NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Clinical Practice – Areas and Topics

Clinical Practice includes, nurse practitioners working in out-of-hours care, unscheduled care, nurse-led clinics, acute and critical care environments and primary care settings, as well as allied health professionals working with a range of patients (for example non-physiotherapists undertaking modules from the Physiotherapy portfolio). The Nursing award is only available to registered or licensed nurses.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper The MSc Nursing and MSc Health Studies (Clinical Practice) is designed to meet the needs of nurses and other health and social care professionals who are practicing in clinical environments and who are working at or working towards an advanced level of practice and are continuously striving  to improve patient care and the patient’s journey within the clinical environment.
  • Cutting-edge medical or surgical therapies
  • Developments/Advancements on nursing care
  • Developments/Advancements on Treatments/Procedures
  • Evidence-Based practice
  • Practices for Acute and Critical Care Conditions
  • Advanced Diagnostic Tests
  • Point-of-Care testing
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Management of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Nursing’s top 10 pressing issues

Like many other healthcare professions, nursing is at a crossroads. Rapidly evolving regulatory, political, demographic, social and technological forces are challenging nurses in ways that have a huge impact on their ability to advance nursing’s critical role in our nation’s healthcare.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

A newly released book, “The Power of Ten—2011-2013: Nurse Leaders Address the Profession’s 10 Most Pressing Issues,” takes on hot button topics, with input from more than 30 international nurse leaders. The thought-provoking, timely publication is intended to get a discussion going, according to its publisher, the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International.

The top 10 issues addressed include:

  • Evidence-based practice: Harmful or helpful?
  • What impact does technology have on nursing?
  • Should a bachelor’s degree be the minimum level of education?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  • DNP vs. PhD
  • Attaining a seat at the policy table
  • Coping with growing ethical demands
  • Improving workplace culture
  • How do nurse leaders affect the profession?
  • Closing the workforce age gap
  • How to make the profession as diverse as the population

The book aims to be provocative, challenging readers to engage their critical thinking and formulate possible responses to help position nursing leadership to undertake thoughtful and informed action—in other words, to advocate. For example, in the chapter on attaining a seat at the policy table, a discussion point is presented: “Every aspect of a nurse’s practices is regulated by policy. What are the three policy rules or regulations from your organization or state that you’d lobby to change for nursing?” And, in the chapter on evidenced-based practice, this discussion point is posed: “Does evidence-based practice decrease a nurse’s ability to determine care based on how she sees a patient respond?”

Nurses featured in the book don’t hold back in their viewpoints on the state of their profession. “[We need to avoid] glorifying credentials over contributions,” posits one nurse while another says “[It is a challenge that nursing professionals are unable] to act and work together cohesively. [We have become a] fractional profession that has limited professional power.”NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Nursing Research Paper Topics

Selecting an essay topic is like laying a foundation for a skyscraper. You need to make the right choice, or the whole essay will collapse before you finish writing. Still, choosing among nursing essay topics can be difficult. There are too many issues to study and discuss. To make your job easier, we have accumulated a list of the best nursing research paper topics. Select one of the major subjects, then browse individual nursing research topics until you find the right one for your paper. And if you are having trouble with the next step of writing an essay, reach out to our professional writers. They will happily assist you with any of these topics.

Mental Health

When choosing among the mental health essay topics, consider different sides of the issue. You can research mental illnesses, care regimes, and first aid techniques. Choose the problem that interests you most or the one with which you are familiar to save time on research and writing.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

  • The best treatment options for early-stage dementia patients
  • The most effective care procedures for suicidal patients
  • Does aromatherapy help patients deal with stress and depression?
  • When is it necessary to involve psychiatrist in the patient’s treatment?
  • How to deal with self-harm patients in emergency rooms?
  • Paranoid schizophrenia emergency assistance
  • Slowing the cognitive degeneration of patients with Alzheimer’s disease
  • The causes and treatments for generalized anxiety disorder
  • How does aging influence the patient’s psychological health?
  • Can nurses help patients get through depression?

Child Nursing

Choosing a topic of the child nursing essay is difficult as there are so many pediatric issues to discover. Research neonatal care or conventional treatments. Preventative techniques are also among the most crucial aspects of podiatry, so you can outline them in your paper.

