PSY 367 Tutor Marked Assignment latest
PSY 367 Tutor Marked Assignment latest
Sample Draft Solution:
In this theory they access the effect of stress on an individual on a longer duration of can simply be split into three categories the initial alarm stage followed by the interim resistance stage and finally the exhaustion stage. The steps of growth in stress form start with the basic adrenaline rush that is quite helpful but with time this grows to depression as the high levels of adrenaline result to a hyper system (Cheek ,et all, 1983) in which the heart is always pumping excitedly and the blood pressure remains high. If the effects persist with longer period of the body being subjected to such it finally becomes overwhelming and the body finally tends to succumb to this through heart failure and other pressure related disorders.
Keeping the seyles theory in mind we take in account unresponsive and rowdy students. Students that fail to meet the basic requirement of class attendance and still expect to get better grades at the end of the desired learning period. Such cases take a toll on the teachers as teachers are given a mandate to teach and prepare students well so as they may get better grades in the final exams, uncooperative students like this tend to be a pain to the teacher making stress levels to the teacher rise slowly but gradually till they get to levels detectable (Lambert, E. G,2004).
Strict deadlines being set by the school board .taking into account a university setup lecturers are expected to upload student results at a given time frame that has been allocated and failure to this is a compromise to the lectures job .such strict deadlines are very tough they take a toil in one and would often result to the lecturer taking his/her work home since during the same time they are expected to offer lectures. This prolonged adrenaline will overstay its welcome resulting to levels of depressions like the one we discussed above the initial alarm stage which is just the window stage of depression. PSY 367 Tutor Marked Assignment latest
Folkman & Lazarus (1984) Cognitive Appraisal Theory of stress
In this theory focus is made on self-interpretation. If a stressor is seen as a challenge we perceive a way to formulate a strategy to cope with it and a threat that cannot be resolved or that doesn’t have a way to be resolved is perceived as this theory stress is viewed as a two way perspective in which the individual is in control of the environment and how he/she perceives it predetermines the response (Gray?Stanley et al, 2010).Overwhelming administrative tasks and parents tasks ,Administrations do offer offices to teachers this offices come with them more duties and challenges .a teacher may be forced to work overtime to achieve all duties delegated to the office he/she holds .the teacher in this case can choose to perceive this as a challenge and come up with a solution such as proper time management within the normal working hours and curb this problem, on the other hand the teacher may see this overwhelming duty as a threat and see no way out of it maybe get stuck working up to wee hours just to deliver in the position assigned. This two approaches tackle the same problem but one really works the teacher out and work overload and working wee hours has been a major cause of work stress.
Lack of necessary teaching materials, underfunded schools that make it hard for the teachers to deliver in their capacity also contribute such a sticky situation using teacher A and teacher B as illustrations. (Hon, Chan, & Lu, 2013). A teacher may see the lack of proper teaching materials as a challenge and opt to find a solution, he/she may opt to find alternative options to manage and still deliver by improvising the available materials and this approach won’t take a toll on him/her, Teacher B may choose to whine about the administrations incompetence and lack of proper funding making hi/her work a nightmare. This approach to the teacher won’t be beneficial at all as it results to a pile up of stress levels to the teacher.
Criticism of the research methodology
This partakes the obtaining of information from large numbers of people, for our case study phoning, questionnaires and interviews may be used to source out information from our teachers (Kivimäki & Kawachi, 2015). This type of research is very helpful as it seeks to source out information from large numbers of people as such it comes in handy and its easily documented for future references .its major downfall is that taking in mind administration of questionnaires it is restrictive as users don’t actually get to say what the really think but are guided by simple yes/no .most of them also fail to capture the body language of the correspondent and this is a major cue in this type of information analysis.
This is very helpful when seeking to obtain information from a large number of correspondent’s .it gives the correspondent the ability to take time think about what is being asked and formulate answers that he/she deems correct in their capacity as the respondent (Marek, Schaufeli, & Maslach, 2017). The major setback to this type of analysis is that correspondents fail to answer many of the questions and provide half information, a large number of people also find it hard to answer questions they see as not socially correct and in our study the teachers may fail to tell certain things that they think will negate the image of the school (Yu, Wang, Zhai, Dai, & Yang, 2015).
This is entails close interaction between the respondent and the administrator. Its pro is that it gets to capture the body language which is very important as a respondent gets to study more other than the word of mouth, it’s also easily documented since most interviews are done on camera (Mustafa, & Sharif, 2011).