Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Cultural Part 3 Assignment
APA FORMAT!! Guidelines attached. Must follow guidelines. population is homeless.
COUC 504
Cultural Immersion Project: Interview Paper (Part 3) Assignment Instructions
Individual Encounter and Synthesis
You will conduct an in-depth, 1-hour interview with an individual or married couple from your selected cultural group in order to develop an understanding of the cultural factors that helped shape that individual’s or couple’s cultural identity. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
A variety of issues may be explored in the interview. The knowledge you gained from the Research and Events parts of the Cultural Immersion Project as well as your sense of the person/couple you interview will guide you in how personal you can get with your questions. Cultural groups and individuals vary on how private they are. Use their feedback regarding what areas you can probe. If the person is very open, go deeper. If not, respect that cultural boundary and ask yourself why that boundary is there. Issues that you may wish to explore during the interview include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Early childhood experiences and parental values;
· Earliest memories of recognizing membership in a culturally different group;
· The role of religion/spirituality;
· Immigration experiences;
· Similarities/differences between couples’ interactions in the U.S. to couples’ interactions in the individual’s culture;
· School experiences as a member of a cultural minority;
· Experiences with subtle racism or discrimination;
· Experiences with overt racism or discrimination;
· Ways the person/couple chose his/her/their career(s) or made career choices;
· The experience of being culturally different;
· Attitudes regarding the majority culture;
· Extent of desire to assimilate majority cultural attitudes, values, and lifestyles;
· Feelings of oppression;
· Feelings of anger toward majority culture;
· From the person’s/couple’s own cultural background, any potential racist attitudes toward or stereotyping of individuals from other particular cultures; and/or
· Strengths identified from the person’s/couple’s cultural background that help him/her/them cope with living in the U.S.
Once your interview is complete, you will answer the questions listed below. First person may be used in your answers, and you must observe correct and current APA style. The paper must have a correct title page, and you must use a reference page (no abstract is needed). A word estimate is beside each question; however, the quality of your answer is more important than the word count. You may expand further, but you do not have to do so. In addition, your paper must be supported by at least 2 scholarly sources, and at least 2 internet and/or media sources, used in project part 1. It is recommended that you use the following questions as level 1 headings to organize your paper (you can shorten the question into a level 1 heading/title). A template is provided for this assignment to help with APA formatting and organization. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
1. Share some of the background of your interviewee (or couple). What is this person’s/couple’s story? (approximately 300 words)
2. How open was this person/couple? Why do you think this was? (approximately 100 words)
3. What were some key cultural events (interactions with the majority culture, experiences of racism, positive experiences with the majority culture, etc.) for this person/couple? (approximately 250 words)
4. What was your sense of this person’s/couple’s acculturation level and racial/cultural identity development? Why do you think this is the case? (approximately 200 words)
5. How did you respond emotionally toward this person/couple during the interview? Given aspects of your personal experience, why do you think you reacted this way? (approximately 250 words)
6. Based on the interview experience, what knowledge about this cultural group was added that you did not get from the previous parts of this assignment? (approximately 200 words)
7. Summarize briefly culturally sensitive theories and techniques discussed in Part II and discuss ethical and legal aspects that counselors need to consider when providing counseling services for this specific group, including issues of conflict, bias, prejudice, oppression and discrimination (approximately 200 words).
8. Summarize briefly your findings in Part I on group characteristics and reflect on the significance of multicultural sensitivity for your work as a professional counselor (school, clinical mental health, or marriage and family, whichever applies to you; approximately 150 words).
9. Remind yourself of the biblical worldview lens material considered in this course (see the presentation titled “Interpreting Culture” in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder). What are some strengths or elements of common grace that you see operating in this cultural group? How can individuals pray for people in this cultural group? (approximately 200 words)
10. Which part of this immersion experience (Part 1, 2, or 3) was most helpful to you in learning about this cultural group? Why do you think this was? (approximately 100 words)
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
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Full Title of Paper Here
Student Name (First M. Last)
Counselor Education and Family Studies, Liberty University
Author Note
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Full Title
Start with an introduction (don’t use a title for it). The intro will have the purpose of the paper, brief background (what culture you are discussing), brief outline of the paper for reader (what they should be expecting), and transition sentence to the first heading, “Interviewee Background and Personal Story.” – one paragraph.
