Journal Writing On Personality Testing

Journal Writing On Personality Testing

Journal Writing On Personality Testing

For this assignment, you will take a personality test, the IPIP-NEO (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R).


First, take either the original or short version of the IPIP-NEO. (Results attached)
Next, review the results provided from the MMPI-2 and MCMI-III in the Sample Personality Results Report. (attached)
Finally, in your response, reflect on the experience of taking the IPIP-NEO. Consider the following questions in your reflection:

  • What do you think is the usefulness of knowing the results from the IPIP-NEO?
  • Did you agree with the results? (Overall agree, see note in red in the results)
  • How would you feel if you received the feedback from the Sample Personality Results Report?
  • How do you think these results could inform treatment?

Guidelines for Submission:

Your journal submission should be one to two paragraphs in length. Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Be sure to cite any references in APA format.

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    Sample Personality Assessment Report

    Josephine Schmoe is a 52-year-old Caucasian female self-referred to the Awesome Psychological Clinic.

    She was administered the MMPI-2 and the MCMI-III.


    Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III)


    The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) provides a general profile of an individual’s current level of

    functioning as well as highlighting aspects of the individual’s character and personality traits. The MCMI-

    III also provides a number of validity indices that are designed to provide an assessment of factors that could

    distort the results of testing. Such factors for this could include failure to complete test items properly,

    carelessness, reading difficulties, confusion, exaggeration, malingering, or clinical defensiveness. Journal Writing On Personality Testing


    Josephine’s MCMI-III profile is noted by her marked dependency needs, her depressive seeking of attention

    and reassurance from others, and her intense fear of separation from those who provide support.

    Dependency strivings have pushed her in the past to be overly compliant with others and to play down

    whatever personal strengths and attributes for independent behavior she may possess. Recently, significant

    relationships in her life may have become insecure and unreliable, possibly owing in part to permitting others

    to be abusive. This has resulted in increased moodiness, prolonged periods of dejection, and extended

    episodes of worry and anxiety. Probably inclined to court blame and criticism, she seems to look for situations

    in which to place her feeling that she deserves to suffer.


    Josephine is typically seen by friends and family as submissive and cooperative. In recent times, however, she

    may have become quite self-condemning, sulky, disconsolate, and pessimistic. Somewhat hypochondriacal,

    she may be disappointed in her physical appearance as well. She increasingly vacillates between being socially

    agreeable, mournful, self-abasing, passive-aggressive, and contrite. She has begun to complain of being

    treated unfairly, a behavior that now puts others on edge, never knowing if she will react in an agreeable or

    sulky manner. Although struggling to be obliging and submissive to others, she now anticipates

    disillusionment in family relationships and often creates the expected disappointment by testing and

    questioning the genuineness of their interest and support. Such behaviors may exasperate and eventually

    alienate those upon whom she depends. Threatened by separation or disapproval, she is likely to express guilt

    and self-condemnation in the hope of regaining support, reassurance, and sympathy.


    Josephine may have recently come to exhibit helplessness as well as anxious and depressive moods. Fearing

    that others may grow weary of her behavior, she may alternate between voicing self-deprecation and

    melancholy, and being petulant and irritable. Her conflict over dependency and her struggle between

    acquiescence and assertive independence intrude into family relationships. An increasing inability to regulate

    her emotional controls may add to her feeling of being misunderstood and may further contribute to her

    erratic moodiness and state of persistent self-criticism and dejection.


    Most notable is her feeling of isolation and undesirability, further complicated by her tendency to devalue her

    achievements, which together result in an intensified sense of having been socially derogated and isolated.







    She tends to be excessively introspective and self-conscious, seeing herself as markedly and negatively

    different from others, unsure of her identity and self-worth. The alienation she feels from others is thus

    paralleled by a feeling of alienation from herself.


    Also salient is her inclination to subordinate her own wishes to a stronger and (she hopes) nurturing person,

    resulting in the habit of being conciliatory, deferential, and self-sacrificing. She probably believes that it is

    best to abdicate responsibility, to leave matters to others, and to place her fate in others’ hands. In her view,

    other people are much better equipped to shoulder responsibility, to navigate the intricacies of a complex

    world, and to discover and achieve the pleasures to be found in the competitions of life.


