Client History Report Assignment
Client History Report Assignment
For this assignment, you will write the first four sections of the psychological assessment report that will be completed in Week Five. Taking on the role of a psychological evaluator, you will formulate vitally important methodological and theoretical assessment conceptualizations of a client during the initial phases of the assessment process. You will apply your conceptualizations to develop a clear understanding of the presenting concerns. In the initial sections of your psychological assessment report, you will summarize results obtained from examining the following information pertaining to your client: identifying information, reason for referral, presenting concerns, and relevant personal history. The content of this section must demonstrate an ethically and professionally responsible rationale for the use of psychological assessment tools. View the complete instructions for the Final Paper in the link within Week Five of your online course or the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. To complete this assignment, you will choose one of the following clients. Client History Report Assignment
Timothy Childers (Adolescent Male)
- Butcher, J. “Contemporary Use of the MMPI-2 in Forensic Assessment”, Continuing Education Course presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 2014. ABS 300 Week Five Sample MMPI-A School Adolescent Male Interpretive Report Timothy Childers
- Kennedy, N. & Harper, Y. (2014). ABS 300 Week Five Final Paper Adolescent Male Case Study Timothy Childers
[PDF]. College of Health, Ashford University: San Diego, CA.
Mr. Kyle Jones (Adult Male Personal Injury Case)-This is the one I want to do.
- Butcher, J. “Contemporary Use of the MMPI-2 in Forensic Assessment”, Continuing Education Course presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 2014. ABS 300 Week Five Sample MMPI-2 Adult Male Personal Injury Interpretive Report Mr. Jones
- Kennedy, N. & Harper, Y. (2014). ABS 300 Week Five Final Paper Adult Male Personal Injury Case Study Mr. Jones
[PDF]. College of Health, Ashford University: San Diego, CA.
Mr. Jeremiah Smith (Geriatric Male Case)
- Butcher, J. “Contemporary Use of the MMPI-2 in Forensic Assessment”, Continuing Education Course presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 2014. ABS 300 Week Five Sample MMPI-2 Geriatric Male Interpretive Report Mr. Smith
- Kennedy, N. & Harper, Y. (2014). ABS 300 Week Five Final Paper Geriatric Male Case Study Mr. Smith
[PDF]. College of Health, Ashford University: San Diego, CA.
This week, your assignment must cover the following sections of your psychological assessment report and include the headings as listed:
I. Identifying information
Within this section, you will record basic information on your client including the person’s name, sex, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, handedness, and occupation or grade level. For the purposes of this assignment, you are free to create any relevant demographic information that is not explicitly stated in the case scenario. All information you create must be consistent with the information provided and any conclusions you draw in subsequent sections of your paper. Client History Report Assignment
II. Reason for referral
Within this section describe the referral source and the purpose of the assessment. The information you provide in this section must justify the decision to conduct a formal psychological assessment based and must model ethically and professionally responsible assessment practices.
III. Current Symptoms/Presenting Concerns
The information in this section of the report would typically come from an interview with the client and family (if applicable, e.g., if the client is a child or person with suspected dementia). You must use the information provided in case history to identify the most salient information that belongs in this section. Choose information to include in this section based on the consistency with the reason for referral and purpose for testing. Here is where you will apply your methodological and theoretical assessment formulations of the client that will justify the decision to conduct a psychological evaluation on this client.