Interviewee Background and Personal Story
Describe the events attended for the interview and what happened (approx. 250 words). Share some of the background of your interviewee (or couple). What is this person’s/couple’s story? (approximately 300 words)
Discuss how open this person/couple was. Why do you think that? (approximately 100 words)
Describe some key cultural events (interactions with the majority culture, experiences of racism, positive experiences with the majority culture, etc.) for this person/couple. (approximately 250 words)
Discuss your sense of this person’s/couple’s acculturation level and racial/cultural identity development. Why do you think this is the case? (approximately 200 words)
Emotional Response and New Learning
Describe how you responded emotionally toward this person/couple during the interview. Given aspects of your personal experience, why do you think you reacted this way? (approximately 250 words)
Based on the interview experience, discuss what knowledge about this cultural group was added that you did not get from the previous parts of this assignment? (approximately 200 words)
Ethical and Legal Aspects to Consider
Summarize briefly culturally sensitive theories and techniques discussed in Part II and discuss ethical (ACA and/or ASCA ethical codes) and legal (state and federal laws, regulations) aspects that counselors need to consider when providing counseling services for this specific group, including issues of conflict, bias, prejudice, oppression and discrimination (approximately 200 words).
Multicultural Sensitivity and Biblical Worldview Reflection
Summarize briefly your findings in Part I on group characteristics and reflect on the significance of multicultural sensitivity for your work as a professional counselor (school, clinical mental health, or marriage and family, whichever applies to you; approximately 150 words).
Remind yourself of the biblical worldview lens material considered in this course (see the presentation titled “Interpreting Culture” in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder). What are some strengths or elements of common grace that you see operating in this cultural group? How can individuals pray for people in this cultural group? (approximately 200 words). Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Which part of this immersion experience (Part 1, 2, or 3) was most helpful to you in learning about this cultural group? Why do you think this was? (approximately 100 words)
References start here with a hanging indent. Double space and list references alphabetically by author’s last name. Review your APA Manual for formatting requirements for specific types of sources.
References should include at least 2 scholarly sources and 2 internet sources on your cultural group of interest (the resources must published by 2005 or later) focusing on counseling theories and counseling techniques. A pertinent, unassigned chapter from the McGoldrick et al. text may count as 1 of these resources; however, the Hays & Erford text chapters may not count as a source.
Follow current APA Publication Manual organization and style guidelines. Points will be deducted for format violations and grammatical problems.
Homeless Population Events
Jalissa K. Parks
Counselor Education and Family Studies, Liberty University
Food Donation/FaceTime Conference
Culture influences what many people do in society. The societal differences, such as education, income, social status, and race, add more value to one’s identity and assimilation. Trends differ from one culture and community to another. The purpose and aim of the paper are to address the different events attended, and the different perspectives on these events can change and influence one’s life. There are many demands on culture, social values, and the community’s response to societal differences in the level of education, income, social status, and race. The paper will outline the events. They influenced my perspective with an emotional impact and effectiveness in applying different theoretical principles in understanding culture and its impact on society. Therefore, the events attended are thanksgiving food drop off to the homeless shelters and conference calls.
Events Attended
It is not unusual to have a community with homeless people. In society, people face different challenges. The magnitude of these challenges can affect one’s social and economic conditions. For instance, in the event I attended, as part of this assignment I was able to donate food to the local shelter. This is a tradition held with my friend and her family and our community members gather together and share with other homeless people. She humbly asked me to join in while food was distributed to the shelter. To give thanks is not mentioned and develops a structure of gratitude alone, but it can be used as a stepping stone to identify the different issues affecting people. This particular event was emotional, and it is essential to note the different perceptions people have of the homeless community and how the event changed that perspective. The perspective of diversity is different since it does not help, nor does it improve transitions between one culture and another. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
For the second event, there was a movie that was watched while FaceTime with my former classmates, and this event was another important aspect to evaluate how culture and communication links. On the call, the movie observed was to The Pursuit of Happyness, we discussed the trials and tribulations that Will Smith’s character displayed. Due to the covid-19 pandemic of 2020, many places and resources are closed, so this movie served as a greater purpose about the homeless population. For instance, during the session, one of the former classmates cried while Will Smith and his son were held up in the public restroom. The event helped to focus and identify what is needed in society to develop equality.
