NURS 7324 Healthcare Economics and Policy Assignments
NURS 7324 Healthcare Economics and Policy Assignments
This course prepares the student to lead improvements in health care through an understanding of macroeconomic principles in the health care market. Students will be given the opportunity to apply theoretical and empirical economic analysis to business and public policy issues in health care.
Credit Hour Allocation: 3 Semester Credit Hours
Clock Hour Allocation: 3 Clock Hours Class (45 hours class)
Graduate Standing
Upon completion of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program students will:
- Integrate nursing science, ethics, biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sources to provide the highest level of specialty nursing practices.
- Develop, implement, and evaluate healthcare practices in healthcare systems that ensure quality improvement and patient safety.
- Use analytic methods and evidence based practices to improve practice outcomes and the practice environment.
- Implement and evaluate ethical healthcare information systems and patient care technology to improve the quality of patient health outcomes and care systems.
- Advocate for healthcare practices that advance social justice, equity, and ethical policies within all healthcare arenas.
- Employ interprofessional collaborative teams to improve patient and population health outcomes and healthcare delivery systems.
- Lead the integration and institutionalization of (evidence based) clinical prevention and population based health guidelines.
- Use clinical judgment, systems thinking, accountability, and specialized knowledge to design, deliver, and evaluate evidence based, culturally proficient care to improve patient, population, and health systems outcomes.
- Describe the role of health economics in healthcare and healthcare policy at the macroeconomic level
- Synthesize relevant economic concepts and models in the health care sector.
- Critically analyze the role of payers from an economic perspective
- Describe the relationship between insurance and health.
- Critically analyze perspectives on the role of government in health care.
- Evaluate the role of economic factors in the development of policy concerning health and health care.
A = 4 points (90-100)
B = 3 points (80-89)
C = 2 points (75-79)
D = 1 point (66-74)
F = 0 points (65 or below)
Grade Percentages:
Class Attendance | First two days face to face | 5 |
Discussion Boards | 5 discussions / 5 points each | 25 |
Quizzes | 3 quizzes / 10 points each | 30 |
Article Reviews | 3 articles / 10 points each | 30 |
Homework | 2 assignments | 10 |
Grading Criteria:
1. Class Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to attend both weekend classes at the beginning of the semester prepared to participate in class discussions, share insight from the readings, and demonstrate integration of course content with their professional practice experiences.
- Consistently engaged online participation is paramount to gaining the full benefit of the content and it’s application in this course. It is an expectation that students will follow specific instructions for each online discussion. Students are expected to contribute to online discussion in a scholarly manner, using literature to support statements. All supporting literature must be referenced, using APA standards. Students will be expected to share insights from the readings integrated with their practice experience, challenging the readings or their practice where there seems to be incongruence. It is an expectation that postings will be grammatically correct with minimal typographical errors.
Grading Criteria for Discussion Board Forums: Postings reflect professional level
writing skills and employ professional courtesy.
• Postings are accurate, substantive, and demonstrate original thought.
• Responses to peers deepen and expand the discussion – simply agreeing or disagreeing with a posting does not constitute a response.
• Postings are supported by relevant literature when appropriate and cited in APA format.
• Postings conform to the stated directions including the timeframe for initial and follow-up postings and the frequency of postings.
• Late postings will not be accepted.
- Application Assignment specifics will be submitted under Course Materials and linked from the Assignment link in Canvas. They are used as the basis for building competency with economic models and related policy analysis. Submissions that are less than or equal to one day late will be given a 50% beginning deduction prior to grading criteria being applied. Submissions more than one day late will not be accepted.
- Criteria specifics for Article Reviews will be posted under Course Materials and linked from the Assignment Link in Canvas.Late submissions will receive 10 points deduction
for each 24 hour period late. - Responses to Online Presentations will be organized according the that response rubric and posted on the Discussion Board by the due date.
- If written assignments are made in a course they are required.
- Students are expected to submit written work on the scheduled date and time.
- The student must notify the course coordinator prior to the scheduled due date and time if they are unable to submit the written work as scheduled. Failure to make this notification in advance will result in a “zero” for that written work.
- If the excuse is accepted as reasonable and necessary, arrangements will be made for an alternative due date and time.
- Each student is responsible for making sure that he or she has completed the written work prior to submission.
- Late work will be accepted with consequences as outlined per course syllabi.
The APA Publication Manual 6th edition is required for use in all nursing school programs.