    Also worthy of attention is Josephine’s tendency to see things in their bleakest form, to give the gloomiest

    interpretation to events, and to be invariably pessimistic, expecting the worst to happen. She may try to fight

    back depressive feelings and thoughts by consciously diverting her ideas and preoccupations away from her

    characteristically depressive mood. For the most part, however, these new ruminations are replaced by

    troublesome ones. She tends to reactivate and then brood over minor incidents from the past. She is likely to

    believe that her present negative state is irreversible and that any attitude other than pessimism or gloom is

    merely illusory.


    Also noteworthy is the presence of unsophisticated ideas and rudimentary memories, simple if not childlike

    impulses and expectations, and immature competencies. She has probably learned through parental models

    how to behave affectionately and admiringly. She has an ingrained capacity for expressing tenderness and

    consideration, essential elements in holding on to her protectors. She has also learned the “inferior” role well,

    thereby being able to provide a “superior” partner with the feeling of being useful, sympathetic, and

    competent. Journal Writing On Personality Testing


    Interwoven with Josephine’s fretful and melancholic feelings are clear signs of a major depression overlying a

    characterologic mix of dysthymic features. Notable among these features are a diminished capacity for

    pleasure, preoccupation with lessened energy and adequacy, pessimism and suicidal ideation, a loss of

    confidence, feelings of worthlessness, resentment, and fears that she may vent her anger and thereby lose

    the little security she possesses. Unsure of the fidelity and dependability of those on whom she has previously

    leaned, but ambivalent about currently needing them, she not only restrains her anger toward them but turns

    it inward, producing judgments of self-derision and guilt. Her low self-esteem and fear of loss induce her to

    feel increasingly hopeless and to entertain thoughts of suicide.


    Feeling anxious and aggrieved, Josephine also appears to be preoccupied with physical fears and complaints

    that are indicative of a somatoform disorder (e.g., gastrointestinal discomfort, pain). Her low self-esteem and

    dread of reproval and rejection prevent her from directly or consistently venting her discontent and

    resentment. As a consequence, her emotions remain largely bottled up, precluding her ability to relax or to

    give her bodily functions a chance to improve. Beyond the detrimental effects of unrelieved physical tension,

    her symptoms may represent an assault against her body. Psychodynamically, she may be treating her body

    as an object of repudiation, a symbol of her psychic self, which she views as defective and undesirable. Journal Writing On Personality Testing






    Consistent with her pervasive discontent and sadness, Josephine reports suffering from a variety of symptoms

    that constitute an anxiety disorder. In addition to palpitations, distractibility, jittery feelings, and restlessness

    at one moment and exhaustion the next, she may experience presentiments of tragic outcomes as well as

    periodic panic attacks and agoraphobia. Expecting the worst to happen, she not only looks for confirmation

    but also may precipitate events that generate self-defeating stressors that further intensify her anxieties.


    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)


    The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) provides a general profile of an individual’s

    current level of functioning as well as highlights aspects of the individual’s character and personality traits.

    The MMPI-2 also provides a number of validity indices that are designed to provide an assessment of factors

    that could distort the results of testing. Such factors could include failure to complete test items properly,

    carelessness, reading difficulties, confusion, exaggeration, malingering, or defensiveness.


    Josephine’s MMPI-2 profile should be interpreted with caution. There is some possibility that the clinical

    report is an exaggerated picture of Josephine’s present situation and problems. She is presenting an unusual

    number of psychological symptoms.


    This report was developed using the Hs and Hy scales as the prototype. Josephine’s MMPI-2 clinical profile

    presents a rather mixed pattern of symptoms in which somatic reactivity under stress is a primary difficulty.

    Josephine presents a picture of physical problems and a reduced level of psychological functioning. Josephine

    is likely to have a hysteroid adjustment to life and may experience periods of exacerbated symptom

    development under stress. Some individuals with this profile develop patterns of “invalidism” in which they

    become incapacitated and dependent on others. Her physical complaints may be vague and may have

    appeared suddenly after a period of stress.


