Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing or medicine to critique. The assignment instructions/rubric, guidelines to help write the paper, and the research article are attached. Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article


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    Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article


    1. A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing or medicine to critique.

    · Articles used for one assignment can’t be used for the other assignments (students should find new research articles for each assignment).

    · The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, and systemic review should not be used.

    · Mixed-methods studies should not be used.

    Your critique should include the following:

    Research Problem/Purpose

    · State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.

    · Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?

    · Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?

    · State the purpose of the research.

    Review of the Literature

    · Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.

    · Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?

    Theoretical Framework

    · Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?

    · Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?

    · Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?

    · If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.


    · What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?

    · Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?

    · Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?


    · What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?

    · Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?

    · State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.

    · Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?

    · State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.

    · Were ethical considerations addressed?

    Data Analysis

    · What data analysis tool was used?

    · How were the results presented in the study?

    · Identify at least one (1) finding.

    Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

    · What are the strengths and limitations of the study?

    · In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.

    · Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.

    The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.

    Need APA Help?

    Visit the Student Resources tab or the WCU Library tab at the top of this page.

    Points 280

    2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

    3. Institution Release Statement

    4. I certify the attached paper is my original work and that I acknowledge the institution’s Academic Honor Code and plagiarism statement located here.





    Meets or Exceeds Expectations Mostly Meets Expectations Below Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
    Research Problem/Purpose Points Range:25.2 (9.00%) – 28 (10.00%)

    Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are clearly identified.

    Points Range:21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92 (8.90%)

    Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are somewhat identified.

    Points Range:16.8 (6.00%) – 21 (7.50%)

    Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are mostly absent or misidentified.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 16.52 (5.90%)

    Research problem, purpose of research, and relevance to nursing are absent.

    Review of the Literature Points Range:37.8 (13.50%) – 42 (15.00%)

    Concepts explored in the literature review are clearly identified. Critique of the references is included and well developed.

    Points Range:31.92 (11.40%) – 37.38 (13.35%)

    Concepts explored in the literature review are somewhat identified. Critique of the references is included, but may not be fully developed.

    Points Range:25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5 (11.25%)

    Concepts explored in the literature review are misidentified. Critique of the references is severely lacking.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 24.78 (8.85%)

    Concepts explored in the literature review are absent. Critique of the references is absent.

    Theoretical Framework Points Range:25.2 (9.00%) – 28 (10.00%)

    A theoretical concept/framework is identified and well analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a suitable one is suggested.

    Points Range:21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92 (8.90%)

    A theoretical concept/framework is somewhat identified and analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a potential concept/framework is suggested, but it is somewhat inappropriate.

    Points Range:16.8 (6.00%) – 21 (7.50%)

    A theoretical concept/framework is somewhat identified and analyzed for appropriateness. If the article lacks a concept/framework, a potential concept/framework is suggested, is not identified or is grossly inappropriate.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 16.52 (5.90%)

    A theoretical concept/framework is misidentified or not analyzed for appropriateness.

    Variables, Hypotheses, Questions, and Assumptions Points Range:12.6 (4.50%) – 14 (5.00%)

    IV and DV are identified and defined. Discussion on measurability is included. Research question and hypothesis are identified.

    Points Range:10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46 (4.45%)

    IV and DV are somewhat identified and or partially defined. Discussion on measurability is somewhat included. Research question and hypothesis are partially identified.

    Points Range:8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5 (3.75%)

    IV and DV identification and definition are absent or severely lacking. Discussion on measurability is absent or inaccurate. Research question and hypothesis are not identified or grossly misidentified.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 8.26 (2.95%)

    IV and DV identification and definition are absent. Discussion on measurability is absent. Research question and hypothesis are not identified.

    Methodology Points Range:50.4 (18.00%) – 56 (20.00%)

    Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are properly identified. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical considerations, and probability vs. non-probability sampling are discussed.

    Points Range:42.56 (15.20%) – 49.84 (17.80%)

    Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are somewhat identified. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical considerations, and probability vs. non-probability sampling are discussed, but some information is inaccurate.

    Points Range:33.6 (12.00%) – 42 (15.00%)

    Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are absent or misidentified. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical considerations, and probability vs. non-probability sampling are either absent or grossly inaccurate.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 33.04 (11.80%)

    Type of design, sample size, study population, sampling method, and type of reasoning are absent. Reliability and validity of measurement tools, ethical considerations, and probability vs. non-probability sampling are absent.

    Data Analysis Points Range:37.8 (13.50%) – 42 (15.00%)

    Data analysis tool is identified. An explanation on how the results are presented in the study is included and accurate. At least one finding is appropriately identified.

    Points Range:31.92 (11.40%) – 37.38 (13.35%)

    Data analysis tool is somewhat identified. An incomplete explanation on how the results are presented in the study is included. At least one finding is identified.

    Points Range:25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5 (11.25%)

    Data analysis tool is absent or misidentified. An explanation on how the results are presented in the study is absent or grossly unclear. Findings are not included or are grossly inaccurate.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 24.78 (8.85%)

    Data analysis tool is absent. An explanation on how the results are presented in the study is absent. Findings are not included.

    Summary, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations Points Range:50.4 (18.00%) – 56 (20.00%)

    Strengths and limitations of the study are identified. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is included. An evaluation of the findings, conclusions, and significance to nursing is included and appropriate.

    Points Range:42.56 (15.20%) – 49.84 (17.80%)

    Strengths and limitations of the study are somewhat identified. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is included but may not be fully developed. An evaluation of the findings, conclusions, and significance to nursing may not be fully developed.

