Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Format is within the assignments
PS450 Industrial Organizational Psychology
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements. Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Part A
1. Briefly describe the Hawthorne studies and explain their results.
2. Describe how these results are reflected in contemporary practice and work environment, providing two (2) examples.
Part B
1. Compare and contrast experimental and correlational methods, providing one (1) similarity and one (1) difference.
2. Provide two (2) examples of studies that use experimental methods and two (2) examples of studies that use correlational methods.
Part C
1. Compare and contrast two (2) methods of job analysis, providing one (1) similarity and one (1) difference.
2. Which of the two (2) methods you described is more efficient and when? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position.
Part D
Discuss the use of subjective personal opinions in making hiring decisions. Describe two (2) reasons that support using subjective personal opinions and two (2) reasons against such use. Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical summary of the
Hawthorne study, including
the results.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical summary of the
Hawthorne study, including
the results.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical summary of
the Hawthorne study,
including the results.
Student provides a weak or
unclear summary of the
Hawthorne study,
including the results.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of how
the Hawthorne results are
reflected in contemporary
practice and work
environment, with at least 2
clear, logical examples.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
how the Hawthorne results
are reflected in
contemporary practice and
work environment, with at
least 2 mostly clear, logical
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
how the Hawthorne results
are reflected in
contemporary practice and
work environment, with at
least 2 partially clear, logical
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of how the
Hawthorne results are
reflected in contemporary
practice and work
environment, with at least
1 partially clear, logical
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of
experimental methods and
correlational methods with
at least 1 similarity and 1
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
experimental methods and
correlational methods with
at least 1 similarity and 1
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
experimental methods and
correlational methods with
at least 1 similarity and 1
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of
experimental methods and
correlational methods with
at least 1 similarity or 1
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical example of at least 2
studies that use
experimental methods and
at least 2 studies that use
correlational methods.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical example of at
least 2 studies that use
experimental methods and
at least 2 studies that use
correlational methods.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical example of 1-2
studies that use
experimental methods and
1-2 studies that use
correlational methods.
Student provides a weak or
unclear example of 1-2
studies that use
experimental methods and
1-2 studies that use
correlational methods.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of 2 job
analysis methods with at
least 1 similarity and at least
1 difference.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of 2
job analysis methods with at
least 1 similarity and at least
1 difference.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
2 job analysis methods with
at least 1 similarity and at
least 1 difference.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of 2 job
analysis methods with at
least 1 similarity or at least
1 difference.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of which
of the 2 job analysis methods
described is more efficient,
along with at least 2 clear,
logical supporting facts.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
which of the 2 job analysis
methods described is more
efficient, along with at least
2 mostly clear, logical
supporting facts.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
which of the 2 job analysis
methods described is more
efficient, along with at least
2 partially clear, logical
supporting facts.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of which of the
2 job analysis methods
described is more
efficient, along with at
least 1 partially clear,
logical supporting fact.
Hawthorne studies
summary (10 points)
ational –
(10 points)
ational – examples
(10 points)
Reflection (15
Job analysis
methods –
(10 points)
Job analysis
methods – efficiency
(10 points)
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides at least 2
clear, logical arguments that
support the use of subjective
personal opinions in making
hiring decisions, and at least
2 clear, logical arguments
against the use of subjective
personal opinions in making
hiring decisions.
Student provides at least 2
mostly clear, logical
arguments that support the
use of subjective personal
opinions in making hiring
decisions, and at least 2
mostly clear, logical
arguments against the use of
subjective personal opinions
in making hiring decisions.
Student provides at least 2
partially clear, logical
arguments that support the
use of subjective personal
opinions in making hiring
decisions, and at least 2
partially clear, logical
arguments against the use
of subjective personal
opinions in making hiring
Student provides at least 1
partially clear, logical
argument that supports
the use of subjective
personal opinions in
making hiring decisions,
and at least 1 partially
clear, logical argument
against the use of
subjective personal
opinions in making hiring
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student makes no errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes more than
4 errors in grammar or
spelling that distract the
reader from the content.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
The paper is written in
proper format. All sources
used for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.
Excellent organization,
including a variety of
thoughtful transitions.
The paper is written in
proper format with only 1-2
errors. All sources used for
quotes and facts are credible
and most are cited correctly.
Adequate organization
includes a variety of
appropriate transitions.
The paper is written in
proper format with only 3-5
errors. Most sources used
for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.
Essay is poorly organized,
but may include a few
effective transitions.
The paper is not written in
proper format. Many
sources used for quotes
and facts are less than
credible (suspect) and/or
are not cited correctly.
