Ethical Issues in Psychological Testing
Ethical Issues in Psychological Testing
- Describe at least two reliability issues associated with the development (construction/design) of psychological tests.
- Explain the impact these issues have on score consistency.
- Describe at least two validity issues associated with the development (construction/design) of psychological tests.
- Explain how these issues affect item selection and test accuracy
- Identify a court case related to psychological testing development (construction/design) that has had a significance on the mental health field.
- Why is this case important and how has it influenced the future development of test measurements?
12/2/21, 5:56 PM Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox – PS505 Testing, Measurement, and Assessment – Purdue University Global 1/3
PS505_2102B_-2 Course: PS505 Testing, Measurement, and Assessment
Total / 5
Overall Score
Criteria Mastery 5 points
Proficient 4 points
Practiced 3 points
Emergent 2 points
Introductory 1 point
No Progress 0 points
Criterion Score
Explain reliability and validity issues involved in the development of psychological tests.
/ 5Explains two reliability issues and two validity issues involved in the development
(construction/design) of psychological tests, substantiated by scholarly materials.
Explains three reliability and/or validity issues involved in the development (construction/design) of
psychological tests, substantiated by scholarly materials.
Explains three reliability and/or validity issues involved in the development(construction/design) of
psychological tests, not substantiated by scholarly materials.
Explains two reliability and/or validity issues involved in the development (construction/design) of
psychological tests, not substantiated by scholarly materials.
Explains either one reliability or one validity issue involved in the development(construction/design) of
psychological tests, not substantiated by scholarly materials.
Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.
5: Mastery 4.5 points minimum
4: Proficient 3.5 points minimum
3: Practiced 2.5 points minimum
2: Emergent 1.5 points minimum
1: Introductory 0.5 points minimum
0: No
Progress 0 points minimum
12/2/21, 5:56 PM Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox – PS505 Testing, Measurement, and Assessment – Purdue University Global 2/3
12/2/21, 5:56 PM Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox – PS505 Testing, Measurement, and Assessment – Purdue University Global 3/3