NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
NURS 6221 Week 2 Assignment (Walden)
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
NURS 6221, Managing Human Resources
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the most important law involving the protection of individuals from harassment or discrimination based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (Lussier & Hendon, 2016). Even with legislation such as this, harassment and discrimination continue to occur in the workplace. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has defined sexual harassment as harassment that is related to an individual’s sex that affects a person’s job or the ability for the individual to perform their job including unwelcome sexual advances, offensive comments regarding a person’s sex, and demands for sexual favors (EEOC, n.d.). The purpose of this paper is to identify an example of sexual harassment, the legal consequences that resulted, as well as an action plan to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
Example of Sexual Harassment
Action Plan
NURS 6221 Week 4 Assignment (Walden)
The Selection Process
NURS 6221, Managing Human Resources
The Selection Process
Hiring the right employee is an essential process in every organization. It is critical to personal and business success (Whitford, Hanna, Gerber, Wade, & Blessing, 2005). The impact of hiring the wrong person includes a decrease in productivity, the financial cost of recruiting and training a replacement, and a drop in employee morale (Recruiterbox, 2015). The purpose of this paper is to describe the selection process in an organization and it’s effectiveness, as well as the expectations of human resources (HR) and the nurse manager during the selection process.
Selection Process Used
Identified Position
Job Description and Associated Expectations
Performance appraisals should be timely, thoughtful, consistent, thorough, and free from bias. How can performance appraisal systems be structured to facilitate this type of environment? Effective performance standards and appraisals can promote an open and continuous relationship among the nurse manager, HR professionals, and employees. How might you, as a nurse manager, use performance appraisals and other performance management strategies, such as positive discipline, in your leadership approach? NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources – Discussion 6
In this Discussion, you reflect on questions that commonly arise when assessing performance appraisal processes.
Performance Standards:
Who creates performance standards, and how are they communicated to employees?
Are performance standards consistent with quality standards commonly used in the nursing profession?
Do performance standards align with legal and ethical nursing practice?
Performance Appraisals:
How is employee performance (i.e., behaviors, attitudes, abilities, and skills) documented?
What measures, if any, protect employees from subjectivity?
Are employees asked to engage in any form of self-evaluation?
Do colleagues participate in peer evaluations such as 360-degree appraisals?
Does the performance appraisal process encourage employee development?
Aside from the written performance measures, what aspects contribute to success or failure in achieving performance improvement? NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
To prepare
Review this week’s media, “Performance Management,” and consider the best practices highlighted by this week’s presenters.
Reflect on the performance standards and appraisal systems used in your current organization or one with which you are familiar. With the above questions in mind, identify this organization’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Drawing from ideas presented in this week’s Learning Resources, think of specific ways you might improve your organization’s use of performance standards and/or the performance appraisal process.
Review the article, “Positive Discipline Reaps Retention.” As a nurse manager, how might you incorporate positive discipline into your performance management approach? What effect–good, bad, or indifferent–do you think it would have on your nursing staff?
Post a description of the performance appraisal system used in your workplace, including how performance standards are created and communicated to employees. Describe the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system by sharing at least two strengths and two areas for improvement. Conclude your posting by explaining how you might incorporate positive discipline into your performance management approach and what impact you think it will have.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:
Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
Share an insight from having read a colleague’s posting, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
Expand on a colleague’s posting by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence. NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources – Discussion 6
Required Readings
Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2016). Human resource management: Functions, applications, & skill development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Chapter 8, “Performance Management and Appraisal” (pp. 274–314)
This chapter introduces the performance appraisal process. The authors explain how to effectively carry out performance appraisals, the methods of assessment one can use, and who should be responsible for assessing employees.
Chapter 9, “Rights and Employee Development&rdquo (pp. 316–355)
Chapter 9 provides an overview of employee rights and privileges. It also explains the processes of developing or terminating an employee, providing counseling for problem employees, and effectively using discipline and termination.
Dupee, J. M., Ernst, N. P., & Caslin, K. E. (2011). Does multisource feedback influence performance appraisal satisfaction? Nursing Management, 42(3), 12–16.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The article focuses on the effects of multisource feedback (MSF) in a nursing environment.
Murray, B. (2003). Positive discipline reaps retention. Nursing Management, 34(6), 19–22.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Positive discipline can transform communication and relationships between nurse managers and nursing staff. This article examines how nurse managers at a medical center in Boise, Idaho shifted their feedback process to an Alternative Correction Action model based on positive discipline philosophies. NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
Required Media
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Performance management. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 32 minutes.
This week, the presenters discuss challenges of and best practices for performance management and appraisals.