Essay is disorganized and
does not include effective
Format – APA
Format, Citations,
Transitions (15
Mechanics –
Spelling (10 Points)
Subjective personal
opinions (10 points)
PS450 Industrial Organizational Psychology
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements. Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Part A
1. Describe three (3) criteria used to evaluate performance in your current or past job.
2. Discuss the issues of criterion relevance, criterion contamination, criterion deficiency, and criterion usefulness as they pertain to the performance criteria used in your current or previous work organization. Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Part B
1. Describe three (3) differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
2. Describe one (1) school or work experience when you have experienced each type of motivation.
Part C
Identify and describe two (2) sources of conflict in work organizations. Provide one (1) example for each source of conflict.
Part D
Provide one (1) example of a situation where a relationship-oriented leader would be most effective and one (1) example of a situation where a task-oriented leader would be most effective. Industrial Psychology Assignment Paper
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of at least
3 criteria used to evaluate
performance in his/her
current or past job.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of 2-
3 criteria used to evaluate
performance in his/her
current or past job.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
1-2 criteria used to evaluate
performance in his/her
current or past job.
Student provides a weak or
unclear description of 1-2
criteria used to evaluate
performance in his/her
current or past job.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of all of
the following in how they
pertain to the performance
criteria used in his/her
current or previous work
organization: criterion
relevance, criterion
contamination, criterion
deficiency, and criterion
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
at least 3 of the following in
how they pertain to the
performance criteria used in
his/her current or previous
work organization: criterion
relevance, criterion
contamination, criterion
deficiency, and criterion
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
at least 2 of the following in
how they pertain to the
performance criteria used
in his/her current or
previous work organization:
criterion relevance,
criterion contamination,
criterion deficiency, and
criterion usefulness.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of at least 1 of
the following in how they
pertain to the performance
criteria used in his/her
current or previous work
organization: criterion
relevance, criterion
contamination, criterion
deficiency, and criterion
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of at least
3 differences between
intrinsic and extrinsic
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
at least 3 differences
between intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
at least 2 differences
between intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of at least 1
difference between
intrinsic and extrinsic
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of at least
1 school or work experience
when she/he has
experienced intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
at least 1 school or work
experience when she/he
has experienced intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
at least 1 school or work
experience when she/he
has experienced intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of at least 1
school or work experience
when she/he has
experienced intrinsic
motivation or extrinsic
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of at least
2 sources of conflict in the
workplace, along with at
least 1 clear, logical example
of each source of conflict.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
at least 2 sources of conflict
in the workplace, along with
at least 1 mostly clear,
logical example of each
source of conflict.
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
at least 2 sources of conflict
in the workplace, along
with at least 1 partially
clear, logical example of
each source of conflict.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of at least 1
source of conflict in the
workplace, along with at
least 1 partially clear,
logical example.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
Student provides a clear,
logical description of at least
1 example of a situation
where a relationship-
oriented leader would be
most effective and 1
example of a situation where
a task-oriented leader would
be most effective.
Student provides a mostly
clear, logical description of
at least 1 example of a
situation where a
relationship-oriented leader
would be most effective and
1 example of a situation
where a task-oriented
leader would be most
Student provides a partially
clear, logical description of
at least 1 example of a
situation where a
leader would be most
effective and 1 example of
a situation where a task-
oriented leader would be
most effective.
Student provides a
partially clear, logical
description of at least 1
example of a situation
where a relationship-
oriented leader would be
most effective or 1
example of a situation
where a task-oriented
leader would be most
evaluation criteria
(10 points)
Intrinsic vs. extrinsic
motivation (15
Experiences (10
Performance criteria
issues (10 points)
oriented leader vs
task-oriented leader
(15 points)
Sources of conflict
(15 points)
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student makes no errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes more than
4 errors in grammar or
spelling that distract the
reader from the content.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
The paper is written in
proper format. All sources
used for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.
Excellent organization,
including a variety of
thoughtful transitions.
The paper is written in
proper format with only 1-2
errors. All sources used for
quotes and facts are credible
and most are cited correctly.
Adequate organization
includes a variety of
appropriate transitions.
The paper is written in
proper format with only 3-5
errors. Most sources used
for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.
Essay is poorly organized,
but may include a few
effective transitions.
The paper is not written in
proper format. Many
sources used for quotes
and facts are less than
credible (suspect) and/or
are not cited correctly.
Essay is disorganized and
does not include effective
Format – APA
Format, Citations,
Transitions (15
Mechanics –
Spelling (10 Points)