Wk4 Assignment: Searching and Evaluating Cultural and/or Ethical Resources

Wk4 Assignment: Searching and Evaluating Cultural and/or Ethical Resources

Wk4 Assignment: Searching and Evaluating Cultural and/or Ethical Resources

Search and Evaluate

This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Cultural and/or Ethical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.


Use articles that will help you explain and describe cultural and/or ethical, legal or regulatory issues related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:

  • A brief introductory paragraph
  • Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:
    • A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)
    • An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the WCU Library go to Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources)
    • An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue
  • A brief conclusion paragraph
  • An APA Style reference list on a separate page

Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.

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    Searching and Evaluating Scientific Resources

    Student Name

    Institutional Affiliation



    Searching and Evaluating Scientific Resources


    Patient satisfaction in the emergency care department can be enabled through the reduction of lengthy waits. The Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) can be imperative in the changes. An understanding of the cause of lengthy waits and emergency responses in the hospital unit is required to support the EDIS solution provided. The evaluation and analysis of the three articles will portray the article’s credibility and importance in the research study.

    Articles Summary

    The quality and safety of patients in the emergency unit have to be enabled in emergency care. This follows guidelines and standard practices followed by practitioners in the waiting environment as per the emergency care report (2020). Information system integrations have to consider the mandatory requirements. This is to ensure effective support of the entire process in initial health assessment, care, and treatment after admission. In addition, the information system has to provide clear communication protocols to all stakeholders in the emergency unit.

    Staff productivity in the emergency care unit in reducing lengthy waits is determined by policies and systems applied in the provision of acute health care. This can be hugely influenced by patients’ perceptions of satisfaction after the implementation of the policies and systems (Unwin et al., 2016). Planning of realistic policies is imperative in incorporating communication protocols to emergency department workflow for reduced complications and complaints.

    Reducing lengthy waits in the emergency department can lead to a reduction in healthcare problems. This entails reduced delays in treatment increasing illnesses and injuries. The length the patient waits plays as a driver towards patient satisfaction (Vashi et al., 2018). Information systems integration is reflected in emergency bed utilization and team communication for effectiveness and efficiency.

    Article Credibility

    The emergency care report’s credibility can be considered on the basis of observing set principles and guidelines in enabling safety and quality in emergency care. This is significant in articulating how patient waits can be impacted by manual documentation processes. A consideration of the NSW health policies and plans in preventing patient dissatisfaction also increases the article’s validity.

    Urwin’s article credibility has been enabled through the close assessment of a sample population in a particular hospital. Through a cross-sectional survey and SPPS data analysis, information gathered was supported. Conclusive support of evidence from the research increases the study’s validity and its use.

    The article on the application of lean principles by Vashi articulates the use of systems to reduce overcrowding and low quality in the emergency department. Its credibility has been enabled by the consideration of existing ED prioritized flow design and changes that can be made to increase efficiency. Further, the article widens the value stream scope of technology in emergency care.

    Article Importance

    The emergency care report (2020) will be imperative in increasing my understanding of how EDIS application can change procedures in ED. This will ensure that the proposed recommendation regards existing protocols, procedures, and policies from the health sector. An increased examination of designed and redesigned ED workflows will enhance the integration of information systems in emergency care (Vashi et al., 2018). A utilization of Urwin’s article will enable the identification and examination of patient perceptions on satisfaction from systems incorporation in the ED.


    Combating lengthy waits in the emergency department can be imperative in increasing patient satisfaction. This can be influenced positively by the application of EDIS in the hospital unit. An evaluation of the articles has presented article credibility and significance in the research study. This will influence the utilization of EDIS in reducing emergency care waits.



    Emergency care report (2020). Emergency department patients waiting care. Retrieved from https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/policies/manuals/Documents/pmm-6.pdf

    Unwin M., Nurs, G., Kinsman, L, Rigby, S. & Nurs, G. (2016). Why are we waiting? Patients’ perspectives for accessing emergency department services with non-urgent complaints. International emergency nursing 29.

    Vashi, A., Sheikhi, F., Nshton, L., Ellman, J., Rajagopal, P. & Asch, S. (2018). Applying lean principles to reduce wait times in the VA emergency department. Military medicine 184(1).