  • Neo-natal ward improvements to help young mothers and newborns
  • How to deal with low survival rate among pediatric cancer patients
  • How to treat poor nutrition among pediatric patients
  • Measures for child injuries prevention
  • The healthy nutrition impact on a child’s well being
  • The primary causes of child mortality in your country
  • Preventative steps to eliminate the intestinal parasites risk
  • The development of chronic disorders in children
  • The care regime for children with constipation
  • The treatment plan for the pediatric victims of near-drowning

Taking Care of Adult Patients

Unlike children, adult patients face more psychological effects during and after treatment so you might concentrate on them. If you are short on time, select an easier topic to study, like treating heartburn or promoting healthy habits among recent stroke survivors.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

  • Treating chronic heartburn in middle-aged men
  • Helping stroke survivors regain essential motor functions
  • Treatment plan and advice for psoriasis patients
  • The different possible causes of chest pain
  • Helping patients deal with limited mobility after appendage fractures
  • Blood pressure improvement tactics for middle-aged men
  • Helping intimate partner violence victims
  • Emergency medical assistance for road traffic accidents
  • Protecting the dignity of adult patients with learning disabilities
  • The most effective sepsis treatment procedures

Older Patients Care Regime

There are multiple exciting geriatric research topics. You can choose straightforward issues like hearing loss prevention and treatment if you need the complete the paper quickly. However, if you are into research, concentrate on trickier subjects, like suicide prevention or workout regimes for the elderly patients.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

  • The basics of osteoarthritis treatment for elderly patients
  • Elderly patients malnutrition causes and treatments
  • The first signs and interventions for age-related hearing loss
  • Light exercise regime to prevent falls and bone fractures
  • The advantages of individualized geriatric care for patients
  • The critical aspects of caring for elderly patients with diabetes
  • How to predict and thwart suicide attempts among the elderly patients
  • How to plan and organize a safe discharge for a geriatric patient
  • Making dying patients comfortable during their last days
  • Technological solutions for geriatric care facilities

Women’s Health Issues

Women’s health issues topics offer a range of research subjects. You can choose something as trivial as an acne treatment or focus on the psychological side of things for domestic abuse or rape victims. Whether you write about recommended treatments or experimental procedures, concentrate on gender-specific details.

  • Chlamydia treatment plan and overall sexual health improvement
  • Post-pregnancy care after the death of the fetus
  • The causes of growing infertility rates
  • Which factors increase the risk of osteoporosis among women?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  • The importance of breast cancer screening procedures
  • Preventative measures for sexually transmitted infections
  • Reproductive health assessment barriers nurses have to overcome
  • How to help female victims of domestic violence?
  • Curbing emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
  • Acne treatment and prevention in female patients


Obstetrics research is ripe with opportunities to let your writing talent shine. Choose the topic you are passionate about, draw from personal experience or your friends’ first-hand accounts to make the papers stand out. If you collect enough data, you can later turn your essay into a full-fledged case study.

  • The risks associated with adolescent pregnancy
  • Why is midwife’s support for parents and doctors under-appreciated?
  • Organizing educational workshops for new mothers
  • The importance of blood glucose awareness during pregnancy
  • The most effective treatment for pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • Is epidural safe for mothers and newborns?
  • The difficulties overweight women face during pregnancy and childbirth NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  • The advantages and disadvantages of delivery with the partner
  • The potential risks of multiple pregnancies for women
  • Unhealthy habits pregnant women should forget for nine months

Standard Treatments

Choose one of these topics if you are not a fan of experimental techniques and prefer to rely on tried-and-true treatments. You can select any disorder or illness and research the conventional protocols either recommended by your country’s Ministry of Healthcare or the World Health Organization.

  • How does post-surgery care increase the patient recovery rate?
  • Should nurses get the right to prescribe antibiotics without a doctor’s signature?
  • The support system for the family members of ICU patients
  • Health care plan for patients with diabetes
  • The oxygen therapy benefits for cardiac disorders
  • The primary causes of cerebrovascular accidents leading to brain cells’ damage
  • Asthma primary health care plan
  • Quick thinking required for dealing with the anaphylactic shock
  • Phlebotomy skills every nurse should possess
  • Preventing and managing ventilator-associated pneumonia

Pain Management

Pain management research is a crucial part of nursing education as most serious cases require careful administration of prescription drugs. Your essay can describe the best techniques, alternative pain management treatments or special considerations for recovering addicts.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