Comparison with Expectations
Sharing and donating food was an event, which changed my perspective on the community of the homeless. For instance, I interacted with an African American homeless soldier veteran who was almost 45 years old. He graduated from university and joined the military. His ambition was to help society and protect its national interests. The focus of the veteran was to fight. I was not hesitant and nor feared interacting with him, but his insight and ability to see through me calmed me down. He shared why and how he became a homeless person. The medical disparity in the nation rendered him unable to treat his post-traumatic stress disorder from the trauma he faced while at war. Thus, the change in his life, and now he cannot hold a job without meds.
On the other hand, the Facetime call helped me look beyond learning communication and interpersonal skills. It helped me to understand the meaning of empathy and supporting minorities. The call expected to share and discuss the movie’s different ups and downs. To share the challenges they faced while looking for working, raising a son and being homeless. Understanding the conference call was a challenge, and it helped identify the challenges facing many people in the community. Like my former classmate who expressed how her elderly father passed on due to Covid-19 and lack of medical attention, I understood the role culture and ethnicity play in medical and healthcare. It is not a good measure since it undermines and discourages the potential of diversity in cultural learning. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Emotional Impact
For instance, the visitation and donation of food made me reflect on the fortune of being a minority and the advantages it offers to society. Being a minority helps one look at life from a different perspective. A perspective of considering and laying the necessary measures and means of interacting with one another is not common to wish to be a minority. Still, if one has the ability to help, I would love to be a minority and be part of a community program and social development, focusing on helping the homeless have a suitable and stable life. The soldier who told me about his PTSD defined being a minority reflecting on life with different obstacles but working hard to ensure life has meaning. The same applies to learning and using different cultural learning skills to focus on the issues affecting minorities in healthcare. My classmate expressed her gratitude for being born to a minority family, working hard, being taught morals, and being considerate of others. For instance, being a minority helps one to bond and interact with others on a day to day basis. It allows one to bond and develops the skills and measures highlighting development and diversity. I was grateful to speak to many people who have minorities as a common element. They have the same attributes and have seen how life can be influenced through appropriate learning, using skills, and focusing on social development and creativity.
People have different perspectives on culture and identity; the emotional impact offered me a different choice, such as an admission to give and present a valid position on life. The essentials of life are many, but when relativism plays a vital role, one can only connect between its transformation, diverse culture, and meeting a connection to improve life’s choices and promises. As a result, it is decreasing since it affects one’s position. For instance, what is the relativism of an educated veteran unable to access medical coverage, and he is faced with the challenge of unethical development and social differences? Cultural relativism and moral obligations play a vital role in influencing one’s perception and consideration (Evans, 2020). For instance, the church was sponsoring medical services, check-ups, and getting new clothing monthly at the homeless shelters. Having the urge and need to help is a moral obligation as part of social values and responsibility. For instance, growing up in a community facing different challenges, such as inequality, parents working hard to make ends meet, environmental differences, and either knowing or not knowing what veterans did in the war to keep us safe is a challenging prospect. It draws upon one’s ability to meet and improve conscience as it maintains and develops a choice to govern and influence one’s ability and diversity. As a result, it is a means of understanding these challenges, making one accept and deal with the undermining principles and effects of development. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Key Things Learned
Some of the many effects of cultural differences in society are the perception people, or mainstream society has regarding a given community. Do not relate the acts of a few to a multitude of society. It is a means to engage and ensure diversity in terms of engaging with one another. As a result, it does not hinder, nor does it account for societal changes as they guide and often figure out the importance of social development. I learned that culture is wide and interacting with the homeless people, shows the bottleneck of social policies, and identifies the media and other people to describe it. As the elderly homeless veteran pointed out, “the media marks us as a social problem affecting community development and diversity, but society has shunned us, and we lack basic equality.” This is emotional to consider the policies and the image society has painted of homeless people. At first, my perception was the fear of interacting with them. The lack of proper clothing and being unkempt made me fear their look. But through interaction and their warm smiles, I learned the culture of homeless people and minorities is not any different from any mainstream culture. Media and personal discrimination have been a challenge, and it undermines access and use of these effective measures. Through the conference call, I learned that culture is an identity, making other communities work and feel closer to each other. It is a bridge connecting one community, its traditions, practices, bond, and life lessons. All these are lessons learned from the conference call.