    In addition, the following description is suggested by Josephine’s scores on the content scales. She endorsed a

    number of items suggesting that she is experiencing low morale and a depressed mood. She reports a

    preoccupation with feeling guilty and unworthy. She feels that she deserves to be punished for wrongs she

    has committed. She feels regretful and unhappy about life, and she seems plagued by anxiety and worry

    about the future. She feels hopeless at times and feels that she is a condemned person. Josephine’s recent

    thinking is likely to be characterized by obsessiveness and indecision. She feels somewhat self-alienated and

    expresses some personal misgivings or a vague sense of remorse about past acts. She feels that life is

    unrewarding and dull, and she finds it hard to settle down. She is rather high-strung and believes that she

    feels things more, or more intensely, than others do. She feels quite lonely and misunderstood at times.

    Josephine attests to having more fears than most people do.


    Although she is describing her present problem situation largely in terms of vague physical complaints, her

    PSY-5 scores suggest some long-term personality characteristics that can influence her adjustment. Josephine

    shows a meager capacity to experience pleasure in life. Persons with high scores on the INTR





    (Introversion/Low Positive Emotionality) scale tend to be pessimistic. Her pervasive physical problem

    presentation could result, in part, from this characteristic personality deficit. According to her score on NEGE

    (Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism), she tends to view the world in a highly negative manner and usually

    develops a worst-case scenario to explain events affecting her. She tends to worry to excess and interprets

    even neutral events as problematic. Her physical complaints might be, in part, a function of her tendency to

    catastrophize. Her self-critical nature prevents her from viewing relationships in a positive manner.


    Josephine’s MMPI-2 high-point clinical scale score (Hy) was found in 10.5% of the MMPI-2 normative sample

    of women. However, only 3.7% of the sample had Hy as the peak score at or above a T-score of 65, and

    only 2.1% had well-defined Hy spikes. Her elevated MMPI-2 profile configuration (1-3/3-1) is rare in samples

    of average individuals, occurring in less than 2.7% of the MMPI-2 normative sample of women.


    The relative frequency of this profile in various outpatient settings is informative. In the Pearson female

    outpatient sample, this MMPI-2 high-point clinical scale score (Hy) was the second most frequent peak,

    occurring in 17.2% of the women. Moreover, 13.3% of the outpatient women had the Hy scale spike at or

    above a T score of 65, and 7.5% had well-defined Hy peaks. Her elevated MMPI-2 profile configuration (1-3/3-

    1) was found in 8.9% of the women in the Pearson outpatient sample. Journal Writing On Personality Testing


    Individuals with similar profiles tend to be somewhat passive-dependent and demanding in interpersonal

    relationships. Josephine may attempt to control others by complaining of physical symptoms. Many women

    with this profile have difficulties with sexual relationships because they are overly concerned with their health

    and preoccupied with physical problems.


    She is a very introverted person who has difficulty meeting and interacting with other people. She is shy and

    emotionally distant. She tends to be very uneasy, rigid, and overcontrolled in social situations. Her shyness is

    probably symptomatic of a broader pattern of social withdrawal. Personality characteristics related to social

    introversion tend to be stable over time. Her generally reclusive behavior, introverted lifestyle, and tendency

    toward interpersonal avoidance may be prominent in any future test results.


    Josephine’s scores on the content scales suggest the following additional information concerning her

    interpersonal relations. Her social relationships are likely to be viewed by others as problematic. She may be

    visibly uneasy around others, sits alone in group situations, and dislikes engaging in group activities.

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    IPIP Report – This report compares Grace from the country USA to other women between 41 and 60 years of age. (The name used in this report is either a nickname chosen by the person taking the test, or, if a valid nickname was not chosen, a random nickname generated by the program.)

    This report estimates the individual’s level on each of the five broad personality domains of the Five-Factor Model. The description of each one of the five broad domains is followed by a more detailed description of personality according to the six subdomains that comprise each domain.