    Points Range:33.6 (12.00%) – 42 (15.00%)

    Strengths and limitations of study are absent or lacking. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is absent or lacking. An evaluation of the findings, conclusions, and significance to nursing is absent or inappropriate.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 33.04 (11.80%)

    Strengths and limitations of study are absent. A discussion on whether or not the study can be generalized is absent. An evaluation of the findings, conclusions, and significance to nursing is absent.

    Mechanics and APA Format Points Range:12.6 (4.50%) – 14 (5.00%)

    Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses are mostly error free. Information from sources is appropriately paraphrased and accurately cited.

    Points Range:10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46 (4.45%)

    Writing is generally clear and organized but is not concise or formal in language. Multiple errors exist in spelling and grammar with minor interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is correctly paraphrased and cited.

    Points Range:8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5 (3.75%)

    Writing is generally unclear and unorganized. Some errors in spelling and grammar detract from readability and comprehension. Sources are missing or improperly cited.

    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 8.26 (2.95%)

    Writing is unclear and unorganized. Errors in spelling and grammar detract from readability and comprehension. Sources are missing.

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    Guidelines for Critiquing a Research Report

    Use these guidelines to critique your selected research article. You do not need to address all the questions indicated in this guideline, include only the questions that apply. Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

    Remember a critique is purposed to identify strengths and weaknesses of a research study as reported.

    Prepare your report as a Paper with appropriate headings and use APA format. See the web link: You may also want to consider for optimum results in writing and APA

    Paper is to be no more than 6 pages in length, including the cover and reference pages

    When you submit your paper, please also include the full article as a separate file/upload

    Problem Statement/Purpose

    What is the problem/and or purpose of the research study?

    Does the problem or purpose statement reflect a relationship between two or more variables? If so, what is the relationship? Are the variables testable?

    Does the problem statement and/or purpose specify the nature of the population being studied? What is it?

    What significance of the problem, if any, has the researcher identified? Is it relevant to nursing and if so, explain?

    Review of Literature and Theoretical Framework

    What concepts are included in the review? Please note especially those concepts that are the dependent and independent variables and how they are conceptually defined

    Does the literature review make the relationships among the variables explicit or place the variables within a theoretical or conceptual framework? What are the relationships?

    What gaps or conflicts in knowledge of the problem are identified?

    Are the references cited by the author mostly primary or secondary sources? Give an example of each.

    What are the operational definitions of the independent and dependent variables? Do they reflect the conceptual definitions?

    Hypotheses or Research Questions

    What hypothesis (quantitative) or research questions (quantitative and qualitative) are stated in the study?

    If research questions are stated, are they used in addition to hypotheses or to guide an exploratory study?

    What are the independent and dependent variables in the statement of each hypothesis or research question?

    If hypotheses are stated, is the form of the statement statistical (also called null) or research?

    What is the direction of the relationship in each hypothesis, as indicated?

    Are the hypotheses testable?


    How was the sample selected?

    What type of sampling method was used? Is it appropriate to the design?

    Does the sample reflect the population as identified in the problem or purpose statement? Is the sample size appropriate? To what population may the findings be generalized? What are the limitations in generalizability?

    Research Design

    What type of design is used?

    Does the design seem to flow from the proposed research problem, theoretical framework, literature review and hypothesis?

    What type (s) of data collection method(s) is/are used in the study?

    Are the data collection procedures similar for all subjects?

    How have the rights of subjects been protected?

    What indications are given that informed consent of the subjects has been ensured?


    Physiologic measurement: Is a rationale given for why a particular instrument or method was selected? If so, what is it? What provision is made for maintaining the accuracy of the instrument and its use, if any?

    Observational methods: Who did the observing? How were the observers trained to minimize bias? Was there an observational guide? Were the observers required to make inferences about what they saw? Is there any reason to believe that the presence of the observers affects the behavior of the subjects?

    Interviews: Who were the interviewers? How were they trained to minimize bias? Is there evidence of any interview bias? If so, what was it?

    Questionnaires: What is the type or format of the questionnaire(s): e.g. Likert, open-ended? Is it or are they consistent with the conceptual definition(s)? Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

    Available data and records: Are the records that were used appropriate to the problem being studied? Are the data being used to describe the sample or to test the hypothesis?

    What type of reliability is reported for each instrument?

    What level of reliability is reported for each instrument?

    What type of validity is reported for each instrument?

    Does the validity of each instrument seem adequate? Why?


    Analysis of Data

    What level of measurement is used to measure the variables?

    What descriptive or inferential statistics are reported?

    Were these inferential or descriptive statistics appropriate to the level of measurement for each variable?

    Are the inferential statistics used appropriate to the intent of the hypothesis?

    Does the author report the level of significance set for the study? If so, what is it?

    If tables or figures are used, do they meet the following standards: they supplement and economize the text, they have precise headings and titles, they do not repeat the text?

    Conclusions, Implications, Recommendations, and Utilization for Nursing Practice

    If hypothesis testing was done, was/were they hypotheses supported or not supported? Are the results interpreted in the context of the problem/purpose, hypothesis, and theoretical framework/literature reviewed?

    What relevance for nursing practice does the researcher identify, if any?

    What generalizations are made?

    Are the generalizations within the scope of the findings or beyond the findings?

    What recommendations for future research are stated or implied?

    Are there other studies with similar findings?

    What risks/benefits are involved for patients if the research findings would be used in practice?

    Is direct application of the research findings feasible in terms of time, effort, money, and legal/ethical risks?

    How and under what circumstances are the findings applicable to nursing practice?

    Should these results be applied to nursing practice? Why?

    Would it be possible to replicate this study in another clinical practice setting? specify




    With appropriate credit to:

    Tzeng, H-M., Duffy, S.A., Low, L. K. (2008). Major Content Sections of a Research Report and Related Critiquing Guidelines. Retrieved License link:

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