m lost, that I can’t find my mom or my little brother.

    They seem like they happen almost every night, but maybe not some nights.

    DR. JENNY: Now that must feel horrible. Have you ever been lost before when maybe

    you weren’t asleep?

    DEV CORDOBA: Oh, no. No. And I don’t like the dark. My mom puts me in a night light

    with the door open, so I know she’s really there.

    DR. JENNY: That seems like that probably would help. Do you like to go to school? Or

    would you rather not go?

    DEV CORDOBA: I worry about by mom and brother when I’m at school. All I can think

    about is what they’re doing, and if they’re OK. And besides, nobody likes me there.

    They call me Mr. Smelly.

    DR. JENNY: Well. That’s not nice at all. Why do you feel they call you names?

    DEV CORDOBA: I don’t know. But my mom says it’s because I won’t take my baths.

    [SIGHS] She tells me to, and it– and I have night accidents.

    DR. JENNY: Oh, how does that make you feel?

    DEV CORDOBA: Sad and really bad. They don’t know how it feels for their daddy to

    never come home. What if my mom doesn’t come home too?

    DR. JENNY: Yes, you seem to worry about that a lot. Does this worry stop you from

    being able to learn in school?

    DEV CORDOBA: Well, [SIGHS] my teacher is, all the time, telling me to sit down and

    focus. And I get in trouble for [SIGHS] looking out the window. And she moved my chair

    beside her desk, but I don’t mind because Billy leaves me alone now.

    DR. JENNY: Billy. Have you ever hit Billy or anyone else?

    DEV CORDOBA: No, but I did throw my book at him.

    DR. JENNY: Hmm.




    Case Study: Dev Cordoba

    © 2021 Walden University, LLC 3

    DR. JENNY: What about yourself? Have you ever hit yourself or thought about doing

    something to hurt yourself?


    DR. JENNY: OK. Well, Dev, I would like to talk to your mom now. We’re going to work

    together, and we’re going to help you feel happier, less worried, and be able to enjoy

    school more. Is that OK?

    DEV CORDOBA: Yes. Thank you.


    DR. JENNY: Thank you, Miss Cordoba, for bringing in Dev. I feel we can help him. So

    tell me, what is your main concerns for Dev?

    MISS CORDOBA: [SIGHS] Well, he just seems so anxious and worried all the time, silly

    things like I’m going to die, or I won’t pick him up from school. He says I love his brother

    more than him. He’ll throw things around the house, and gets in trouble at school for

    throwing things.

    He has a difficult time going to sleep. He wants his lights on, doors open, gets up

    frequently. And he’s all the time wanting to come home from school, claims stomach

    aches, and headaches almost daily. He won’t eat. He’s lost three pounds in the past

    three weeks. Our pediatrician sent us to you because he doesn’t believe anything is

    physically wrong.

    Oh, and I almost forgot. He still wets the bed at night. [SIGHS] We’ve tried everything.

    His pediatrician did give him DDVAP, but it doesn’t seem to help.

    DR. JENNY: Hmm. OK. Can you tell me, any blood relatives have any mental health or

    substance use issues?

    MISS CORDOBA: No, not really.

    DR. JENNY: What about his father? He said that he never came home?

    MISS CORDOBA: Oh, yes. His father was deployed with the military when Dev was

    five. I told Dev he was on vacation. I didn’t know what to tell him. I thought he was too

    young to know about war. And his father was killed, so Dev still doesn’t understand that

    his father didn’t just leave him. [SIGHS] I just feel so guilty that all of this is my fault.

    DR. JENNY: Miss Cordoba, you did the right thing by bringing in Dev. We can help you

    with him.



    Case Study: Dev Cordoba

    © 2021 Walden University, LLC 4

    MISS CORDOBA: Oh, thank you.


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    Comprehensive Focused SOAP Psychiatric Evaluation Template


    CC (chief complaint):


    Substance Current Use:

    Medical History:

    · Current Medications:

    · Allergies:

    · Reproductive Hx:


    · GENERAL:

    · HEENT:

    · SKIN:











    Diagnostic results:


    Mental Status Examination:

    Diagnostic Impression:


    Case Formulation and Treatment Plan:


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