NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment
NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment
You are required to collaborate with one or two colleagues (groups of two or three) to present (for the internal students) or record (for the Fully Online students) talk on a topic of interest in human development. It will be easier if nursing students work with other nursing students, midwifery student’s work with midwifery students, and paramedicine students’ work with paramedicine students. Groups will choose an article for review from the reading list (available through the Assessment and Module 1 sections on Blackboard;
N.B. this list is more extensive than the required Reading List. Articles not available on Bb as pdf files may be accessed using Library search engines, such as Medline and PsycINFO). Topics range from issues concerning pregnancy to those concerning the elderly. You will then be expected to follow the outline given below to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with your colleagues. NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment.
The PP presentation should contain no more than 8-10 slides. The presentation should take no more than 10 minutes (+ or – 10% = 1 minute). It is expected that you will use the time appropriately e.g. if a section is worth 10% of the marks it should be about one minute.
Time keeping is important to be fair to all students. It is intended to give you practice at presenting in real life where 10 minutes is often as long as you get and you cannot go over. It is also expected that group members will contribute approximately equal parts in both content and presentation either at a workshop (Internal students) or by audio narration (Fully Online students). Do not hesitate to ask your tutor if you have any questions about the instructions or the substantive content of the article you have chosen to review.
Internal students: Groups will be formed at the first workshop in Week 1. You should give some thought to your personal choice of topic before the workshop. You will be asked to select a first, second, and third choice because another group may choose the same article. All presentations over the course of the semester will be on different topics. You will present at one of the workshops during the semester. The presentation will be marked by your tutor (60%) and students in attendance at the workshop (40% – the average of all student marks will be calculated).
Your tutor will give you verbal feedback after the presentation. Following the presentation, one member of the group is required to submit the presented PP slides (.ppt/pptx format) through the Turnitin portal by 2359hrs on the day of presentation (you are strongly encouraged to submit drafts to Turnitin before presenting to check the similarity). The presentation will not be marked again. While the main purpose of submission is to archive the piece of assessment as required by Curtin University regulations, your tutor may add additional comments that will returned to all group members. You will receive marks and comments by email within 15 working days and no longer than 20 working days following submission.
Fully online students: You will find a sign-up sheet in the menu section of Bb for group formation and communication. Please ensure you have signed up to a group by the end of semester Week 3. In addition to preparing the slides, you are required to add audio narration, as if you were presenting to a group of people. Instructions for adding audio to your PP presentation can be found at: us/article/add-or-delete-audio-in-your-powerpoint-presentation-c3b2a9fd-2547-41d9-9182-3dfaa58f1316
When completed, one member of the group is required to submit the PP slides through both:
- The Turnitin Portal – through this portal, one member of group will submit the PP slides (.ppt/.pptx format) without the accompanying audio narration (you are strongly encouraged to submit drafts to Turnitin before your final submission to check the similarity); and
- The Bb Portal – after you’ve submitted to Turnitin, that same group member will submit the PP slides (.ppt/.pptx format) with the audio narration to a separate Bb submission portal. The file you submit here needs to be under 200mb in size for Blackboard to cope. Depending on the size of your file, this submission process may take some time to upload once you’ve pressed ‘submit’. The system will appear to be doing nothing while the file is being uploaded. We suggest leaving the Bb submission portal alone for up to 10 minutes after you’ve submitted if it appears to be stuck and then coming back to it to see if it has uploaded. If you are still having problems, please contact the unit coordinator.
The presentation will be marked by your tutor. You will receive marks and comments by email within 15 working days and no longer than 20 working days following submission. NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment.
Type of article/topic/relevance
- Was it a research article or review of the literature? What was the topic, very briefly? What was the aim/purpose/scope of the study or literature review? What were the objectives or research questions? (5%)
- Why is it relevant for human development across the life course? n.b. factors that affect the health and development of children are very likely to be influential for adult health and development as well e.g. parenting style is associated with significant behavioural problems in childhood and behaviour problems in childhood are associated with poor physical and mental health in adulthood. (5%)
Review article
- Explain the issue and context for the research or review. Summarise the literature review provided either in the introduction and discussion sections or throughout the paper if it is a literature review: what was the issue addressed in the article – explain in some detail; what specific theories or conceptual frameworks were used to guide the research or review; what methodological problems and/or research gaps were identified. (20%)
- Summarise and explain the methodology used. (20%)
Key points to include for literature reviews: what kind of review was it – expert general, integrative, systematic; who were the authors – countries and places of employment, relevant publications (expert reviews); what kind of literature was reviewed – books, journal articles (quantitative, qualitative, reviews – study designs), reports, government documents, conference proceedings, web resources; how many of each kind of resource were reviewed; describe the process the authors used to collect the literature (e.g. integrative, systematic etc.); describe the process the authors used to critique the literature, assess it for quality (integrative, systematic). For expert general reviews focus more on describing the demonstrated expertise of the authors. For integrative and systematic reviews focus more on describing the process and methodolog of identifying and assessing the literature.
Key points to include for quantitative and qualitative studies: design – quantitative study (randomised controlled trial, quasi experimental, cross-sectional, cohort, etc.) or qualitative; study sample – who were the participants, how many were there; setting – when and where (country, city, and place) was the data collected; procedure – what did the researcher(s) do to collect the data; measures – details of questionnaires, instruments (validated scales with lists of questions), interview and focus group guides, and other materials used to collect data, such as biological samples (blood, saliva); data analysis – statistical analysis (descriptive, inferential), qualitative analysis (thematic analysis, phenomenological, grounded theory). NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment.
- Summarise and explain the findings – the results if a research paper – the synthesis of knowledge if a literature reviews. Summarise the conclusions drawn. (10%)
- Briefly, identify the strengths and limitations of the research that was undertaken (in all peer-reviewed journal articles, the authors are required to state the limitations of their research in the discussion section. Unless, you have substantial training in research it is unlikely that you will be able to identify limitations beyond those that the authors draw attention to). If the article is a review of literature, briefly identify the strengths and limitations of expert general reviews, integrative reviews, and systematic reviews relative to the type of review you have. n.b. it is not correct to say that research or literature is out of date simply because it was published more than 5, 10, 15 or 20 years ago. You must assess if the knowledge and understanding has been superseded because of recent research in the field. (10%)
Application to nursing, midwifery, or paramedic practice (choose one depending on the degree group members are enrolled in)
- Explain why it is important for nurses, midwives, or paramedics to have knowledge and understanding of the topic/issue (keeping in mind the key principle of life course development that lives are lived interdependently, not independently e.g. knowledge of child development is not only important for pediatric and child health nurses, it is important for all nurses because they provide care to adults who have children and grandchildren). (10%)
- Describe how this knowledge and understanding might influence your own future practice. Will it influence the care you give? How? Why? (10%)
- Briefly outline a specific research project that you could undertake as nurses, midwives, or paramedics to increase knowledge and understanding of the topic/issue. (10%)
You are not required to support your review of the article with references. For the most part, the review will be your own ideas in your own words. NURS 2003 Assignment: Behavioral Perspectives of Lifespan Assessment. You should, however, have an APA 6th ed. reference list that contains a reference to the article reviewed and any others you do use, including pictures, images, photos, and artwork downloaded from websites:
Please see the examples in that guide for details of how to correctly cite and reference these pictures taken from the internet.