Historical Prespective Theory Paper: NUR 518 Essay Assignment

Historical Prespective Theory Paper: NUR 518 Essay Assignment

Historical Prespective Theory Paper: NUR 518 Essay Assignment

Historical Perspective Essay
“Research is systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer questions or solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to develop, refine, and expand knowledge (Burns & Grove, 2011) .” “Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to the nursing profession, including nursing practice, education, administration, and informatics (Polit & Tatano, 2012) .” Stetler’s Model of Research Utilization to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice is a primary example of this. This model was developed by Stetler and Marram in 1976. Stetler then expanded the model in both 1994 and 2001 to promote evidence based practice in nursing. (Polit & Tatano, 2012) The model enhances the use of research evidence by nurses to promote …view middle of the document…

Such research could be used to solve critical clinical problems. It could also be used as an educational program within a hospital environment. Validation refers to the research being scientifically sound. If the research is solid then its use can be prioritized as to the use of the evidence in practice (Polit & Tatano, 2012) . Comparative evaluation expresses the feasibility of the research evidence in practice. The decision-making part is that part that basically considers whether to the use the research or not. Translation and application is the actual planning on how to use the research in practice. The final stage evaluates the impact the research has on health care, patients, and nurses. “The model provides detailed steps to encourage nurses to become change agents to make the necessary improvements in practice based on research evidence.” (Polit & Tatano, 2012)

Stetler’s Model is both the positivism and constructivism paradigm. Evidence based research cannot do without either paradigm. Both can and are used for evidence based research. Positivism assumes that the world is measurable, and can be studied (Polit & Tatano, 2012) . An example being; a patient has deep vein thrombosis, through the positivism paradigm view point the underlying causes would be identified. The constructivism paradigm is a more holistic, naturalistic approach viewing the patient in a subjective way. Both are used in evidence based research. Positivism deduces the process based on specific concrete concepts while constructivism is an inductive process and theory generated with emphasis on holistic, subjective, and non-quantifiable entities within the research. (Polit & Tatano, 2012)