Counseling Theories Validated for This Group
In consideration of the homeless people, to develop the right mentality and ensure an opportunity for fighting is to ensure and develop an opportunity for therapy and counseling. According to Cahill et al., 2009, in their research, cognitive behavior therapy found a key attribute for trauma exposure and developing steps to reduce the impact of PTSD. For instance, in my interaction with the homeless veteran soldier, the inability to see a therapist affected his chances of overcoming trauma and learning to lean on family for support till he gets the support and treatment needed. The added advantage of this is to measure the diversity needed and ensure a protective and resilience to seek and improve behavioral development (Evans, 2020). It is a means to develop and improve resource support and assimilation to improve life and its many different changes. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Counseling and communication go hand to hand. In making the conference call, it is essential to consider the facts and factors affecting my fellow students. When others were making fun of the pandemic, she was suffering and needed attention and a listening ear. According to Rautalinko, Lisper & Ekehammar (2007), reflective listening can help one process emotions, understand each other, and measure a factor relative to social development and communication diversity. It is a factor affecting social development and communication. She needed someone to listen to her. The conference call presented an opportunity to listen to her issue, encourage her through guidance and intervention, and encourage her to seek support from friends and professional help.
Cahill, S. P., Rothbaum, B. O., Resick, P. A., & Follette, V. M. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults. In E. B. Foa, T. M. Keane, M. J. Friedman, & J. A. Cohen (Eds.), Effective treatments for PTSD: Practice guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (p. 139–222). The Guilford Press.
Evans, G. (2020). The causes and consequences of Veterans’ homelessness. Parity, 33(6), 15.
Rautalinko, E., Lisper, H. O., & Ekehammar, B. (2007). Reflective listening in counseling: effects of training time and evaluator social skills. American journal of psychotherapy, 61(2), 191-209.
Behind Homelessness
Jalissa K. Parks
Counselor Education and Family Studies, Liberty University
Behind Homelessness
The rise of rates of homeless people in society is affecting the overall outlook of a productive culture. Societies need to work closely with other institutions, such as healthcare, employment, elderly persons, and juvenile centers, to improve homeless people’s livelihood. Homeless people face different community challenges due to the rise in healthcare disparities, the higher rates of unemployment, veterans, and lack of social support. The paper will provide an in-depth analysis of the homeless people and the different factors affecting them. The paper’s main foundation is to provide lessons learned from the empirical studies of homeless people’s culture. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Key Things Learned
Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values
According to Klop et al., 2018, the challenge affecting homeless people’s care is the disparity in the system. The homeless people are faced with different challenges, which affect their attention to medical care and support from society. Homeless people need care but accessing the system and using this support is the main challenge. The challenges are from the value and people’s attitudes and perceptions of homeless culture and community.
Group Self-perceptions and Issues Related to Stereotyping
Based on the research conducted by Doroshenko et al., 2012, homeless youth have a positive perception based on their attention to learning and discussing health and immunization matters. A variable concept, which influences their development is the lack of effective attention from society. Society perceives the community of homeless people are not learned and do not have a positive attitude. As defined, the homeless community only needs guidance and a support system.
Customs, Practices, Behaviors
It is important to have a recollection of the incidence factors resulting in homelessness and deviant behavior. Based on Tsai, J., & Rosenheck, R. A. (2013), conduct is largely associated with learning and determining childhood development’s key aspects. As indicated, abuse affects adulthood, and childhood abuse leaves scars, and the willingness to have a deviant behavior. Veterans are facing the challenge of dealing with childhood trauma and conduct. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
According to Tsai & Rosenheck (2013), the research suggests widely associated support from Christianity groups. The groups are part of the support system, and this is the trend in focusing on self-care, care and developmental support, and diversifying society’s needs. As a result, religion is the home element for homelessness, and many Christians are involved in care activities and supporting therapy needs.