NURS 6221 Week 6 Assignment (Walden)
Coaching Employees
NURS 6221, Managing Human Resources
Coaching Employees
Identified Individual
The Coaching Process
NURS 6221 Week 8 Assignment (Walden)
The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation
NURS 6221, Managing Human Resources
The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation
Managers within a healthcare organization need to be able to create a positive culture that…
Period of Professional Fulfillment
The period where the author felt the most professionally fulfilled was approximately…
Period of Professional Unfulfillment
The identified period where the author was professionally unfulfilled was in a recent toxic …
Environment of Engagement
A positive culture built on strong managerial leadership and staff appreciation assists in …
A positive workplace is essential for both the welfare of the staff, but also for the ..
NURS 6221 Week 10 Assignment (Walden)
Creating a Welcoming Workplace for the Older Worker
NURS 6221, Managing Human Resources
Creating a Welcoming Workplace for the Older Worker
The nursing workforce is experiencing a period where at least 51 percent of the …
Demographic Breakdown
Anderson Hospital is a 154-bed acute care organization approximately 30 minutes …
Conduciveness and Difficulties for the Older Worker
According to Collins-McNeil, Sharpe, and Benbow (2012), “RN’s are experiencing the …
Strategies for Engagement and Retention
“Each generation has different values and needs for its reward system, which ultimately …
Organizational and department leadership need to be aware of the aging nursing staff and …
NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources | Week 10
The nursing profession is arguably one of the more fast-paced and demanding professions in today’s job market. This can be especially true for nurses working in hospitals. Consider the following scenario:
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NURS 6221 Week 10: Developing Cohesive Teams
Kyoko, a nurse manager for a surgical neurologic unit, noticed increased levels of frustration as her nurses began their shifts. Many commented that they wanted to do a good job but felt that their workloads prohibited them from doing so. In an effort to reduce her staff’s overwhelming feelings of stress, Kyoko searched nursing literature to find an effective leadership solution. In an issue ofNursing Management, Kyoko read about the “huddle up” strategy. The next day, Kyoko called her nurses together to inform them that at the start of their 12-hour shifts, they would all “huddle up” to discuss workloads, patient conditions, and any general questions they might need addressed. Before long, Kyoko saw a dramatic improvement in her staff. Not only did the nurses seem more confident and relaxed, but the increase in camaraderie and team cohesiveness was felt by all staff members. This 5–10 minute leadership strategy brought her unit back on the right track.
This week, you explore how nurse managers create, develop, and lead effective teams within their units, departments, and health care settings. NURS 6221 Week 10: Developing Cohesive Teams Assignment
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Analyze leadership strategies used to build effective teams
- Analyze difficulties that work environments might pose to older workers
- Evaluate strategies for engaging and retaining older workers
Discussion: Creating, Developing, and Leading Effective Teams
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
—Henry Ford
A critical skill for all nurse managers is the ability to create, develop, and lead effective teams. When people are part of an effective and well-functioning team, they are more productive and have a stronger commitment to the organization. Nurse managers have a responsibility to create teams that fulfill functional needs within their units or departments. These can include leadership teams, ad hoc project teams, or primary work teams. NURS 6221 Week 10: Developing Cohesive Teams Assignment
As a nurse manager, there is a variety of ways that you can enhance team functioning. The first step is developing the structural elements of the team and then designing the team with the appropriate membership. Just as you must critically examine each application during the employment process, so will you critically examine the skills and attributes of each employee before appointing him or her to a collective team.
In this week’s Discussion, you lay the groundwork for creating and developing a team for your unit, department, or health care setting. You also identify leadership strategies that you could employ to increase the team’s organizational effectiveness. NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources DQs & Assignments
To prepare
- Review Chapter 5, “The Art of Effectively Facilitating Processes” from the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Carefully examine the section, “Essential Elements of a Team” to identify the six steps of creating an effective team.
- Consider a team you might create for your current organization or one with which you are familiar. For example, is there a project to be accomplished or a problem to be solved? Perhaps there is a need for a leadership team within your unit or department?
- Identify the purpose or goal for your team. Then, reflect on the following questions:
- What type of team would you create (leadership, ad hoc, or primary work team) to accomplish this purpose or goal? What are the benefits or disadvantages of creating this type of team?
- What staff members would you want on this team? Why? How could their skill sets and positions make them effective team members?
- Explore this week’s Learning Resources to identify leadership strategies you might employ before, during, and after the team-building phase. For example, what leadership strategies might influence synergy among team members while also increasing the effectiveness of the team? NURS 6221 Week 10: Developing Cohesive Teams Assignment
By Day 3
Post a description of the team you would create, including the purpose or goal the team would serve, the team type, and the specific skills each member would contribute as well as their job positions. Describe at least two leadership strategies you could implement to help this team effectively achieve its purpose or goal.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.
By Day 6
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:
- Critically appraise a colleague’s team description. Provide an additional leadership strategy he or she could use to further improve the effectiveness of the team.
- Find a colleague who would like to implement a team similar to one that has been implemented in your workplace. Share an insight into how your organization benefited from this type of team and the leadership strategies management employed to support the work of the team.