PSY 302 Wk2 Discussion 1
PSY 302 Wk2 Discussion 1
Assessment in the Workplace
After reading Chapters 3 and 4 in your text, the article, “Self-Assessment and Dialogue as Tools for Appreciating Diversity”, and watching the required videos, consider the following: Testing and assessment are critical components of selection, recruitment, and the training and development processes in any business or organization. Organizations approach assessments in a multitude of ways.
- Research one of the following evaluative protocols (based on your first name) that might be used by an I/O psychologist or manager to assess an employee’s performance.
- A through G: A peer evaluation
- H through R: An observational evaluation
- S through U: A subordinate evaluation
- V through Z: A 360° appraisal
Start your search by using the key words in the library’s search tool as well as google.
- Describe the assessment/evaluation you have been assigned.
- Apply appropriate citations which may include your text, required article and videos, website sources, and additional peer-reviewed articles.
- Explain what the goal is of your assigned assessment/evaluation method.
- Analyze the possibility of bias in your assigned assessment/evaluation method.
- Does your assessment suggest the potential of possible bias? Why?
- Describe the potential effects your assessment/evaluation method might have on the workplace (good and bad).
- Identify at least two strengths and at least two weaknesses of the assessment that you discuss based on your research. (Remember to cite your sources.)
Your initial post should be between 300 and 350 words. You must use at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed source that was published within the past five years. Cite all information from your sources according to APA guidelines as outlined in the In-Text Citation Helper: A Guide to Making APA In-Text Citations (Links to an external site.). List each of your sources at the end of your post according to APA style as shown in the sample page for References (Links to an external site.).
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Respond substantively to at least two of your peers (original postings) who were assigned a different assessment protocol.
- Discuss how your peer(s)’ assessment/evaluation tool differed from yours.
- Does yours’ or your peer’s assessment promote more unbiased results?
- Would you rather utilize your peer’s chosen assessment or the one you located, when performing an evaluation? When being evaluated? Why?
- Continue to monitor this discussion board through 5 PM (Mountain Time) on Day 7 of the week.
- Be sure to also respond to your instructor’s comments to you in this forum by Day 7 (when applicable).