  • Pain management options for fibrillation patients
  • Chronic pain disorders caused by incorrect acute pain treatment
  • How can pain assessment techniques be improved?
  • Benson’s relaxation therapy for pain reduction among post-cesarean mothers
  • Post-discharge pain-relief treatments
  • Can pediatric opioid drugs cause addiction problems in teenagers?
  • Non-pharmacological pain-relief methods
  • The increased risk of opioid poisoning among pediatric patients
  • Alternative long-term pain treatments
  • Postoperative pain management regime

Health Care Promotion

If you don’t want to dig deep into medical treatments for your essay, a health care topic on healthy lifestyle promotion might be right up your alley. Discuss the right everyday choices for high-risk groups for diabetes, stroke, obesity, teenage pregnancy, etc. You don’t have to follow the guidelines you describe though adding personal touches might win you a few extra points.

  • How to curtail the spread of infectious diseases
  • Preventing teenage pregnancies among ethnic minorities
  • Should overweight nurses be fired for promoting an unhealthy lifestyle?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  • The effects of drug use on children and teenagers
  • Diabetes-preventing lifestyle: meal plan and sports
  • Promoting skin cancer awareness and prevention methods
  • How to discourage teenage smoking and drinking?
  • Spreading the knowledge of occupational hazards
  • The ways to prevent child obesity
  • The benefits of influenza vaccination for teachers, law enforcement, and social workers

Professional Nursing Issues

Nurses lead exhausting and stressful lives. As a future nursing professional, learn about the psychological, legal, and financial troubles you might face. Writing about one of these topics, you will get a realistic glimpse into the hardships of your chosen career path and get ready for them in advance.

  • How to deal with nervousness and anxiety as a nurse
  • Increasing nursing productivity through bench marking data
  • The advantages of collaborative nursing
  • How to counter the shortage of qualified nurses
  • Increasing cultural sensitivity among nursing staff
  • The adaptation of internationally trained nurses
  • The legal issues nurses can face
  • Male nurses providing intimate care for female patients
  • The difficulties along the way to becoming a certified nurse
  • Should doctors and nurses get to decide when to end the unresponsive patient’s life?

Here you will find research, educational, and evidence-based practice materials carried out by nurses with extensive knowledge in the clinical setting and intended to address issues of interest in Adult Medical/Surgical Care. This collection will disseminate materials of specific importance to practicing nurses who are responsible for patients in a broad range of settings with diagnoses across all medical specialties.

Topics that can be found within this collection may include, but are not limited to:

Advanced Practice; Best Practices; Care Coordination Standards & Policies; Cutting-edge Medical or Surgical Therapies; Developments, Advancements, or Updates on Nursing Care, Treatments or Procedures; Evidenced-based Practice; Infection Control; Medical Error Reduction; Medical/Surgical Care in non-hospital sites: clinics, outpatient surgery centers, MD offices, long-term care facilities, and other practice sites; Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Managing Patient Care; Nursing Care of Patients in Specific Medical/Surgical Areas: Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Organ Transplant, Trauma; Nursing Shortage (How it affects Adult Medical/Surgical Care; Nursing Roles in Adult Medical/Surgical; Orthopedics; Pain Management; Patient/Family Support & Education; Patient Monitoring (Advances in or Changes to); Patient Outcomes, Improvement; Post Anesthesia Care Unit/Recover Room, Policies, Procedures and Standards of Care; Standards of Care

Prior to an item’s inclusion in this collection it has been through a peer-review process conducted by experienced nursing researchers. The collection contains full-text submissions, some of which may be embargoed for a period of time to allow the author to pursue traditional publishing options.

NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Research Paper Topics For Nursing Students

If you are tasked with writing a research paper on a nursing topic there are many options available for you. But if you are having a difficult time creating the perfect idea consider the examples below:

  1. You can craft a research paper that focuses on how nurses can help people who are suffering from an age related illness
  2. You can explore ethics and how this relates directly to patient safety for different nurses
  3. You can explore what nurses need to know when handling chronic illnesses NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  4. You can research why there is a shortage of nurses and how those with in the nursing field can climb the career ladder and achieve higher positions within the industry
  5. You can explore the challenges that nurses face in improving women’s health
  6. You can research how nurses can renew and transfer their nursing license when they move to a new location
  7. You can explore different strategies nurses can use for a quick response to emergency and critical care situations
  8. You can explore the role that nurses play in emotional rehabilitation
  9. You can research how nurses can help patients to deal with phobias and fears
  10. You can explore what nurses can do to promote healthy lifestyles which are designed to prevent illnesses
  11. You can explore the difference between primary care providers and nursing staff
  12. You can research different nursing careers and what steps have to be taken to attend accredited schools
  13. You can explore the role that nursing education has within social media
  14. You can review the manner in which the role of nurses has changed over the last few decades
  15. You can explore alternative therapies and whether they should be counted as nursing
  16. You can explore the different risks associated with nurses and what measures can be taken by medical institutions to insure that all nurses are safe when working NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Topics in Clinical Nursing: 2018 Update, including Healthcare Communications and The Team Approach to Patient Care is organized by Continuing Education, Inc and will be held from Jul 06 – 13, 2018 at 7-Night Alaska Cruise Conference Round-trip Seattle, Seattle, Washington, United States of America.

The target audience for this medical event is Nurses, Nurse Practitioners. This CME Conference has been approved for a maximum of 14 Contact Hours.


Resolving an Unexpected Medical Outcome using a team approach • Apply two models for disclosing an unexpected medical outcome: when care is reasonable or when care is unreasonable.

Diabetes self-management‐ the key to a successful outcome • Define the key skills needed to support a clinician as a change agent in coaching patients to self-manage their condition.

Transitioning from Cure to Care in chronic disease management • Identify and use a model for documenting the continuum of care for patients being following by a retired nurse volunteer.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

The Electronic Health Record ‐ a challenge and an opportunity • Define the challenges that occur when using an electronic health record and 3 skills to overcome these challenges.

Patient Safety: Strategies and tools to promote patient safety and improve clinical performance • Reasons to improve safety in the medical practice, including the role of leadership.

Motivational Interviewing • Demonstrate communication techniques used in motivational interviewing

• Working in Highly Functioning Teams • Diabetes 2018 Update

Update on Communication Skills • Describe new communication tools used when interviewing patients NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Burnout • Define Burnout • Relate techniques to manage burnout in oneself and others

The Neuroscience of Anger and the Angry Encounter • Describe new concepts in the neuroscience of anger • Demonstrate use of a communication tool to mitigate anger in oneself and others

Navigating Difficult Conversations • Manage conversations when they become difficult

Advanced Care Planning & End of Life • Describe the differences in ACP & EOL • Explain ACP & EOL to patients and families

Topics around nurse retention

That was the question at the heart of “Better Nursing Outcomes Using Data and Predictive Analytics,” a panel discussion at last month’s Becker’s Hospital Review Health IT + Clinical Leadership conference. The panel, which was attended mostly by nurse leaders, was moderated by Arena president Myra Norton. The other panelists were:NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

● Mike Rosenberg, Arena Chairman and CEO ● Lisa Cox Schrieffer, Executive Vice President and COO/CNO at Regional One Health ● Michaela Simmons, Research Lead with Advisory Board’s HR Advancement Center

Here are a few highlights from the wide-ranging discussion:

1. “Hiring has changed.”

Hiring has always been a mix of art and science. But Lisa, who has worked in nursing management and leadership roles for over 30 years, says that the hiring process was far more weighted toward the “art” side when she first began her career. Hiring decisions were primarily based on gut feel. Reviewing a person’s resume was as far into the “scientific” realm as most hiring managers got.

But with the advent of data and analytics, the scientific aspect of hiring has come to the forefront. More and more hospital systems are applying data-driven tools like Arena to the process.

2. “Retention is a huge issue.”

Part of this shift is due to a growing need for high-quality nurses who are likely to stay in their roles. Nurse retention is a huge issue in the market today, according to Michaela, who is currently leading research on workforce analytics exploring how Human Resources (HR) leaders can invest in building their analytic capabilities. Retention has significant consequences for healthcare organizations. Churn impacts quality of care and overall nurse morale.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

3. “Nurse leadership and HR need to have a strong partnership.”

Myra shared that nurse leadership needs the support of a strong human resources team, and vice versa, to move the needle on retention and other operational challenges.

