NURS 6655 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner AG-ACNP Diagnosis and Management I: Clinical Application
NURS 6655 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner AG-ACNP Diagnosis and Management I: Clinical Application
This course develops clinical competency and emphasizes the integration of theory, assessment and advanced therapeutics for young adults, adults and older adults in a high acuity setting. Students will perform comprehensive clinical assessments including appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic testing. Management of acute and chronic health problems will be under the direction of clinical preceptors. Clinical placements will include a variety of acute/critical care areas including but not limited to: emergency department, medical/surgical intensive care units, intermediate care and specialty services such as transplant and oncology. Gerontology experiences will be provided in long term care, rehabilitation facilities and the acute care setting. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families, and inter-professional teams.
Credit hour allocation: 6 semester credit hours
Clock hour allocation: 300 clock hours clinical practicum; 15 clock hours seminar
- NURS 6455 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts and Theory I
- NURS 6456 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts and Theory II
ORDER NOW FOR A CUSTOM-WRITTEN AND PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERS NURS 6655 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner AG-ACNP Diagnosis and Management I: Clinical Application
Upon completion of the Master of Science in Nursing Program (MSN) students will:
- Integrate scientific findings from nursing and related sciences, including genetics and genomics, into the delivery of advanced nursing care to populations in diverse settings.
- Demonstrate organizational and systems leadership to assure ethical and critical decision-making at all systems’ levels for quality and patient safety.
- Incorporate performance improvement strategies for quality, safety, and patient-centered care delivery.
- Use improvement science to achieve optimal patient care and care environment outcomes.
- Integrate meaningful and usable information systems and healthcare technologies to support safe, quality patient care and healthcare systems effectiveness.
- Advocate for policy changes that influence healthcare at appropriate levels.
- Lead interprofessional teams using collaborative strategies to effect quality patient care and population health outcomes.
- Analyze and incorporate broad ecological and social health determinants to design and deliver evidence-based clinical prevention and population healthcare and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.
- Integrate the advanced competencies expected of a master’s prepared nurse to design, deliver, and evaluate outcomes of systems of care for individuals, families, and diverse populations.
- Provide health promotion, disease prevention, and evaluation of population health for the young adult, adult and older adult patients and their families during developmental transitions and life-style adjustments across the adult continuum.
- Integrate knowledge of common acute and chronic illnesses to diagnose and manage young adult, adult, and older adult patients in high acuity settings.
- Integrate anticipatory guidance into the comprehensive treatment plans with respect to both primary and secondary prevention for young adult, adult and older adult patients.
- Integrate history and physical examination data along with the Pathophysiology of common acute and chronic diseases in the young adult, adult and older patient in order to develop appropriate differential diagnoses, and implement an evidence-based management plan.
- Integrate traditional and complementary pharmacological interventions into the treatment and management of common acute illnesses for the young adult, adult and older adult population.
- Integrate social, cultural, explanatory models and spiritual components in a holistic patient-centered plan of care.
- Incorporate ethical considerations in dealing with directives influencing acutely and chronically ill patients and their families or support systems.
- Demonstrate core professional clues and ethical/legal standards in the implementation of the adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner role.
- Demonstrate understanding of the essential components of invasive bedside procedures.
- Demonstrate appropriate and acceptable skill in performing invasive bedside procedures.
A = 4 points (90-100)
B = 3 points (80-89)
C = 2 points (75-79)
D = 1 point (66-74)
F = 0 points (65 or below)
Criteria for Evaluation/Grades NP Track Spring Clinical Courses
Component/Item | Weighting | Description | |||||
1. Faculty Evaluations (2)
a) OSCE (Preclinical) b) Preceptor Evaluations (Midterm and Final) c) Faculty Site Visits (Midterm and Final) |
Pass/Fail | Faculty will complete an Evaluation of the Student prior to Midterm and prior to Final. Pass/Fail grade based upon student’s successful completion of the OSCE, the Preceptor Evaluations and the Faculty Site Visits.