    A note on terminology. Personality traits describe, relative to other people, the frequency or intensity of a person’s feelings, thoughts, or behaviors. Possession of a trait is therefore a matter of degree. We might describe two individuals as extraverts, but still see one as more extraverted than the other. This report uses expressions such as “extravert” or “high in extraversion” to describe someone who is likely to be seen by others as relatively extraverted. The computer program that generates this report classifies you as low, average, or high in a trait according to whether your score is approximately in the lowest 30%, middle 40%, or highest 30% of scores obtained by people of your sex and roughly your age. Your numerical scores are reported and graphed as percentile estimates. For example, a score of “60” means that your level on that trait is estimated to be higher than 60% of persons of your sex and age.

    Please keep in mind that “low,” “average,” and “high” scores on a personality test are neither absolutely good nor bad. A particular level on any trait will probably be neutral or irrelevant for a great many activites, be helpful for accomplishing some things, and detrimental for accomplishing other things.

    As with any personality inventory, scores and descriptions can only approximate an individual’s actual personality. High and low score descriptions are usually accurate, but average scores close to the low or high boundaries might misclassify you as only average. On each set of six subdomain scales it is somewhat uncommon but certainly possible to score high in some of the subdomains and low in the others. In such cases more attention should be paid to the subdomain scores than to the broad domain score. Questions about the accuracy of your results are best resolved by showing your report to people who know you well. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    John A. Johnson wrote descriptions of the five domains and thirty subdomains. These descriptions are based on an extensive reading of the scientific literature on personality measurement.


    Extraversion is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts enjoy being with people, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. They tend to be enthusiastic, action-oriented, individuals who are likely to say “Yes!” or “Let’s go!” to opportunities for excitement. In groups they like to talk, assert themselves, and draw attention to themselves.

    Introverts lack the exuberance, energy, and activity levels of extraverts. They tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and disengaged from the social world. Their lack of social involvement should not be interpreted as shyness or depression; the introvert simply needs less stimulation than an extravert and prefers to be alone. The independence and reserve of the introvert is sometimes mistaken as unfriendliness or arrogance. In reality, an introvert who scores high on the agreeableness dimension will not seek others out but will be quite pleasant when approached.


    Domain/Facet……. Score





    Activity Level…………..49



    Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.

    Extraversion Facets

    · Friendliness. Friendly people genuinely like other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others. They make friends quickly and it is easy for them to form close, intimate relationships. Low scorers on Friendliness are not necessarily cold and hostile, but they do not reach out to others and are perceived as distant and reserved. Your level of friendliness is low.

    · Gregariousness. Gregarious people find the company of others pleasantly stimulating and rewarding. They enjoy the excitement of crowds. Low scorers tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. They do not necessarily dislike being with people sometimes, but their need for privacy and time to themselves is much greater than for individuals who score high on this scale. Your level of gregariousness is average.

    · Assertiveness. High scorers Assertiveness like to speak out, take charge, and direct the activities of others. They tend to be leaders in groups. Low scorers tend not to talk much and let others control the activities of groups. Your level of assertiveness is low.

    · Activity Level. Active individuals lead fast-paced, busy lives. They move about quickly, energetically, and vigorously, and they are involved in many activities. People who score low on this scale follow a slower and more leisurely, relaxed pace. Your activity level is average.

    · Excitement-Seeking. High scorers on this scale are easily bored without high levels of stimulation. They love bright lights and hustle and bustle. They are likely to take risks and seek thrills. Low scorers are overwhelmed by noise and commotion and are adverse to thrill-seeking. Your level of excitement-seeking is low.

    · Cheerfulness. This scale measures positive mood and feelings, not negative emotions (which are a part of the Neuroticism domain). Persons who score high on this scale typically experience a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy. Low scorers are not as prone to such energetic, high spirits. Your level of positive emotions is low.



    Agreeableness reflects individual differences in concern with cooperation and social harmony. Agreeable individuals value getting along with others. They are therefore considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with others’. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    Disagreeable individuals place self-interest above getting along with others. They are generally unconcerned with others’ well-being, and therefore are unlikely to extend themselves for other people. Sometimes their skepticism about others’ motives causes them to be suspicious, unfriendly, and uncooperative.

