NURS 3150 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Walden
NURS 3150 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Walden
Product Description: NURS 3150 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Walden
Qualitative Research Methods: Sarvestani, R. S., Moattari, M., Nasrabadi, A. N., Momennasab, M., & Yektatalab, S. (2015). Article
NURS 3150 Week 4 Assignment 2 (Walden University)
Product Description
Qualitative Research Methods: Walsh, A., Meagher-Stewart, D., & Macdonald, M. (2015). Article
Sample Paper
Journal Club Template for Qualitative Research Article
The purpose of this assignment is to describe the research design and methodology. Please discuss the research design, the sample selection, the data collection methods and the plans for data analysis. Please do not focus on or include the results of the study.
Name: T R
Article: Walsh, A., Meagher-Stewart, D. & Macdonald, M. (2015). Persistent optimizing: How mothers make food choices for their preschool children. Qualitative Health Research, 25(4), 527-539.
Purpose of study: The author’s intention, with the guidance of her supervisors/co-authors, was to explore how mothers in a large municipal community in eastern Canada under the daily pressure of different levels of contextual influences determine food choices that are conducive in establishing healthy eating habits for their Preschool children’s assuring the chance of growing into a healthy weight.
Research Design | The authors used a constructivist grounded theory approach to collect and interpret qualitative research data based on real-world situations to better understand the challenges the mothers face when making healthy food choices as the study progress in development. |
Sample Selection | Once the required approval was received from the research ethics board, 18 mothers at the average age of 30, ranging between 23 to 48 years old whose backgrounds vary between demographic area, expenditure restrictions, academic achievement, and cultivation – Sixteen mothers were White, and 2 were descendants of the First Nations people. The mothers had one preschooler 3 to 5 years old at home (with the exception of one mother who had preschool twins) without dietary restrictions.
Participants were recruited from communities in a large municipality in eastern Canada that is perceived as a contributing factor in the accession of a serious public health issue – childhood obesity. Agencies associated with the communities contribute to public health services, early childhood development, and family resource centers providing services to children of pre-school age. Of the 18 mothers, eleven were in a relationship united in wedlock or through common-law. Fourteen represented an education equal to or beyond high school. Economically, twelve mothers did not have a job, 10 generated incomes below the Statistics Canada Low Income Cut-off (LICO) rate, and 8 earned enough money to be considered above the LICO rate. Geographically, Fourteen mothers were residents in a city or town and 4 lived in a rural area (Walsh, Meagher-Stewart, & Macdonald, 2015). |
Data Collection Methods | The collection and analyzing of data began with the first interview consisting of broad and open-ended questions. The 18 subjects participated in 18 initial semi-structured face to face and 17 follow-up phone interviews, totaling 35 interviews over a 16-month period collecting narrative data about personal experiences and engagement. To gain a greater perspective of the constraints the mothers disclosed during their interviews, the researchers collected data by direct observation of local grocery stores and restaurants after feedback from the mothers piqued their interest.
Theoretical sampling was used when additional questions were created to add to the interviews to analysis questions that rose from the observations and build their emerging theory. Additional data collections tools used include the 2004 age-/sex-specific body mass index (BMI) classification cut offs established by International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) growth charts. The researchers used NVivo 8 qualitative software for coding and comparing needs – to break down the data to compare with other data. The initial interviews were typed up into transcripts and field notes were analyzed as part of the data collection using the method of grounded theory. A substantive theory was developed on the ability of mothers to choose food for their preschool children to develop healthy eating habits. In addition, field notes were analyzed. |
Plans for Data Analysis | The researcher is able to adapt the inquiry methods using a systematic methodology of analysis, interpretation, identifying significant information, until the results are recognized as a substantive theory. Once the theoretical saturation is sought out from the data that can substantiate the concepts as a whole, the development of the substantive theory can be integrated into three main conceptual categories: 1) recognition of related constraints; 2) the extent of boundaries; and 3) guileful status in regards to unfavorable circumstances (Walsh et al., 2015). |
Strengths | ~ The participants were honest and provided feedback that allowed the researchers to modify the questions to gain clarity, test interpretations and build a theory.
~ Participants represented the personal and community circumstances contextual factors that limited and interfered with making food choices. |
Weaknesses | ~ The study focused on limited food choices for mothers in a low-income environment and/or situation; however, if the mother is educated about portion control, modeling healthy attitudes and behavior during infant and toddler years, can influence healthy dietary practices by the preschooler (Birch, Savage & Ventura, 2009).
~ The study focused on the mother food choices, even for participants who were married and how the couple can make choices together could influence healthier choices. |
Birch, L., Savage, J. S., & Ventura, A. (2007). Influences on the Development of Children’s Eating Behaviours: From Infancy to Adolescence. Canadian Journal Of Dietetic Practice And Research: A Publication Of Dietitians Of Canada = Revue Canadienne De La Pratique Et De La Recherche En Dietetique: Une Publication Des Dietetistes Du Canada, 68(1), s1-s56.
Walsh, A., Meagher-Stewart, D. & Macdonald, M. (2015). Persistent optimizing: How mothers make food choices for their preschool children. Qualitative Health Research, 25(4), 527-539.
NURS 3150 Week 4 Discussion Topic (Walden University)
Product Description
Developing a research study to maximize care for our patients and promote health and wellness within the community can be challenging. Choosing which type of research methodology to apply can be difficult if the researcher is unfamiliar with the characteristics of each type. Qualitative research is more difficult to analyze than quantitative research. With qualitative research it is impossible to precisely measure outcomes. It relates more to experiences and reasoning and involves an understanding of relationships between variables. Qualitative research may be described as somewhat of a starting point for further analysis of treatment or investigation of evidence based practices (EBP).
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Product Description
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Summary Data Analysis Form
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NURS 3150 Week 5 Assignment 2 Qualitative Analysis Assignment (Walden University)
Product Description
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NURS 3150 Week 6 Assignment 1 (Walden University)
Product Description
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