The skill sets needed for success in both HR and nurse leadership are changing. A fluency with data is an increasingly important skill as more data-driven tools are used throughout the hiring process as well as on the job. Otherwise, it can be difficult to get broad adoption of these tools, despite their proven efficacy.

4. “Predictive analytics can expand your hiring pool.”

Many healthcare organizations struggle with a dearth of applicants for nursing positions. Some have tried to use assessments to evaluate their applicant pool in the past, but struggled because it only further limited the number of eligible candidates.

But as Mike noted, predictive tools like Arena aren’t the same as assessments with cut scores. In fact, Arena can expand your hiring pool. The traditional way of hiring is to look at individuals only for the role to which they’ve applied. But Arena can look at candidates who have applied to other positions as well, and identify those people who might be successful in currently open roles.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

5. “Data can help hiring managers make better long-term decisions.”

As a nurse leader desperate to hire nurses, it can be difficult to take retention into account. You’re likely much more focused on just filling an open position to make your life (and your nurses’ lives) easier right now. But data-driven tools can serve as a useful reminder by helping to quantify the risk of hiring a candidate with a low likelihood of retention. Often, it’s better to wait a few weeks to find another candidate rather than put someone in the role who is likely to leave in a couple months.

Selecting a Clinical Nursing Problem for Research

Clinical nursing problems selected for inquiry are generally those encountered in nursing practice and those that deal with modalities of patient care such as support, comfort, prevention of trauma, promotion of recovery, health screening, appraisal and/or assessment, health education, and coordination of health care. The psycho social dimensions of health care are an essential aspect of clinical nursing research. Factors considered in selecting a clinical nursing problem for research fall into three general categories: personal, social, and scientific. The personal factors include interest in the problem, competence to conduct the study, time, energy, and money to conduct the study as well as the essential instruments, space, personnel, and equipment to carry out the study. Social factors are concerned with the advancement of science and the ethical value of the study as well as its practicability and applicability. The scientific factors are those that relate to the logic, empirical, explicable, reductive, and transmittable aspects of selection of the problem for study. NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Research Topics

Collaborative research is conducted across the School of Nursing’s five major organizational units: the departments of Community Health Systems, Family Health Care Nursing, Physiological Nursing, Social & Behavioral Sciences, and the Institute for Health & Aging. Primary areas of the faculty’s research include:
  • Aging and Aging Health Policy
  • Chronic Illness and Long-Term Care
  • Clinical Practices and Professional Studies
    • Dorothy Henchman Rice Center for Health Economics
    • Center for the Health Professions
  • Emergency and Critical Care
    • Electrocardiograph Monitoring Research Laboratory
  • Families in Health and Illness
    • Preterm Birth Initiative
    • Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes interventions
  • Global Health
  • Health and Environment
    • Malone Tobacco Industry Research Program
    • Occupational and Environmental Health and Nurse Training (T42)
  • Health Promotion/Illness Prevention
    • Genetics (Genomics) Research Program
    • Self-tracking and obesity/diabetes prevention
    • International Center for HIV/AIDS Research and Clinical Training in Nursing (T32)
  • Symptom Management
    • Research Center for Symptom Management and Nurse Research Training (T32)
  • Women’s Health Issues
    • Lesbian Health & Research Center

Nursing Paper Topics

Nursing paper topics are often determined by the instructor. For the most part, there is little leeway to express creativity. Fortunately, even if creativity is not an option, personal interest is. Nursing students can focus on the kind of work that inspires them.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Nursing Paper Topics

Nursing students are often working while studying, and at times find that they can only think of what they already do and how they do it. That is a normal problem to have when considering nursing paper topics, but happily we can help.

Whether you want to blow the doors wide open or explore a familiar topic from a new perspective, we can help. We can also help the rote and administrative type assignments that are common for nursing students.

