Assignment: NURS 8110 Week 1 Discussion
Assignment: NURS 8110 Week 1 Discussion
WEEK 1 APPLICATION CLASS 8110: Philosophy of Nursing Introduction Instructor Date Philosophy of Nursing
The philosophy of nursing is founded on the beliefs and views of the nursing care educators and care providers, based on health, families, and the environment…
The general idea is to develop high levels of wellness maintaining comfort and dignity. This paper tries to relate the close relationship between the overall nursing philosophies and their impact on my beliefs and views. The paper also elaborates on the relationship that exists between philosophy and knowledge development in the context of the nursing practice. My personal philosophical influences in relation to this week’s readings Personally, I have always considered nursing as an opportunity to develop high levels of wellbeing by providing care and assistance to groups, families, and individuals. With this in mind, the aspects of my nursing philosophy are influenced by respect, knowledge, time management, skills, honesty, caring, and compassion. My main philosophical power to maintaining all these values relies on the belief that nursing is a discipline that requires both formal knowledge and life experience. The readings on nursing philosophy offer a broad spectrum of information, which has a significant impact on my views. The opinions expressed in the articles and course tends to correlate to my beliefs and views of the nursing practice. … Assignment: NURS 8110 Week 1 Discussion
This is after I went through Nightingale’s philosophies that stirred up some significant research, which leads us to the current nursing philosophies that are adopted by a large number of people. One other significant revelation that reshaped my views is the link between nursing science and philosophy. This was brought out by Grove, Burns, and Gray, (2013), whose text places an emphasis on the importance to appraise research and use of evidence based practice. A point that was clarified by Isaacs, Ploeg, and Tompkins, (2009) nursing science, which is accompanied by research, needs guidance from a philosophical basis. I still believe that neglecting the philosophy of nursing places the discipline as risk, and there is a need for scientific methods to coexist alongside philosophical inquiry (Pesut & Johnson, 2008). Nursing philosophical foundations influence on my nursing practice The American Nursing Association describes nursing as, “promotion, protection, and ability to prevent disease and injury. Further, it alleviates suffering through diagnosis and treatment of humans… in the care of communities, populations, individuals, and families” (American Nurses Association, 2004). From this description, it is common for most people to engage in the nursing career with the idea of helping or caring for families, individuals, and groups experiencing health related problems. It is around these views that the Nursing philosophical foundations build upon, for example, to achieve the nursing objectives nurses need to utilize the nursing opportunities, and methods in using evidence-based practice to develop high levels of wellness. As I had indicated …