NR542 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment

NR542 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment

NR542 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment

This week, the discussion topic has two parts. The responses are included in a single post.

First, if your work setting uses a nursing nomenclature recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA), describe how the terms in that nomenclature fit, or do not fit, the data concepts discussed in the lesson. Do these terms clearly and comprehensively represent nursing care and nursing practice at your work setting? Why or why not? If your work setting does not use a formal nursing nomenclature, apply these questions to the terms that are used.

Second, consider your database project. Could an ANA-recognized nomenclature be used in your database? Why or why not?

This paper is intended to produce a plan for developing the database that must be submitted in Week 7 of this course. Students will gain experience in addressing key elements of a database plan.

(CO#5) Utilize contemporary communication modalities to explain the sources, requirements, attributes, and implications of data representations found in healthcare. (PO 3)

This 2-to-4 page paper presents a database plan for a nursing or healthcare problem dealt with in the past or active in the present. Explain the problem and the reason(s) a database is needed. Provide a conceptual data model for the planned database. Name all the entities planned for the database and justify their selection. In an appendix, provide an E-R diagram that shows each entity, names the identifier for each entity, and illustrates the relationships between each entity, noting the cardinality. In the paper, write a narrative explanation of key parts of the E-R diagram, including how you arrived at some of the decisions on relationships and cardinality. Include three questions planned for this database (the original questions from the discussion in week 1 may be used). Provide a recap of the paper and discuss insights on databases developed as a result of working on this assignment. Support all decisions from the scholarly literature.


Assignment Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 115 Points


10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Introduction is thorough or detailed and includes information about the topic and the organization of the paper. NR542 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment

Introduction is limited in scope but includes information about the topic and the organization of the paper

Introduction includes information about the topic OR the organization of the paper BUT not both

Introduction does not include information about the topic AND the organization of the paper

Introduction is not present.


11 points

10 Points

9 Points

4 Points

0 Points

All of these criterion elements are met:

Problem is described in detail.
Reason for using a database as the information-management solution is explained in detail
Scholarly support exceeds minimum requirement of 3 references

All of these criterion elements are met:

Problem is stated but lacks detail.
Reason for use of a database as the Information-management problem is stated but lacks detail in explanation
Meets minimum requirement for scholarly support.

Two of the following criterion elements are met:

Problem is stated but lacks detail.

Reason for use of a database as the Information-management problem is stated but lacks detail in explanation

Meets minimum requirement for scholarly support

One of the following criterion elements is met:

Problem is stated but lacks detail.
Reason for use of a database as the Information-management problem is stated but lacks detail in explanation
Minimum requirement for scholarly support

None of the criterion elements are met

Conceptual Model

12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

All of these criterion elements are met:

Conceptual data model for the planned data base is narrated. The model also may be illustrated (optional) and placed in an appendix.
Key elements include concept name, concept relationships, concept attributes, and any business rules (if appropriate).

All of these criterion elements are met:

Conceptual data model for the planned database is stated but lacks detail
Key elements of the model are named
The relationships are stated, briefly

Two of these criterion elements are present:

Conceptual data model for the planned data base is explained
Key elements of the model are named
Relationships are narrated

One of the these criterion elements is present:

Conceptual data model for the planned data base is explained
Key elements of the model are named
Relationships are narrated

None of the required criterion elements are present


12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

All entities are identified, and all match the number of concept names from concept data model

Compared to the concept names from the concept model, all but one entity is identified.

Compared to the concept names from the concept model, all but two entities are identified

Compared to the concept names from the concept model, all but three entities are identified.

No entities are identified


12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Justification for each entity is provided

Justification is provided for all but one entity

Justification is provided for all but two entities

Justification is provided for all but three entities

No justification is for provided for any entity

E-R Diagram

12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

All of these criterion elements are met

E-R diagram presented separately for each entity or as a single, comprehensive diagram of
All identified entities are included
Diagram is discussed briefly in paper
Diagram is placed in an appendix
Appendix is named in text of paper

All but 1 of these criterion elements are met

E-R diagram presented separately for each entity or as a single, comprehensive diagram of
All identified entities are included
Diagram is discussed briefly in paper
Found in an appendix
Appendix is named in text of paper

All but 2 of these criterion elements are met

E-R diagram presented separately for each entity or as a single, comprehensive diagram of
All identified entities are found in diagram
Diagram is discussed briefly in paper
Found in an appendix
Appendix is named in text of paper

All but 3 of these criterion elements are met

E-R diagram presented separately for each entity or as a single, comprehensive diagram of
All identified entities are found in diagram
Diagram is discussed briefly in paper
Found in an appendix
Appendix is named in text of paper

None of these criterion elements are present

E-R diagram presented separately for each entity or as a single, comprehensive diagram of
All identified entities are found in diagram
Diagram is discussed briefly in paper
Found in an appendix
Appendix is named in text of paper. NR542 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment


12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Identifier for each entity is named

Identifiers for all but one entity are named

Identifiers for all but two entities are named

Identifiers for some, but not all entities, are named

No identifiers are named


12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Relationships between entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in an appendix

Relationships between all but one of the entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in an appendix

Relationships between all but two of the entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in an appendix

Relationships between some, but not all, entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in an appendix

No relationships between entities are discussed in text


12 Points

11 Points

10 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Three appropriate questions for the database are provided

Three questions for the database are provided, but one or more questions are inappropriate

Two questions for the database are provided

One question for the database is provided.

No questions for the database are provided


10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Conclusion thoroughly recaps the paper and discusses insights from completing the assignment

Conclusion recaps the paper and states, bud does not discuss, insights from completing the assignment

Conclusion includes one but not both elements:

Recap of paper
Insights from completing the assignment

Conclusion section is present but does not include the required elements:

Recap of paper
Insights from completing the assignment

Conclusion is missing

Content Subtotal

_____of 115 points

APA Format, References and Writing Mechanics

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

No APA format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors

3 scholarly, timely references are present.

Only one of the course texts may be used as a reference

0 – 2 APA format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors in title page, body of the paper, citations, references, table, and appendix



A minimum of 3 scholarly, timely references are present. Only one of the course texts may be used as a reference

3 – 5 APA format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors in one or more areas: title page, body of the paper, citations, references, table and appendices


Only 2 references are used


More than one text is used as a reference.

6-7 APA format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors in one or more areas: title page, body of the paper, citations, references, table, and appendix


Only 1 reference is used

8 or more APA format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors in these areas: title page, body of the paper, citations, references, table, and appendix


No references are used

Format Subtotal

_____of 10 points

Total Points 125

_____of 125 Points