Just like in any field, there are people who find the researching and writing of a professional field more interesting that the practice of that field. Fortunately, those people can become writers and they work with us at Power

Research Papers Topics

Below is a list of research and other nursing paper topics that you can use for inspiration. We can write on these and any other topic that might interest you or be needed.NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

  1. Acquisition of clinical skills: Oncology
  2. Basic nursing procedures: Managing stress and fear
  3. Breaking the communicable disease chain: Nurses’ roles
  4. Clinical nursing skills: Watch the video
  5. Communicable diseases: Known reservoirs of contagion
  6. Community health nurses in American Indian communities
  7. Community nursing in rural areas
  8. Community nursing in urban areas
  9. Continuing education for nurses: What’s working and what isn’t
  10. Critical care nursing in pediatrics
  11. Cultural accommodation and nursing in America
  12. Cultural competency in nursing
  13. Dental nurses: Underutilized
  14. Determining the best nurse-patient ratios for obstetric units
  15. Emergency room nursing in the US: From trauma to common colds
  16. For-profit medical care and the place of nurses
  17. Global health issues and nursing
  18. Healthy choices make up less than 25% of health determinants, social metrics more than 50%: Why do you talk about the first more than the latter?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  19. How would you describe a healthy community?
  20. How YouTube can help you support your own learning in nursing school
  21. Labor and delivery nurses
  22. Learning not to use “weight” as a substitute for health: One nurses journey
  23. Long term care nursing in rural environments
  24. Med surge nursing: Is it right for you?
  25. Medication errors and under staffing
  26. Mental health nursing: Career options for graduating nurses
  27. Modes of transmission: Communicable diseases
  28. Nurse sensitive errors and nurse-patient ratios
  29. Nurses and virtual learning environments: Understanding limits in nursing education
  30. Nursing education: Know your learning style so you can help yourself
  31. Nursing education: We’re all administrator assistants now
  32. Nursing informatics and new protocols
  33. Nursing jobs for those with cultural brokering expertise
  34. Nursing with Dummies: Issues in education: Medical simulation for nurses
  35. Other words for compassion: cultural competence and nursing
  36. Pain management: What nurses need to know
  37. Patient acuity tools and proper scheduling
  38. Patient engagement and job satisfaction for nurses
  39. Perinatal nursing in communities with high maternal and infant mortality
  40. Philosophies of nursing leadership
  41. Postpartum education and the reduction of postpartum depression: The role of nurses
  42. Profit based health care delivery systems and nursing
  43. Range of motion exercises: ROM and rehabilitation nursing
  44. Recruiting and retaining nurses
  45. Relationship theory in nursing
  46. Social determinants of health and the roles of nurses
  47. Summary and analysis: Why nurses should be full partners with physicians
  48. The BMI lie: How profits and bias got the CDC to ignore its own findings
  49. The practice of emotional intelligence: Nursing
  50. Traveling nurses: Increasing demand and expanding opportunities

Examples of broad clinical research questions include:

  1. Does the administration of pain medication at time of surgical incision reduce the need for pain medication twenty-four hours after surgery?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  2. What maternal factors are associated with obesity in toddlers?
  3. What elements of a peer support intervention prevent suicide in high school females?
  4. What is the most accurate and comprehensive way to determine men’s experience of physical assault?
  5. Is yoga as effective as traditional physical therapy in reducing lymph edema in patients who have had head and neck cancer treatment?
  6. In the third stage of labor, what is the effect of cord cutting within the first three minutes on placenta separation?
  7. Do teenagers with Type 1 diabetes who receive phone tweet reminders maintain lower blood sugars than those who do not?
  8. Do the elderly diagnosed with dementia experience pain?
  9.  How can siblings’ risk of depression be predicted after the death of a child?
  10.  How can cachet be prevented in cancer patients receiving aggressive protocols involving radiation and chemotherapy? NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper

Examples of some general health services research questions are:

  1. Does the organization of renal transplant nurse coordinators’ responsibilities influence live donor rates?
  2. What activities of nurse managers are associated with nurse turnover?  30 day readmission rates?
  3. What effect does the Nurse Faculty Loan program have on the nurse researcher workforce?  What effect would a 20% decrease in funds have?
  4. How do psychiatric hospital unit designs influence the incidence of patients’ aggression?
  5. What are Native American patient preferences regarding the timing, location and costs for weight management counseling and how will meeting these preferences influence participation?NURS 4005 – Topics in Clinical Nursing Case Study Paper
  6.  What predicts registered nurse retention in the US Army?
  7. How, if at all, are the timing and location of suicide prevention appointments linked to veterans‘ suicide rates?
  8. What predicts the sustainability of quality improvement programs in operating rooms?
  9. Do integrated computerized nursing records across points of care improve patient outcomes?
  10. How many nurse practitioners will the US need in 2020?