IV. Psychosocial History (complete each of the sections below based on the information in the case you selected)
- Educational history
- Occupational history
- Medical history (including substance use/abuse)
- Psychiatric history
- Social history
Your assignment must be of sufficient depth and detail to support and inform your eventual diagnostic impressions. A cursory or surface level review of the client’s presenting problem and history will unlikely provide enough information for your diagnostic impression. The assignment must also include a page with relevant references based on your initial impressions of possible diagnostic considerations from the history that you have reviewed. Client History Report Assignment
The Assignment:
- Must be at least 2.5 to 3 single-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
- Must include a title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least 2 scholarly sources, 1 of which must be an original peer-reviewed research article, in addition to the course text.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate title page and reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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About Mr. Kyle Jones
Mr. Jones is a 45-year-old, right handed, male who was referred by his neurologist for a neuropsychological evaluation of changes in thinking following a motor vehicle accident (MVA) on 12/3/2009. He self-identified as being: Italian American (2nd generation). He reported “Roman Catholicism” as his religion. He has an earned doctorate in English and teaches at a private, Catholic university. He is reportedly a very popular instructor—well- liked by his students and colleagues. He has won faculty awards several years for teaching and mentoring students. Information provided by Mr. Jones: Mr. Jones reported he was the restrained driver of an automobile that was rear-ended while stopped at a light. He denied any loss of consciousness at the time of the accident, but reported only vague memories for the events immediately following the accident. He stated he was able to drive his car home after the accident and later attended a soccer game, but has no memory of the game. He reported his wife noticed he was much quieter and less socially interactive during the game and that he “was not making logical decisions”. He went to the emergency department (ED) the following day and was evaluated there for possible spinal and/or brain injuries. Medical records from this evaluation were not available, but according to Mr. Jones he was released the same day and imaging evidence did not reveal evidence of a focal brain or spinal cord injury. Mr. Jones mentioned that he was also involved in an automobile accident when he was a teenager. He said he was a passenger in the backseat and was “cruising” with some of high school friends. He said none of them were wearing a seatbelt. The car was rear-ended and the driver was thrown out of the car and killed. Since then, he as always worn a seat belt. He stated that he has no fears of driving or being in a car. Although he reported that his initial cognitive symptoms did improve over the week following the accident, Mr. Jones continues to report ongoing difficulties consisting of “fuzzy thinking”, reduced attention span, disorganization, losing track of tasks and/or thoughts, and reduced ability to plan and generate new ideas (e.g., writing lectures). He also reported occasional episodes of memory loss for previous events (e.g., does not recall talking to a student after class one day). Since the accident, people have told him he is more withdrawn and he was recently given feedback by president that he needs to become more “engaged”. He also reported reduced coordination when walking and when using his hands to pick up items. He stated he has been experiencing headaches several times per day and recently started physical therapy for treatment of head and neck pain. Mr. Jones stated he recently retained an attorney to assist him in dealing with the insurance company settlement for the above-referenced MVA. Medical history is significant for hypercholesterolemia. He reported being dropped on his head on a cement floor as a child with a brief loss of consciousness, but he denied any cognitive or behavioral sequelae. No other neurological history was reported. Mr. Jones stated he has a history of depression that in retrospect may have started in childhood, although he was not formally diagnosed until he was an adult. He denied every being depressed enough to consider suicide. He said his periods of depression tend to last about 3-6 months but that he does not get depressed every year. The last time he was, Client History Report Assignment
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depressed occurred when he went to his high school reunion and he saw the surviving friends who had been in the car when the driver was killed. He has participated in individual psychotherapy on and off for many years and is followed by a psychiatrist for medication management as needed. He described his current mood as stable and non- depressed, although neurovegetative symptoms of reduced appetite and sleep disturbance were reported. He denied a history of regular or heavy alcohol use, tobacco use, or recreational drug use. He stated he likes to unwind at the end of the day with a glass of wine. Mr. Jones reported a normal birth and development, and reached all milestones on time. He has never been diagnosed with any type of learning disability and did well academically throughout school. He completed college and his Ph.D. in English and has been college professor for the past 30 years. He continues to work full-time. In addition to his other responsibilities, he is a member of the institutional review board and reviews approximately 20 grant applications per month. Difficulties with occupational duties since the accident include problems creating new lectures, losing track