NR541 Week 4 Assignment: Individual Development Plan
NR541 Week 4 Assignment: Individual Development Plan
Individual Development Plan
for Attainment/Improvement of Professional Nursing Informatics Competencies
Guidelines & Rubric
Each student will create an individual development plan to attain or strengthen professional nursing informatics competencies that is based upon initial self-assessment of NI competencies at the beginning of NR541 that was due Week 1. Students will evaluate their progress in relation to each identified goal at the end of each informatics course. For this assignment you will add onto the Self-Assessment Competency document that you used for Week 1 assignment and submit to the Individual Development Plan assignment for Week 4. While you are encouraged to develop a plan for ALL areas that are identified as in need of further development (a self-assessed 2 or 3) for the purpose of this assignment select 30 priority competencies for further development based upon your career aspirations.
Due Date
Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4
Total Points Possible: 150
Understanding one’s own competencies in nursing informatics enables the identification of goals related to each needed competency, planning of strategies to attain needed knowledge and skills, establishes accountability, and promotes self-evaluation of your progress to attain core informatics competencies. The grade is limited to the creation of measurable goals and strategies. No grade is assessed for attainment of competencies within this course.
The initial self- evaluation and individual development plan are based upon Level 3 and Level 4 Nursing Informatics (NI) Competencies in the following areas:
· Computer skills
· Informatics knowledge
· Informatics skills
· Identifies specific, measurable goals to attain/approve competency.
· Provides plan to meet each goal must include metrics, be specific for measurement
Directions and Assignment Criteria
Assignment Criteria
Identification of Competencies
Identify competencies and self-ranking of core competencies identified during initial self-assessment
Identification of Goals
Identifies specific, measurable goals to attain/approve competency. include metrics, be specific for measurement
Provides plan to meet each goal (note that the plan may continue to evolve as you progress through the program)
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting
Initial Assessment
Core Competency
Student Identified specific, measurable goals to attain/approve competency (Goals must include metrics, be specific).
Plan to Meet Student Practicum Goals
1 2 3
Develops or modifies spreadsheets used for complex problems
Will master the use of spreadsheets (What) in the application of my responsibilities as nurse manager (Where) at XYZ Medical Center for budget information by March 2017 (When) as evidenced by the ability to create, add and delete columns, format cells, and apply mathematical formulas (how measured) and don’t forget (how well or level of performance)
1.Sign up for Excel Class January 2017 at XYZ Medical Center.
2.Review Excel tutorials as needed to aid in budget preparation
3.Use Excel to prepare unit budget for FY 2017.
Grading Rubric
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or highest level of performance
Very good or high level of performance
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance
Unsatisfactory level of performance
Identify competencies and self-ranking of core competencies identified during initial self-assessment
20 Points
8 Points
0 Points
Brings forward self-ranking of all core competencies identified during initial self-assessment
Has identified less than one-half of the core competencies in the plan
Has not identified any core competencies.
Identifies specific, measurable goals to attain/approve competency. include metrics, be specific for measurement
55 Points
49 Points
44 Points
21 Points
0 Points
All 30 goals are specific and measurable
The majority of the 30 goals are specific and measurable
Goals provide most details but are less than 100% measurable
Goals provide insufficient detail to be measurable
Goals are unclear or missing
Provides plan to meet each goal (note that the plan may continue to evolve as you progress through the program)
55 Points
49 Points
44 Points
21 Points
0 Points
Strategies show clear evidence of activities required to obtain goals and are specific to the student and initial self-rating of competency
Most strategies show clear evidence of activities required to obtain goals and are specific to the student and initial self-rating of competency
Plan identifies activities to obtain goals and are specific to the student and initial self-rating of competency
Plan is vague and/or not specific to the student or level of competency
Plans to attain each competency are largely or entirely absent
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting
20 Points
0 Points
No grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation or APA errors
1 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation or APA error
2 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation or APA errors
3 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation or APA errors
4 or more grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation or APA errors
__________ of 20 Points
150 Total Points _____ of 150 Points