    Agreeableness is obviously advantageous for attaining and maintaining popularity. Agreeable people are better liked than disagreeable people. On the other hand, agreeableness is not useful in situations that require tough or absolute objective decisions. Disagreeable people can make excellent scientists, critics, or soldiers.

    Domain/Facet……. Score








    Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others’ needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.

    Agreeableness Facets

    · Trust. A person with high trust assumes that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. Persons low in trust see others as selfish, devious, and potentially dangerous. Your level of trust is high.

    · Morality. High scorers on this scale see no need for pretense or manipulation when dealing with others and are therefore candid, frank, and sincere. Low scorers believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. People find it relatively easy to relate to the straightforward high-scorers on this scale. They generally find it more difficult to relate to the unstraightforward low-scorers on this scale. It should be made clear that low scorers are not unprincipled or immoral; they are simply more guarded and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth. Your level of morality is high. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    · Altruism. Altruistic people find helping other people genuinely rewarding. Consequently, they are generally willing to assist those who are in need. Altruistic people find that doing things for others is a form of self-fulfillment rather than self-sacrifice. Low scorers on this scale do not particularly like helping those in need. Requests for help feel like an imposition rather than an opportunity for self-fulfillment. Your level of altruism is high.

    · Cooperation. Individuals who score high on this scale dislike confrontations. They are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny their own needs in order to get along with others. Those who score low on this scale are more likely to intimidate others to get their way. Your level of compliance is high.

    · Modesty. High scorers on this scale do not like to claim that they are better than other people. In some cases this attitude may derive from low self-confidence or self-esteem. Nonetheless, some people with high self-esteem find immodesty unseemly. Those who are willing to describe themselves as superior tend to be seen as disagreeably arrogant by other people. Your level of modesty is average.

    · Sympathy. People who score high on this scale are tenderhearted and compassionate. They feel the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity. Low scorers are not affected strongly by human suffering. They pride themselves on making objective judgments based on reason. They are more concerned with truth and impartial justice than with mercy. Your level of tender-mindedness is high.


    Conscientiousness concerns the way in which we control, regulate, and direct our impulses. Impulses are not inherently bad; occasionally time constraints require a snap decision, and acting on our first impulse can be an effective response. Also, in times of play rather than work, acting spontaneously and impulsively can be fun. Impulsive individuals can be seen by others as colorful, fun-to-be-with, and zany.

    Nonetheless, acting on impulse can lead to trouble in a number of ways. Some impulses are antisocial. Uncontrolled antisocial acts not only harm other members of society, but also can result in retribution toward the perpetrator of such impulsive acts. Another problem with impulsive acts is that they often produce immediate rewards but undesirable, long-term consequences. Examples include excessive socializing that leads to being fired from one’s job, hurling an insult that causes the breakup of an important relationship, or using pleasure-inducing drugs that eventually destroy one’s health.

    Impulsive behavior, even when not seriously destructive, diminishes a person’s effectiveness in significant ways. Acting impulsively disallows contemplating alternative courses of action, some of which would have been wiser than the impulsive choice. Impulsivity also sidetracks people during projects that require organized sequences of steps or stages. Accomplishments of an impulsive person are therefore small, scattered, and inconsistent. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    A hallmark of intelligence, what potentially separates human beings from earlier life forms, is the ability to think about future consequences before acting on an impulse. Intelligent activity involves contemplation of long-range goals, organizing and planning routes to these goals, and persisting toward one’s goals in the face of short-lived impulses to the contrary. The idea that intelligence involves impulse control is nicely captured by the term prudence, an alternative label for the Conscientiousness domain. Prudent means both wise and cautious. Persons who score high on the Conscientiousness scale are, in fact, perceived by others as intelligent.

    The benefits of high conscientiousness are obvious. Conscientious individuals avoid trouble and achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. They are also positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. On the negative side, they can be compulsive perfectionists and workaholics. Furthermore, extremely conscientious individuals might be regarded as stuffy and boring. Unconscientious people may be criticized for their unreliability, lack of ambition, and failure to stay within the lines, but they will experience many short-lived pleasures and they will never be called stuffy.

