NR708 Week 6 Assignment: Power Dynamic Paper

NR708 Week 6 Assignment: Power Dynamic Paper

NR708 Week 6 Assignment: Power Dynamic Paper

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered).

Introduction (Conforming to appropriate APA formatting guidelines)

Description of the Power Dynamic

Reflection on the Power Dynamic


Preparing the Paper

The following are best practices for preparing this paper.

When introducing the power dynamic, be sure to identify appropriate background information regarding the practice situation (who, what, where, when, and why).

When describing the power dynamic, be sure to fully describe the potential impacts of legitimate and illegitimate power from the perspectives of sociopolitical factors, stakeholders, and interested parties.

When reflecting on the power dynamic, be sure to fully critique driving forces and restraining factors that impact the power of nursing to advocate for change at macro, meso, and micro system levels of healthcare.


Directions and Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description
Introduction 20 11% Introduces the purpose of the paper and addresses all background information elements of the power dynamic and its practice situation.
Description of the Power Dynamic 50 29% Individually address potential impacts of legitimate and illegitimate power from the perspectives of sociopolitical factors, stakeholders, and interested parties on the power dynamic. Use examples from the practice situation to support your assertions.
Reflection on the Power Dynamic 50 29% Individually critique driving forces and restraining factors that impact the power of nursing to advocate for change at macro, meso, and micro system levels of healthcare. Summarize your critique using examples from the practice situation to support your assertions.
Conclusion 10 6 % An effective conclusion identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your manuscript. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the selected power analysis to advanced practice nursing.
Clarity of writing 20 11% Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling errors or typographical errors. Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.
APA format 25 14% All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the manuscript and listed in the references using APA (6th ed.) format.

  1. Document setup;
  2. Title and reference pages; and
  3. Citations in the text and