OSCE- Student must pass with at least 75% in order to proceed on to clinical with 1 remedial opportunity to be given at student’s expense for the SP. |
2. Clinical Hours Report (2) | Pass/Fail | Student to submit summary of clinical hours at Midterm and Final via Canvas. Clinical hours must total no less than 300 hours. | |||||
3. Typhon Patient Encounters Summary (2) | Pass/Fail | Student to submit pie graph summary of the patient encounters at Midterm and Final via Canvas. Students must enter each patient they see in the clinical setting within the week of seeing those patients. | |||||
4. Written Assignments | Pass/Fail | *Must earn 75% or better for all written assignments combined/averaged. | |||||
*SOAP Notes (3) | 50% | ||||||
*Seminar Patient Case Presentation | 20% | ||||||
*Patient Management Paper (1) | 20% | ||||||
Discussion Board | 10% | ||||||
Total | 100% | ||||||
5. SCCM Virtual Critical Care Rounds Modules I | Pass/Fail | Must complete prior to 4/26/2019 and submit proof of completion. ** Cost is $65 per module at the student’s expense. Average time to complete is 3 hours and completion counts toward 3 seminar hours. | |||||
Final Grade | Pass/Fail | Must pass all the criteria listed above to pass the course. |
Clinical Experience is Pass/Fail
No clinical can be started at any clinical site until an Intent of Relationship (IOR) is completed, submitted to the course coordinator in hand,email or fax, and approved by the faculty. Clinical practicum may start on January 9, 2019 if the IOR is completed, submitted and approved but not before. The student must pass the pre-clinical OSCE on January 8, 2019 to begin clinical with their preceptor on January 9, 2019. All clinical practicum hours must be completed by April 26, 2019.
Clinical Practicum
The student will complete 300 hours of clinical practicum with their assigned preceptor(s) once the Intent of Relationship (IOR) agreement is completed by the student and preceptor, signed, faxed to the School of Nursing, and approved by the graduate faculty. Students are expected to dress in business casual with white lab coat and UT Health NP Student badge and present a professional appearance while in the clinical setting. The clinical practicum must be completed no later than the end of the course. There are no extensions for completing hours except for a major health problem; therefore, the student must plan ahead when negotiating clinical hours with the preceptor.
Clinical Site Visits:
Students will have two scheduled site visits by their assigned faculty.
Preceptor and Faculty Evaluation (Pass/Fail):
Students must pass clinical to pass the course. A written evaluation from the student’s preceptor(s)is/are required at the end of the rotation with the preceptor. If a student has one preceptor the whole semester, then they need a Midterm evaluation and a Final Evaluation completed by the preceptor. If the student has more than one preceptor, then each preceptor needs to do at least one evaluation. Each preceptor is required to sit down with the student to go over the evaluation. Two written evaluations will also be completed by the faculty for each student during the semester. Final grade determination will be made by the faculty of record with input from the preceptor(s).
ORDER NOW FOR A CUSTOM-WRITTEN AND PLAGIARISM-FREE NURS 6655 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner AG-ACNP Diagnosis and Management I: Clinical Application PAPER
Clinical Attendance
Students are required to attend all clinical experiences. Students are to be prompt, prepared, and appropriately attired. A student who is unable to attend a clinical experience must contact the clinical faculty personally prior to the beginning of the clinical experience. Leaving a message or e-mail for the faculty is not acceptable. Professional role behavior is expected. The graduate student will notify the clinical agency and preceptor that she/he is unable to attend and how they will reschedule the missed hours.
Written Assignments
1. If written assignments are made in a course they are required.
2. Students are expected to submit written work on the scheduled date and time.
3. The student must notify their faculty instructor prior to the scheduled due date and time if they are unable to submit the written work as scheduled.
4. If the excuse is accepted as reasonable and necessary, arrangements will be made for an alternative due date and time.
5. Each student is responsible for making sure that he or she has completed the written work prior to submission.
6. Late work will be accepted up to 72 hours after the due date with consequences at faculty discretion. Five points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late (up to 15 points). After 72 hours, late assignments will be a grade of zero
APA Guidelines
Effective Fall 2010, the APA Publication Manual 6th edition is required for use in all nursing school programs.