of his train of thought while lecturing, and difficulty remembering applications he has read. There is family history of neurological disorder—a maternal aunt. His mother died at age 41 of cancer, and his father is living, age 67, and in good health. Mr. Jones has 4 siblings (2 full-sisters, 1 full-brother, and 1 half-brother by his father’s 2nd wife). He is the eldest of the children in his family. His full brother died of colon cancer last year and the younger of his two sisters has a diagnosis of thyroid cancer, but the remaining siblings are in good health. He has 2 children, ages 12 (daughter), and 15 (son), no health difficulties reported. His children are reportedly good students and he has no concerns related to their academic, social or emotional functioning. His daughter and son are both A-students. His daughter said she wants to be a pilot and his son told him he wants to be a dentist. Mr. Jones is married and lives in a house with his wife (age 30) and their children. He remains independent in activities of daily living, including managing finances, driving, and taking care of household chores. He enjoys woodworking in his spare time and also works out on a regular basis (3 to 5 times per week). He plays golf with several of his male friends. He attends church with his wife, their children and his father. Several other members of the extended family attend the same church. His hobbies include fishing and “tinkering on old cars.” He said that he likes to rebuild motors. He reported being proud of having many publications, including 3 volumes of poetry, but that he was even more proud of rebuilding the engine of a 1945 Chevy truck. He said his favorite color is blue and that his daughter bought him a purple shirt for Father’s day. When he looked stunned (he normally wears more conservative colors), his daughter said, “Purple is made of red and blue. You love blue. You love me. You will love this shirt.” He laughed aloud as he told the interviewer this story and said he wears the shirt proudly. His colleagues were initially stunned to see him wear a purple shirt to work. After he told them what his daughter said, whenever they see him in the shirt, someone comments, “Love your blue shirt.” Behavioral Observations: Mr. Jones arrived on time for his appointment. He attend the appointment alone. He was neatly groomed and dressed and ambulated/walked, stood, and sat independently without problems. His social skills were appropriate and he was fully cooperative throughout the evaluation. His emotional affect varied logically with the, Client History Report Assignment
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topic being discussed. His energy level appeared a bit low. He did become more animated when he spoke of meeting his wife for the first time and when he spoke of teaching at the university. He appeared motivated to do well and to put forth good effort on testing. His scores on measures of effort were as follows: TOMM: Trial 1 = 49/50, Trial 2 = 50/50, Retention Trial = 50/50; CVLT-II forced choice recognition = 16/16; and are within the normal range. No overt behavioral indications of depression or other mood disturbance were observed and a full range of affect was demonstrated. Tests Administered: Review of records; Clinical Interview; Effort: Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM); General Cognitive Assessment: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- IV; Attention Tests: Digit Span, Semantic Fluency, Lexical Fluency, Trail Making Tests, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT); Language Tests: Vocabulary, Boston Naming Test; Visuospatial Tests: Block Design, Target Cancellation; Learning/Memory Tests: California Verbal Learning Test-II (CVLT-II), Wechsler Memory Scale-IV (selected subtests); Reasoning/Abstraction: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Similarities, Matrix Reasoning; Mood/Affect: Beck Depression Inventory-II; Personality: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) TESTING SUMMARY:
Raw Scores
Normative Data
Current Level*
Full Scale IQ — SS = 118 High Average Verbal Comprehension — SS = 118 High Average Perceptual Reasoning — SS = 117 High Average
ATTENTION WAIS-IV Processing Speed — SS = 105 Average WAIS-IV Working Memory — SS = 117 High Average Semantic Fluency (total) 14 T = 31 Mild Impairment FAS Test (total) 42 T = 47 Average Trail Making Test Part A (time) 24” T = 52 Average Trail Making Test Part B (time) 67” T = 43 Average PASAT (3”) (number correct) 51/60 z = 0.1 Average
VISUOSPATIAL WAIS-IV Block Design ss = 13 High Average Target Cancellation time (errors) 91” (0) — WNL Rey Complex Figure copy 31/36 — WNL
LANGUAGE WAIS-IV Vocabulary — ss = 14 Superior Boston Naming Test 58/60 — WNL
Learning Trial 1 3/16 z = -2.5 Moderate Impairment Learning Trial 5 9/16 z = -1.0 Low Average Total Learning Trials 33/80 T = 39 Low Average Interference Trial 4/16 z = -1.0 Low Average Short Delay Recall 7/16 z = -0.5 Average Long Delay Recall 7/16 z = -0.5 Average Recognition (hits) 14/16 z = 0 Average Recognition (false positive errors) 4/16 z = 0.5 Average
Wechsler Memory Scale-IV Logical Memory I 31/50 ss = 12 High Average
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Logical Memory II 27/50 ss = 12 High Average Visual Reproduction I 41/43 ss = 13 High Average Visual Reproduction II 41/43 ss = 16 Superior
EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS WAIS-IV Similarities — ss = 13 High Average WAIS-IV Matrix Reasoning — ss = 13 High Average WCST 64 cards (categories) 3 z = -0.3 Average
MOOD Beck Depression Inventory-II 25/63 — Moderate depression
*Based on age and/or education-matched normative data (as available) WNL = within normal limits based on clinical impression; SS = standard score; mean = 100, standard deviation = 15; ss = scaled score; mean = 10, standard deviation = 3; T = T-score; mean = 50, standard deviation = 10; z = z-score; mean = 0, standard deviation = 1