Wk10 Assignment: Signature Assignment Cultural Pluralism
Wk10 Assignment: Signature Assignment Cultural Pluralism
Research Paper Instructions
In this paper you will discuss various elements of a pre-approved cultural study.
Research Paper Content:
- Begin with an introduction with a thesis statement.
- Provide a brief history of your culture.
- Explain how your chosen culture is represented in the United States.
- Discuss whether your culture individualistic or collectivistic. Provide at least one example.
- Detail some of the artistic (art, music, architecture, dance) contributions of your culture.
- Explain some of the values of your culture. Provide at least three examples.
- Discuss your culture’s religion(s). Include name and basic belief system of at least one of the major faiths.
- Detail some of the sex and gender role differences in your culture (provide at least three examples)
- Discuss what we would need to know to acculturate into your culture. (If a past one, what would we need to do for preparing for our time machine to fit in). Provide at least one concrete suggestion.
- End with the conclusion.
Specific Paper Requirements:
- Length of paper four to six pages in length (Times New Roman; One inch margins; Font 12; Double-spaced)
- Must contain in-text citations in current APA Style
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Include a minimum of three or more credible sources (books, journal articles, magazine/newspaper articles, etc.
I Included an outline below
The Ancient Egypt Cultural
Jessica Andino
West Coast University
In every community or region in the world there exist a unique historical record that helps that particular community or region to get an understanding of their early life, religion belief context, traditional ways of life and the overall concept of the culture. It is through history that human being understands how to overcome challenges as well as predict the like shortcoming/ risks associated with particular human activities. Therefore history is the core pillar that fosters the development, acquiring of knowledge and improvement of creative thinking. This article gives a brief and precise account of ancient Egypt, primarily focusing on the cultural factors such as artistic, cultural values, religion, distribution of roles and acculturation.
The history of ancient Egypt has eight main periods which includes the Old Kingdom as the earliest era, followed by the first intermediate period, the middle kingdom, second intermediate, new kingdom, third intermediate, late period and finally the Ptolemaic period (Lichtheim, 2019). In every period the ruling was under a king given the title ‘Pharaoh’, and each of these kings had supreme kingship office authority with a spiritual aspect of divinity as the god Horus. Still, under the divinity and culture realm, ancient Egypt had a regular and stable way of carrying forward their activities promoting holiness according to their region and upholding moral behaviour in their daily life. Throughout its history, ancient Egyptians used imagery symbols and sculptures to promote cultural morals, kingship royalty, religious/cultural beliefs as well as maintaining the legacy of their ancestors.
The ancient culture is dominated with collectivism aspect in different factors of the society. For example, the entire community hard a universal perspective about kingship in which Pharaoh is highly respected and viewed as a god with a divine spiritual responsibility for every Egyptian (Minkov et al., 2017). The culture also demonstrates collectivism in ethical responsibility since every Egyptian considers himself or herself as a co-worker with the gods. A good example that shows their collectivism includes the belief that they should celebrate and give thanks to the gods. The Egyptian had a collective perspective of their homeland as a source for their salvations in every activity they undertook.
The cultural of the ancient Egyptian also has a powerful artistic and innovation skills, especially in architectural works. They are the one responsible for inventing construction equipment such as the ramp and the lever, which were mainly used during the construction of the pyramids and temples (Laboury, 2017). They also had excellent skills in painting and development of sculptures such as the Narmer Palette royal monuments, Ptah sculpture and other sculpture that demonstrated religion believes/moral correctness (Rossi, 2018). In medicine, they had great skill in dentistry and are marked as the inventors of toothpaste, toothbrush and toothpicks (Riggs, 2017).
The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods such as the god of fertility, the god of war and Osiris, every type of the gods was highly respected. Additional Egyptian culture highly values life and belief in life after death. A great example that demonstrated high value of life after death includes preservation of the body after death through mummification and buries with variables/possession for Pharaoh. The Egyptian society holds family as an essential part of the community with a lot of kinship activities and substantial value on society belonging such as groups, tribe and family. There was also strong family unity through the nuclear and extended family structure in the ancient Egyptian community.
The Egyptian viewed gods as the creator of the world, and as I hand state earlier their role as part of gods creation was to give thanks and celebrate the creation (Schroeder, 2016). The teaching in the religion cultural demonstrates that Atum created the world with the help of Heka magical powers. The Egyptians viewed themselves as a special part of gods creation. The ancient Egypt associate soul with nine-part, which included having the physical body, double form, eternal life and source of good and evil.
The cultural had moderate gender equality, and in most cases, woman and man were viewed as equal apart from occupational roles. The primary roles of men included fighting in wars, managing government offices and maintaining farms. On the other hand, women were responsible for cooking managing houses and sewing. Although the man was the head of the household women still hand a considerable amount of independence and power.
During the second intermediary, the interaction between the Egyptian society and the Nubian society lead to assimilation to Egyptian cultural into the Nubian culture. For example, as the interaction between Egypt and Nubian continued the Nubian society started to adopt Egyptian artistic works such as the decoration of the walls and burial monument (Walsh, 2018). Additionally, it is identified that during the involvement with the Egyptians in the second intermediate period were there significant changes in the Nubian kingship with a similar aspect as those of the Egyptian kingship practices. For example, they were acculturation between the Egyptian animal motifs and the Nubian burial activities.
In conclusion, the history of ancient Egypt is subdivided into eight sections that help to have an in-depth understanding of the cultural aspect and government system of the society in different periods. Ancient Egypt has a collectivism cultural and highly values life, family unity and gender equality. The religion of the ancient Egyptians has many different gods with a different responsibility. The gender and sex role are divided according to gender, with male responsible for most of the government offices duties, farm work while women take care of homes roles. The interaction of the Egyptian with the Nubian society led to the acculturation of the Egyptian kingship and burial practices into the Nubian culture. Wk10 Assignment: Signature Assignment Cultural Pluralism
Laboury, D. (2017). Tradition and Creativity. Toward a Study of Intericonicity in Ancient Egyptian Art. (Re) productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt, 229-258.
Lichtheim, M. (Ed.). (2019). Ancient Egyptian Literature. Univ of California Press.
Minkov, M., Dutt, P., Schachner, M., Morales, O., Sanchez, C., Jandosova, J., … & Mudd, B. (2017). A revision of Hofstede’s individualism-collectivism dimension. Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management.
Riggs, C. (2017). In the Shadows: The Study of Ancient Egyptian Art. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 112(4-5), 293-300.
Rossi, C. (2018). Egyptian Architecture and Mathematics.
Schroeder, C. T. (2016). Ancient Egyptian Religion on the Silver Screen: Modern Anxieties about Race, Ethnicity, and Religion. Journal of Religion & Film, 7(2), 1.
Walsh, C. (2018). Kerma Ceramics, Commensality Practices, and Sensory Experiences in Egypt During the Late Middle Bronze Age. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 20(1), 31-51.