    Domain/Facet…………. Score








    Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

    Conscientiousness Facets

    · Self-Efficacy. Self-Efficacy describes confidence in one’s ability to accomplish things. High scorers believe they have the intelligence (common sense), drive, and self-control necessary for achieving success. Low scorers do not feel effective, and may have a sense that they are not in control of their lives. Your level of self-efficacy is average.

    · Orderliness. Persons with high scores on orderliness are well-organized. They like to live according to routines and schedules. They keep lists and make plans. Low scorers tend to be disorganized and scattered. Your level of orderliness is high. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    · Dutifulness. This scale reflects the strength of a person’s sense of duty and obligation. Those who score high on this scale have a strong sense of moral obligation. Low scorers find contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining. They are likely to be seen as unreliable or even irresponsible. Your level of dutifulness is high.

    · Achievement-Striving. Individuals who score high on this scale strive hard to achieve excellence. Their drive to be recognized as successful keeps them on track toward their lofty goals. They often have a strong sense of direction in life, but extremely high scores may be too single-minded and obsessed with their work. Low scorers are content to get by with a minimal amount of work, and might be seen by others as lazy. Your level of achievement striving is average.

    · Self-Discipline. Self-discipline-what many people call will-power-refers to the ability to persist at difficult or unpleasant tasks until they are completed. People who possess high self-discipline are able to overcome reluctance to begin tasks and stay on track despite distractions. Those with low self-discipline procrastinate and show poor follow-through, often failing to complete tasks-even tasks they want very much to complete. Your level of self-discipline is average.

    · Cautiousness. Cautiousness describes the disposition to think through possibilities before acting. High scorers on the Cautiousness scale take their time when making decisions. Low scorers often say or do first thing that comes to mind without deliberating alternatives and the probable consequences of those alternatives. Your level of cautiousness is average.


    Freud originally used the term neurosis to describe a condition marked by mental distress, emotional suffering, and an inability to cope effectively with the normal demands of life. He suggested that everyone shows some signs of neurosis, but that we differ in our degree of suffering and our specific symptoms of distress. Today neuroticism refers to the tendency to experience negative feelings. Those who score high on Neuroticism may experience primarily one specific negative feeling such as anxiety, anger, or depression, but are likely to experience several of these emotions. People high in neuroticism are emotionally reactive. They respond emotionally to events that would not affect most people, and their reactions tend to be more intense than normal. They are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions tend to persist for unusually long periods of time, which means they are often in a bad mood. These problems in emotional regulation can diminish a neurotic’s ability to think clearly, make decisions, and cope effectively with stress. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    At the other end of the scale, individuals who score low in neuroticism are less easily upset and are less emotionally reactive. They tend to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings. Freedom from negative feelings does not mean that low scorers experience a lot of positive feelings; frequency of positive emotions is a component of the Extraversion domain.

    Domain/Facet……. Score










    Your score on Neuroticism is high, indicating that you are easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.

    I do not fully agree with this part of the assessment. While I have high anxiety which may be slightly obvious to those that know me, my emotional responses in all situations are highly controlled and not obvious to others.

    Neuroticism Facets

    · Anxiety. The “fight-or-flight” system of the brain of anxious individuals is too easily and too often engaged. Therefore, people who are high in anxiety often feel like something dangerous is about to happen. They may be afraid of specific situations or be just generally fearful. They feel tense, jittery, and nervous. Persons low in Anxiety are generally calm and fearless. Your level of anxiety is average.

    · Anger. Persons who score high in Anger feel enraged when things do not go their way. They are sensitive about being treated fairly and feel resentful and bitter when they feel they are being cheated. This scale measures the tendency to feel angry; whether or not the person expresses annoyance and hostility depends on the individual’s level on Agreeableness. Low scorers do not get angry often or easily. Your level of anger is average.

    · Depression. This scale measures the tendency to feel sad, dejected, and discouraged. High scorers lack energy and have difficult initiating activities. Low scorers tend to be free from these depressive feelings. Your level of depression is high.

