Reaction Paper: Alcoholics AA or Narcotics Anonymous NA meeting

Reaction Paper: Alcoholics AA or Narcotics Anonymous NA meeting

Reaction Paper: Alcoholics AA or Narcotics Anonymous NA meeting

Counselor educators teaching substance abuse counseling often require students to attend 12-step meetings such as AA, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or Al-Anon (Fisher & Harrison, 1999; Zweben 1995). Attendance at a 12-step meeting is believed to be a learning tool for students to gain awareness and understanding of the addiction and recovery processes, as well as a way to view how self-help groups function.

Recently, educators have focused more on the learning that takes place outside of the classroom environment and have developed theoretical models of experiential learning to explain how such learning occurs in everyday situations. Many of these models are based on the work of Lewin (1951) and Piaget (1970). One such model is Kolb’s (1984) Four Stage Learning Cycle, which describes four successive stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract generalization, and active experimentation.

A concrete experience is based on direct experience (rather than that found in the classroom) and the knowledge that is gained from such an experience. Reflective observation occurs when an individual takes time to contemplate and make meaning of the experience on a personal level. Abstract generalization is the development of new rules and theories or the modification of existing theories used to describe the experience. Active experimentation is the testing of the theory in practice, which leads to the next concrete experience (Atherton, 2005; Kolb, 1984). In short, learning is said to occur when an individual undergoes an experience, reflects on said experience, develops a theory based on self-reflection, and finally formulates new ways of behaving.

ASSIGNMENT: As an alternate option to the 10-12 pages APA paper students may choose to attend any Self Help, 12 Steps meeting. Please note that traditionally students choose to attend either Alcoholics (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. However, there are a variety of 12 Step meetings (which will be outlined in a posted PowerPoint).


Students should only attend “Open Meetings” as closed meetings are reserved only for those with a substance abuse problem. Please review the AA and NA websites for a description of the meeting you choose to attend.

The assignment requires students to submit a 4-page Reaction Paper related to their experience which should include what their expectations were prior to the meeting and their perception of the meeting and its members afterwards.