Healthcare Reform Provision Analysis Paper: Make the Case

Healthcare Reform Provision Analysis Paper: Make the Case

Healthcare Reform Provision Analysis Paper: Make the Case

Health Reform Analysis Paper Background Information and Guidelines/Directions

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (HR 3590) was passed in March 2010 after a tumultuous year of theatrical proportion including Sarah Palin’s “death panels;” the “You lie!” accusation to President Obama by SC House representative Joe Wilson; and the almost successful backdoor deal for additional Medicaid funding for Nebraska to win the vote of Sen. Ben Nelson. In addition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a “side car” package was passed just days later; the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HR 4872) which amends HR 3590 as well as student education grants/loans, and the administration and management of such.

Several provisions were passed in effort to improve the health of Americans including mandating all individuals to purchase health insurance, either through group, individual or other mechanisms as well as expanding Medicaid eligibility. The ACA had its day(s) in the Supreme Court (March 2012) as it was challenged by the GOP for its constitutionality. The mandate for individual insurance was upheld; the Medicaid mandate coverage was struck down with states having the option to expand.

As a result of the upholding of this law, several strategies were proposed, including the creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) to improve the quality of care and reduce duplication of services, as well as unnecessary testing. Another strategy was the implementation of insurance exchanges, of which states had to decide in January 2013 if they would administer them independently…let the federal government manage them…or implement a joint administration.

Under President Trump’s administration, the House passed the American Health Care Act, ’17; although the Senate drafted the Better Care Reconciliation Act, ’17…the legislation did not pass. Congress pursued “No Repeal/Replace” without the support of the Congressional Budget Office, the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association….No Skinny Repeal (no individual mandates, no employer mandates for 8 years, reduction in Essential Health Benefits requirements, etc.)….and the “Repeal Only Amendment” failed in the Senate.

Your assignment is as follows: you are required to analyze and make the case for the state and future of healthcare reform in the U.S using the following grading criteria/requirements–


Must include the background of issues which ACA health reform law addresses (i.e. number of uninsured/underinsured) leading up to health reform (with citations)

Body of Paper-

Must analyze the provisions in ACA (i.e. creation of insurance exchanges) and impact on stakeholders to date; incorporates research, readings, and professional/personal experiences to justify analysis (with citations)

Summary/Conclusions/Implications for the Future-

Emerges from the body of paper and concludes with highlighting

of issue(s) analyzed and potential strategies to address issue (with citations)



**Required: Word Document, APA format, double spaced, 12 font; citations from peer reviewed literature and title page, minimum 5 pages (excluding title and reference pages)

**Go to The Kaiser Family Foundation at for valuable information on health reform and policy, as well.

**Again…See Grading Criteria Below

Grading Criteria

Content 40 points


(Background of issues which ACA health reform law addresses i.e. number of uninsured/underinsured) leading up to provision of discussion

10 points

Body of Paper

(Analyzes provision in ACA (ie. creation of insurance

exchanges) and impact upon stakeholders to date;

incorporates research, readings, and professional/personal

experiences to justify analysis.

20 points

Summary/Conclusions/Implications for Future

(Emerges from the body of paper and concludes with highlighting

of issue(s) analyzed and potential strategies to address issue 10 points

Components of Academic Writing 10 points

Well-constructed sentence structure; spelling/grammar; 5 points

concise, logical and organized flow of thought

Adherence to APA style; must include title page, reference

page, citations within body of paper 5 points

Total – 50 points