Quiz 2 Assignment Paper
Quiz 2 Assignment Paper
1. In the practice of Narrative Therapy which of the following is true?
A. | Problems are seen as being a “part of” the person | |
B. | Problems are seen as being “apart from” the person | |
C. | Problems are caused by a conflict arising between the inner child and the “real self” | |
D. | Problem resolution can only come about through the use of the Scaling technique
0.5 points
1. In the practice of Solution Focused Therapy, the counselor focuses most of his/her attention on which of the following?
A. | Deficits and challenges | |
B. | Strengths and weaknesses | |
C. | Strengths and resources | |
D. | Weaknesses and the past |
0.5 points
1. When writing goals in Solution Focused Therapy,
A. | The goals should be focused on specific preferred behaviors and interactions | |
B. | The goals should include general ideas about what needs to change in the family, to allow maximum flexibility in the process of counseling | |
C. | The goals should be built around solving “family of origin” problems | |
D. | The goals, should be established by the counselor, without input from the family
0.5 points
1. In asking the question, “When was the problem not a problem?”, the Solution Focused counselor is looking for:
A. | Antecedents | |
B. | Consequences | |
C. | Exceptions | |
D. | Resolution |
0.5 points
1. In the practice of Narrative Therapy, the counselors role can be described as:
A. | Omnipotent | |
B. | Carnivorous | |
C. | Co-editor | |
D. | Being “in charge” of the counseling process
0.5 points
1. The basic principle in Social Exchange Theory is stated as:
A. | In interpersonal interactions, people try to perform behaviors that result in the worst punishment | |
B. | All currencies are exchanged at the same rate in the global market place | |
C. | In interpersonal interactions, people attempt to maximize rewards, while at the same time, minimizing costs | |
D. | A process in which behaviors are diminished by not reinforcing those behaviors |
0.5 points
1. The “time orientation” in Solution Focused Therapy is: Quiz 2 Assignment Paper
A. | In the future | |
B. | In the past | |
C. | In the subconscious, primal mind of the infant | |
D. | At the moment the couple entered a committed relationship |
0.5 points
1. Which of the following techniques are most closely associated with the practice of Solution Focused Therapy?
A. | Miracle Question, Scaling | |
B. | Empty Chair Technique, Circular Questioning | |
C. | Free Association, Acupuncture | |
D. | Scaling, Ear Piercing |
0.5 points
1. Reinforcement is best defined as:
A. | An event or behavior designed to increase or decrease a specific response | |
B. | Shaping a desired behavior by selectively rewarding that behavior | |
C. | The process of reinforcing connections between family members through the exclusive use of communication skills | |
D. | When an unconditioned response is triggered by an unconditioned stimulus |
0.5 points
1. “In the ___________ __________ (two words), there are many possibilities; In the experts mind, there are few.” Which of the following best completes this sentence?
A. | Beginner’s Mind | |
B. | Principal’s Office | |
C. | Work Environment | |
D. | Steam Engine
0.5 points
1. A baseline assessment in Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy involves:
A. | Only the use of standardized instruments | |
B. | Only the use of the clinical interview | |
C. | Gaining and understanding of the frequency, intensity, and duration of any given behavior before counseling begins | |
D. | Gaining and understanding of the frequency and intensity ONLY of any given behavior before counseling begins |
0.5 points
1. When working with a “Customer”, the counselor should utilize ___________ tasks
A. | Behavioral | |
B. | Observational | |
C. | Insightful | |
D. | Strenuous |
0.5 points
1. Which of the following is most like something a Solution Focused Counselor might say?
A. | Tell me about your troubled childhood | |
B. | I can tell by the way that you are acting, you are an only child | |
C. | You are making poor choices and you need to change | |
D. | What might you do differently the next time the problem occurs? |
0.5 points
1. Which of the following is NOT a general goal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
A. | Increase desired behaviors and cognitions | |
B. | Bring the subconscious thoughts into the client’s awareness | |
C. | Decrease undesirable behaviors and cognitions | |
D. | Improve problem solving skills |
0.5 points
1. Extinction is best defined as:
A. | The process through which animals and other living beings drastically diminish in number | |
B. | Rewarding negative behaviors with a positive consequence | |
C. | The process in which a behavior is diminished by not reinforcing it | |
D. | The process of balancing risks and rewards
0.5 points
1. A “family schema” is best defined as:
A. | The way that a family counselor helps clients come up with a “scheme” in order to bring about change in the family system | |
B. | A set of similarly held beliefs about family and life, thus providing a template that organizes the way a family interacts or behaves | |
C. | A genogram, constructed using Bowenian Principles of Interaction | |
D. | All of the above define the family schema
0.5 points
1. Narrative therapists maintain that reality is constructed and given meaning through ________.
A. | Language | |
B. | Ritual | |
C. | School | |
D. | Cars |
0.5 points
1. Behavioral Marital Therapy rests on the assumption that:
A. | The behavior of each individual is the antecedent and the consequence of another’s actions, meaning that family interaction is “circular” in nature | |
B. | Behavior is “linear” in nature, meaning that all behavior occur without any connection to the behavior of other family members | |
C. | Changes in the marital dyad can only be caused by a practitioner using Behavioral Marital Therapy | |
D. | None of the above describes the assumption upon which Behavioral Marital Therapy rests
0.5 points
1. In Narrative Therapy, letters and certificates can be used to:
A. | Remind clients that their bill is due at the end of the month | |
B. | Celebrate a new story | |
C. | Highlight accomplishments | |
D. | B and C are correct |
0.5 points
1. Which of the following theories influenced the development of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
A. | Classical Conditioning | |
B. | Operant Conditioning | |
C. | Psychodynamic Therapy | |
D. | A and B Only |
0.5 points
1. In regard to client types in Solution Focused Therapy, the “Customer”,
A. | Is usually there because someone forced him/her to be there | |
B. | Is usually there to obtain a diagnosis for purposes of going on disability | |
C. | Is usually resistant or non-compliant | |
D. | Is highly cooperative and willing to make changes |
0.5 points
1. Which of the following is true during the baseline assessment phase of Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy?
A. | Assessment only focuses on the individual | |
B. | Assessment only focuses on the family system | |
C. | The Family Assessment Scale is administered to the family as a whole | |
D. | Both individual and family functioning is assessed |
0.5 points
1. In Narrative Therapy, “deconstructive questions” are used to:
A. | Tear down the client, so they can rebuild themselves into a new person | |
B. | Help people unpack their stories so that they may gain additional perspectives on the presenting problem | |
C. | Plot the story in the landscape of consciousness | |
D. | Critically analyze the treatment plan |
0.5 points
1. The client who has been identified as a “Visitor”: Quiz 2 Assignment Paper
A. | May be resistant and noncompliant | |
B. | Is ready to make changes in their behavior | |
C. | Is often asked to complete behavioral tasks | |
D. | Has a clear understanding of the problem |