    · Self-Consciousness. Self-conscious individuals are sensitive about what others think of them. Their concern about rejection and ridicule causes them to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. They are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Their fears that others will criticize or make fun of them are exaggerated and unrealistic, but their awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. Low scorers, in contrast, do not suffer from the mistaken impression that everyone is watching and judging them. They do not feel nervous in social situations. Your level or self-consciousness is high. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    · Immoderation. Immoderate individuals feel strong cravings and urges that they have difficulty resisting. They tend to be oriented toward short-term pleasures and rewards rather than long-term consequences. Low scorers do not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find themselves tempted to overindulge. Your level of immoderation is low.

    · Vulnerability. High scorers on Vulnerability experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. Low scorers feel more poised, confident, and clear-thinking when stressed. Your level of vulnerability is average.

    Openness to Experience

    Openness to Experience describes a dimension of cognitive style that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down-to-earth, conventional people. Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of their feelings. They tend to think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. Intellectuals typically score high on Openness to Experience; consequently, this factor has also been called Culture or Intellect. Nonetheless, Intellect is probably best regarded as one aspect of openness to experience. Scores on Openness to Experience are only modestly related to years of education and scores on standard intelligent tests.

    Another characteristic of the open cognitive style is a facility for thinking in symbols and abstractions far removed from concrete experience. Depending on the individual’s specific intellectual abilities, this symbolic cognition may take the form of mathematical, logical, or geometric thinking, artistic and metaphorical use of language, music composition or performance, or one of the many visual or performing arts.

    People with low scores on openness to experience tend to have narrow, common interests. They prefer the plain, straightforward, and obvious over the complex, ambiguous, and subtle. They may regard the arts and sciences with suspicion, regarding these endeavors as abstruse or of no practical use. Closed people prefer familiarity over novelty; they are conservative and resistant to change.

    Openness is often presented as healthier or more mature by psychologists, who are often themselves open to experience. However, open and closed styles of thinking are useful in different environments. The intellectual style of the open person may serve a professor well, but research has shown that closed thinking is related to superior job performance in police work, sales, and a number of service occupations. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    Domain/Facet……………… Score



    Artistic Interests………………..71





    Your score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual.

    Openness Facets

    · Imagination. To imaginative individuals, the real world is often too plain and ordinary. High scorers on this scale use fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world. Low scorers are on this scale are more oriented to facts than fantasy. Your level of imagination is average.

    · Artistic Interests. High scorers on this scale love beauty, both in art and in nature. They become easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. They are not necessarily artistically trained nor talented, although many will be. The defining features of this scale are interest in, and appreciation of natural and artificial beauty. Low scorers lack aesthetic sensitivity and interest in the arts. Your level of artistic interests is high.

    · Emotionality. Persons high on Emotionality have good access to and awareness of their own feelings. Low scorers are less aware of their feelings and tend not to express their emotions openly. Your level of emotionality is average. Journal Writing On Personality Testing

    · Adventurousness. High scorers on adventurousness are eager to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. They find familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. Low scorers tend to feel uncomfortable with change and prefer familiar routines. Your level of adventurousness is average.

    · Intellect. Intellect and artistic interests are the two most important, central aspects of openness to experience. High scorers on Intellect love to play with ideas. They are open-minded to new and unusual ideas, and like to debate intellectual issues. They enjoy riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers. Low scorers on Intellect prefer dealing with either people or things rather than ideas. They regard intellectual exercises as a waste of time. Intellect should not be equated with intelligence. Intellect is an intellectual style, not an intellectual ability, although high scorers on Intellect score slightly higher than low-Intellect individuals on standardized intelligence tests. Your level of intellect is average.

    · Liberalism. Psychological liberalism refers to a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. In its most extreme form, psychological liberalism can even represent outright hostility toward rules, sympathy for law-breakers, and love of ambiguity, chaos, and disorder. Psychological conservatives prefer the security and stability brought by conformity to tradition. Psychological liberalism and conservatism are not identical to political affiliation, but certainly incline individuals toward certain political parties. Your level of liberalism is low. Journal Writing On Personality Testing