Assignment: Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice

Assignment: Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice

Assignment: Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice



Identify a potential mediation scenario where you might implicitly impose your views on the disputants. How can you self manage against this? Write down three possible strategies for being ethically “neutral”.

Sample Draft Solution:


I absolutely agree with the position of the mediator so far as the case highlighted in the video is concerned. I agree that on some instances, it is possible to be ethically neutral. However, analysis from a different perspective always reveals that it is actually very difficult to be neutral from a natural point of view. As evident in this case of this video, the mediator reflected that being a mother herself, it was very difficult for her to be neutral in the critical dead baby cases, which I completely agree with (Wakeen, 2010). Similarly, I feel that it is very difficult to be neutral in the cases of workplace conflicts.

Identification of a potential mediation scenario

In most of the cases or workplace conflict management, I have observed that the mediators are always imposed with biased influences. They have to always mindful that they do not hurt the interest of the organisation by their neutral approach (Mo & Shi, 2017). Their verdicts are supposed to yield best outcomes for the organisation. As an outcome, I suppose that it is practically impossible to be ethically neutral in case of professional mediation. At times the sense of ethics are also biased as was the case in this video.

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