NURS 2006 Assignment: Clinical Governance and Practice

NURS 2006 Assignment: Clinical Governance and Practice

NURS 2006 Assignment: Clinical Governance and Practice


To educate the nursing professionals about the importance of accidental fall prevention among the older adults and train the nursing professional under the presence of occupational therapists in order to reduce the chances of fall among the older adults in residential care and under hospital care settings.

PICO Format

  1. Population: Nursing professionals
  2. Intervention: Older adults fall prevention education and strategies
  3. Context: Residential care or aged care or hospital care settings for the older adults
  4. Outcome: Decrease in the tendency of accidental fall among the older adults and thereby improving their quality of life

NURS 2006 Assignment: Clinical Governance and Practice  – Sample Draft Solution:


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The aim of the project is to educate and provide training (Interventions)to the nursing professionals who are working under residential care and aged care settings about the strategies of older adults fall prevention for a tenure of 1 week (Time) in order to reduce the incidences of accidental falls(Measurable).

Relevance of Clinical Governance to your project

The four pillars of clinical governance include clinical effectiveness, clinical risk management, patient’s experience and professional development (Australian Government Department of Health, 2012). Here, risk management, coincides, with the scope of this project. The reason behind this is, the project aims to show how education and training of the nurses about the strategies of the accidental fall prevention of older adults helps to reduce the risk of fall in older adults. According to Vlaeyen et al. (2015), educating the nurses about the strategies of fall prevention helps to reduce the chances of recurrent fall among the older adults who suffer from gait problems, visual impairments, neuronal complications or other healthcare problems. Vlaeyen et al. (2015) further highlighted that proper training of the nursing professionals about the interventions of the fall prevention must be provided under the presence of occupational therapist. This will help to increase in knowledge of the nursing professionals, operating in the residential ward to perform proper risk assessment of the older adults who are above 65 years of age and accordingly implement the interventions to prevent the chances of accidental falls. The presence of occupational therapists further helps in better risk management (Vlaeyen et al., 2015).

Evidence that the issue / problem is worth solving:

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2017) on an annual basis nearly 1014 elderly people over 65 years of age lose their life due to accidental fall under residential or aged care settings in Australia. This accidental fall among the older adults also results in injury-related hospitalization among this age group. The statistics published by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012), mentions the fall incidence ratio among male and female is 1:3. Women who are aged 65 years and above are 2.8 times more vulnerable than older men in encountering accidental fall due to gait problems or slippage. According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012), in order to reduce the chances of fall among the older adults,

(i) It is important to generate a low-risk population and thereby promoting independence

(ii) improvement of the outcomes through facilitating local partnerships

(iii) Creating safer environment for the older adults

(iv) Increasing the capacity of the healthcare workers towards preventing fall and fall-associated injury among the older adults

(v) Proper development and management through research, information dissemination and training.

The main project is based on the point highlights under (iii), (iv) and (v).

The review of the literature highlighted that one of the effective strategies for improvement of the fall prevention among the older adults was providing proper training to the healthcare professionals especially the nurses to improve the compliance of the preventive strategy towards fall prevention (Stephenson et al., 2015). The systematic review conducted by Sherrington et al. (2017) showed that exercise can be regarded as a single intervention for the prevention of fall among the community dwelling older people. In order to increase the overall effect of exercise interventions, proper training must be provided to the nursing professionals. The presence of the occupational therapists helps to increase the overall outcome of the interventions. Thus, from the analysis of the evidence it is clear that rate of fall is higher among older adults and this hampers their overall quality of life due to increased fatal risk and injury related hospitalization. Proper research and training of the healthcare professionals will be helpful in creating a safer environment for the older adults and thereby helping to reduce the risk of falls. Thus, it can be said that the problem is worth solving as it will help to reduce the risk of fall among the older adults.


Key Stakeholders:

The main stakeholders for this project are

  1. Nursing professionals: This is because according to the professional code of conduct of the Nursing and The Midwifery Board of Australia, the nurses are required to practice as per the prevailing standards and that too in a safe and competent manner
  2. Occupational therapist: According to Robertson and Gillespie (2013) occupational therapists are best suited in order to reduce the chances of accidental fall of the older adults
  3. Family of carers of the patients: The family of carers are inherently associated with the patients and thus their training is also crucial (Robertson & Gillespie, 2013)

CPI Tool:

According to NSW Health (2018), CPI is an abbreviated form of Clinical Practice Improvement (CPI) tool, which promotes improvement and training. This training program aims to provide assistance to the healthcare professionals in order to succinctly address the clinical problem which is negatively hampering the quality of life of the patients. In this way this kind of training helps to improve the health-related quality of life of the patients. This education and skills gained from such training can be applied under a variety of clinical settings and thus helping to ensure the patient’s security overall quality of care. NSW Health report (2018) also highlights that this kind of clinical practice training also helps to increase the overall skills of the healthcare professionals. The CPI tool that can be taken into account for this project is PDSA cycle or Plan, Do, Study, Act Cycle. NSW Government Department of Health (2018) stated that PDSA helps to narrow the clinical focus and can be easily implemented over diverse clinical settings be it small or large for continuous improvement. “P” or “Plan” means identification of principal measures of the project and the expected outcome. “D” and “Do” aims towards implementation of agreed plan with a proactive approach to resolve the gaps in clinical practice. “S” or “Study: helps to study or analyse the progress in the care and “A” or Act helps to drafting new modification in the training process.

In this said project, “P” signifies analysis of the nature and the strategies, which will be incorporated in the training process. The expected outcome will be increase in awareness of the nursing professionals in fall prevention approaches. To Do (D) is rigorous training and awareness program of the nursing professionals or healthcare workers under the residential or aged care settings under the governance of an occupational therapist. The training will be conducted through power-point presentation and poster presentation along with informative oration. Study (S) of the outcome will be done through questionnaire-based surveys in order to judge the level of knowledge acquired by the participants of the training.

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