Societal Perceptions, Opportunities, and Barriers in the U.S. and Internationally
The key barriers to positive perception and care are the system in the community. According to Doroshenko et al., 2012, the system challenges resource allocations and provides stable care to veterans and homeless people. For instance, healthcare and mental health is a need for homeless youth and veterans. But, the medical coverage and care provided alienate the need of this group. It is a barrier to healthcare and support in the system.
Key Historical Events and Figures Impacting the Culture
According to Klop et al., 2018, care avoidance culture is associated with long-term avoidance and lack of social skills. Awareness is important when dealing with care, and the only aspect to consider is the definition of social development and stability. The main aim of care is to define a structure of historical processes and policies supporting social development and diversity. As a result, care needs to be transparent and ideal. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Key Things Learned Through Internet/Media
The media provides a good structure for studying the interactions between homeless culture and other mainstream societies. For instance, through media use, homeless people are defined as a culture of people whose housing needs are not met. According to Klop et al., 2018, housing needs are part of a human being’s basic social needs. It is essential to have a good focus and role in ensuring people have social basic needs. Associating people with social needs is essential as it provides an opportunity to develop social programs. For instance, the federal community and other non-governmental organizations need to work closely to focus on stability and meet people’s social needs. These can be providing social housing programs—allocation of resources for medical programs and care. I’ve learned through KGTV, that 3.5 millions Americans are homeless.
Alternatively, there is a perception in which medical coverage and care avoidance are higher among homeless people. Based on the research conducted by Doroshenko et al., 2012, homeless people face different challenges, impacting their care. The notion of care avoidance among homeless youth and veterans is due to the system’s lack of knowledge and healthcare support. It is ideal to have a good structure and focus by developing the necessary development and growth elements. A key measure of growth is related and used by suitability and development. Its measures are defined within the probable conditions, social diversity, and considering the changes in culture and community.
Therefore, the media’s diversity in relating this culture to mainstream support influences communication, perception, and intervention programs. The media and research connect the literature in terms of perception and development. It is essential to focus on theoretical frameworks, such as interventions, communication, and social support programs. These programs are needed to improve the perception and attention towards homeless youth and culture. According to Project Home, chronic homelessness had an 9% increase between 2018-2019. However it is still 20% lower since 2007.
The surprises in the study were the perception of pastors and churches in care avoidance. According to Klop et al., 2018, pastors and church ministries imply a lack of consideration and care. It is essential to have a good standpoint when considering care avoidance and system barriers. Homeless people might lack knowledge of the system, affecting their capacity to seek medical and healthcare guidance. Care avoidance is also associated with higher medical coverage rates, which might affect the attention of society to homeless people. Homeless people need simple guidance, resource allocations, intervention from the pastors, and non-governmental agencies. I also found it shocking for the largest portion of this population to be single adults.
Impact on Expectations
The literature provides empirical studies, and the use of these findings is key and essential when deliberating on homeless peoples’ culture. The literature provides a closer look into the deliberation of what is needed and how it can be achieved in the research. The literature also connects theory on the culture of homeless people. For instance, in the empirical research of Klop et al., 2018, non-governmental organizations do not affect or consider the challenges of care avoidance. The only logical solution is when dealing with issues of intervention and dealing with care allocation. The internet and many other blogs and portals offer directive facts of the aim of the culture, its entities, and the directives of considering diversity and development. This aims to increase and improve interactions of support and social conventional growth in homeless culture. The diversity of this is focusing on development and social propensity for investing in care. Cultural Part 3 Assignment
Doroshenko, A., Hatchette, J., Halperin, S. A., MacDonald, N. E., & Graham, J. E. (2012). Challenges to immunization: the experiences of homeless youth. BMC public health, 12(1), 338.
Klop, H. T., Evenblij, K., Gootjes, J. R., de Veer, A. J., & Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2018). Care avoidance among homeless people and access to care: an interview study among spiritual caregivers, street pastors, homeless outreach workers and formerly homeless people. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1095.
Tsai, J., & Rosenheck, R. A. (2013). Conduct disorder behaviors, childhood family instability, and childhood abuse as predictors of severity of adult homelessness among American veterans. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 48(3), 477-486.
Who Experiences Homelessness? (2019 March 6). National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Toborg, C. (2020, January 10). When it Comes To Homelessness in America, There is No Single Cause. KGTV.
Facts on Homelessness. (2020 October 5). Project HOME.