NR 535 Week 7 Announcement
NR 535 Week 7 Announcement
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Week 7 has arrived. The content for the lesson focuses on what some people consider to be a sensitive subject—academic integrity and misconduct. While all colleges/universities have policies regarding academic integrity, it is an expectation that learners will approach assignments with integrity and honesty. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Frequently the increase in academic integrity violations is blamed on the internet due to the availability of documents. However, each individual who violates academic integrity has made a decision to do so. This week presents information regarding how an educator should respond to situations related to academic integrity.
In addition, be careful to read the requirements for the scholarly discussion this week. It uses an evolving format regarding academic integrity and posting requirements as well as reference requirements are different.
The course objective for this week is:
CO #5: Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator (PO 4)
- Weekly Objectives
Discuss legal and ethical issues that may occur within an academic or healthcare setting
Select evidence based strategies appropriate for dealing with legal and ethical issues occurring within an academic or healthcare setting. NR 535 Week 7 Announcement
Due this week: This week you have a case study in the threads and the Nurse Tim Webinar.
**Important information about the Case Study:
Part one of the case study opens on Sunday and closes on Wednesday. After Wednesday, you cannot add any post to part one of the case study. Part two of the case study opens on Wednesday and closes on Saturday. After Saturday, you cannot add any post to part two of the case study. Part three of the case study opens on Thursday and closes on Sunday. In parts one and two, you are required to make 2 posts (your initial post and one to a peer). In part three, you are required to make one post but that post must include your decision in the case and three key points for educators. Please be cognizant of these deadlines
Week 7: Introduction
Ethical and Legal Issues
This week, we continue our discussion on ethical and legal issues that nursing faculty may encounter. Academic integrity and misconduct will be discussed. As you go through the course and gain further understanding your knowledge as a nurse educator will become more balanced. This will strengthen the foundation for the nurse educator.
Week 7 Assignments
Bultas, M., Schmuke, A., Davis, R., & Palmer, J. (2017). Crossing the “line”: College students and academic integrity in nursing. Nurse Education Today, 5657-5662. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.06.012 Link here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Devine, C. A., & Chin, E. D. (2018). Integrity in nursing students: A concept analysis. Nurse Education Today, (60),pp. 133–138. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.10.005 Link here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Case Study
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to: (a) articulate key questions to be asked in a grievance; (b) review an academic integrity policy; and (c) determine a decision in a grievance process.
NurseTim® Webinar
View the NurseTim® Webinar: Legal Issues for Nurse Educators (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Case Study Discussion Grading Rubric
Guidelines & Scoring Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to: (a) articular key questions to be asked in a grievance; (b) review an academic integrity policy; (c) determine a decision in a grievance process.
Course Outcomes:
CO 5. Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator (PO 4)
Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7
Total Points Possible: 100
Week 7: Case Study Part I
The case study has three distinct parts. Each part of the case study will open and close on specific days of the week.
Part I of the case study opens on Sunday and will close on Wednesday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part I once it closes on Wednesday. In this part of the case study you are to identify a 2 key questions for the student relevant to the grievance and 2 key questions for the faculty member. Include the rational for these questions. A scholarly article supporting this part of the discussion is to be included in the initial post.
Part II will open on Wednesday of the week and close on Saturday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part II once it closes on Saturday. In this part of the case study, you are to review a minimum of one policy for plagiarism at your school. Please identify three key points in the policy. (Note: to complete this part of the case study, please search for an academic integrity policy from any nursing program and use that in the discussion. Provide the web address of the policy and school).
Part III will open on Thursday of the week and close on Sunday of the week. In this part of the case study, you are to summarize three (3) key points in determining a decision in a grievance. You are to make a clearly identified decision about this grievance.
Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
NR525_Week5_CaseStudyGuidelines and Grading Rubric 2018.09.25 2
There are to be a minimum of 5 total posts in the case study: Part one of the case study: Initial
post and peer response; Part two of the case study: Initial post and peer response; Part three of
the case study: Initial post