NR704 Full Course Work Latest
NR704 Full Course Work Latest
The purpose of this assignment is to help you to begin to understand and apply the important counts, ratios, and statistics presented in healthcare and epidemiological research. Remember to use the list of formulas presented prior to the problems and to carefully consider the purpose of each calculation and how it is interpreted. COURSE OUTCOMES
This assignment provides documentation of students’ ability to meet the following course outcomes:
(CO 3) Synthesize ethical and legal principles regarding the collection, maintenance, utilization, and dissemination of epidemiologic data. (PO 1)
(CO 4) Utilize appropriate public health terminology and definitions of epidemiology necessary for intra-/interprofessional collaboration in advanced nursing practice. (PO 8)
(CO 6) Differentiate biopsychosociopolitical and economic/environmental conditions impacting epidemiologic perspectives that inform scientific, ethical, economic, and political discussion of public health issues. (PO 1)
The assignment is worth a total of 50 points.
Submit your completed assignment by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 5 as directed.
Complete the risk calculation worksheet located at the end of this document.
For each question, identify the correct answer.
Submit the worksheet to the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday of Week 5.
Category Points % Description
Item 1: Sensitivity of the physical examination 10 20 Application of the correct formula required
Item 2: Specificity of the physical examination 10 20 Application of the correct formula required
Item 3: True negatives + false negatives 10 20 Application of the correct formula required
Item 4: Positive Predictive value of the physical examination 10 20 Application of the correct formula required
Item 5: True positives 10 20 Application of the correct formula required
Total: 50 100
Secondary Prevention Screening Calculations Worksheet
Prior to completing this worksheet, review the lessons, reading, and course text up to this point. Also review the tables of calculations. Each question is worth 10 points. Please show your work.
Biopsy Proven Breast Cancer Biopsy Proven Breast Cancer
Physician Exam Yes No Totals
Positive 900 400 1300
Negative 350 2,100 2,450
Totals 1,250 2,500 3,750
Sensitivity of the physical examination
Specificity of the physical examination
Negative predictive value of the physical examination
Positive predictive value of the physical examination
How can the healthcare provider increase the positive predictive value of a screening test?