NR543 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment
NR543 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment
What process would you use to create test scripts for the proposed change(s) you identified in your Workflow Analysis?
Develop a plan to validate (test) the proposed information workflow change from the workflow diagram and analysis assignment week 1 that demonstrates all the resources and processes required to ensure that your proposed change(s) work as designed without unintended consequences. Develop a plan that considers scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables (desired end products), resources (human, hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies to validate changes and deliverables BEFORE change would be introduced into a live system. While you may not know exactly how long this would take or all of the resources required put on your thinking cap to propose a timeframe, budget, etc. Make this plan specific to your proposed change(s).
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or highest level of performance
Very good or high level of performance
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance
Unsatisfactory level of performance
Possible Points =
126 Points
20 Points
182 Points
160 Points
8 Points
0 Points
Introduction presents the topic and clearly describes how the paper is organized.
Introduction presents the topic and how the paper is organized.
Introduction does not present the topic OR does not describe how the paper is organized.
Introduction does not present the topic AND does not describe how the paper is organized.
Introduction is not present. NR543 Week 3 Discussion and Assignment
Test Plan
24 Points
0 Points
Includes all components: scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables, resources (human, hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies.
Includes at least three, but not all, of the comprehensive components: scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables, resources (human, hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies.
Includes 2 of the comprehensive components: scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables, resources (human, hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies.
Includes 1 of the comprehensive components: scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables, resources (human hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies.
Includes none of the comprehensive components: scope, schedule, acceptable deliverables, resources (human, hardware, software, network and/or other equipment, space, budget), risks, and contingencies.
20 Points
18 Points
16 Points
8 Points
0 Points
Provides detailed information about the methods used to develop the plan OR the proposed methodology for the actual testing as well as advantages and disadvantages to this method and other methods that might be used.
Provides information about the methods used to develop the plan OR the proposed methodology for the actual testing as well as some advantages and disadvantages of the approach used.
Provides information about the methods used to develop the plan OR the proposed methodology for the actual testing.
Limited information provided about how the plan was developed OR the proposed methodology for the actual testing.
No information provided about how the plan was developed .
Evidence-based test plan construction/testing method
21 Points
19 Points
17 Points
8 Points
0 Points
Evidence-based recommendations to resolve each problem or test method are presented and discussed in detail.
Evidence-based recommendations to resolve each problem or test method are presented and discussed briefly.
Evidence-based recommendations to resolve each problem or test method are presented but not discussed.
Evidence-based recommendations to resolve each problem or test method are not discussed.
Evidence-based recommendations to resolve each problem or test method are not presented.
21 Points
19 Points
17 Points
8 Points
0 Points
Presents detailed insights gained from working on the assignment.
Presents adequate insights gained from working on the assignment.
Presents minimal insights gained from working on the assignment.
Conclusion present, but insights not included.
No conclusion is present.
Content Subtotal
_____of 106 Points
Possible Points = 24 Points
APA format
6 Points
5 Points
4 Points
2 Points
0 Points
0–3 errors in use of APA format in title page, body of the paper, references, or appendix.
4–6 errors in use of APA format in title page, body of the paper, references, or appendix.
7–8 errors in use of APA format in title page, body of the paper, references, or appendix.
9 errors in use of APA format in title page, body of the paper, references, or appendix
10 or more errors in use of APA format in title page, body of the paper, references, or appendix.
References and citation
6 Points
5 Points
2 Points
0 Points
At least 3 scholarly references are provided. Texts may be used as additional references AND ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly.
Only 2 scholarly references are provided AND ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly.
Only 1 scholarly reference is provided
AND there are errors in the citation of ideas and information from other sources.
There are multiple errors in the citation of ideas and information from other sources.
No scholarly references are provided.
Mechanics of writing
7 Points
6 Points
5 Points
2 Points
0 Points
0–3 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.
Paper meets page restrictions.
4–6 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.
Paper meets page restrictions.
7–8 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.
Paper does not meet page restrictions.
9 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.
10 or more errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.
Format Subtotal
_____of 19 Points
Total Points
_____of 125 Points