NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

An important consideration for nurses who care for patients in the community or in their homes is to understand the culture and environment in which the patient resides.

In this course, students learn applications for theories and concepts from nursing and public health sciences in assessing health status and preventing and controlling disease in families, aggregates, and communities. They analyze and discuss the use of epidemiological and community assessment techniques to examine populations at risk, health promotion, and levels of disease prevention, with special emphasis on ethnically diverse and vulnerable populations. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Students also consider major local, state, and national health issues, including mental health and substance abuse and related co-morbidities, re-emergence of infectious and communicable diseases, environmental and occupational health hazards, bioterrorism, emergency preparedness, and disaster response. Students apply knowledge and gain practical experience through a 45-hour practicum experience in a community/population-based healthcare setting. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers.

The History of Public Health and the Role of the Community/Public Health Nurse

Walden University NURS 4010 Section 04, Family, Community, and Population-Based Care 10 / 21 / 2012

The History of Public Health and the Role of the Community/Public Health Nurse Overview Public health, a population-centered nursing had been in existence since the late 1880s under the guise of different names. The focus of public health nursing was on sanitation, communicable disease control, disease prevention and disability, and education. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the history of public health nursing and how it impacts the practice of nursing in the community. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. History of Public Health Nursing In the …show more content…

The core functions of the public health nurse are three folds; assessment, policy development, and assurance. The nurse collects data, identifies potential hazards in the environment, and monitors the health status of the population. The nurse uses scientific knowledge base in decision making about policies that support the health of the population. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. In his or her role, the nurse informs, educates, and empowers the community regarding health issues. To provide essential health services, the nurse ensures that competent public health and personnel are available. Also quality of services that are provided are monitored for better outcomes. Health planning that includes early intervention and primary prevention is ensured. Laws and regulations are also enforced to protect health and safety of the population. In relation to the core functions, in 1994, Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) developed ten essential public health services to provide a working definition and guidance framework for local public health services. They include monitoring, diagnosing and investigating, mobilizing enforcing, linking, evaluating, and researching. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers.

The public health nurse has been called the leader in making improvements in the quality of health care for individuals, families, populations and communities (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). As it has been stated nurses from around the world collaborate with one another and found that their population centered nursing share more similarities than differences (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Nurses who work outside of an institutional setting has been referred to as public health nurses, visiting nurses, community nurses and/or home health nurses. The purpose of this paper is to examine the history on public health and community health nursing and to discuss what affects they have on the profession of nursing.

NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

History of Public Health Nursing

According to the Public Health Nursing Section of the American Public Health Association, public health nursing is defined as “the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social and public health sciences (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). Nurses have worked in the communities to improve the health of individuals, their families and populations, while focusing on those who belong to vulnerable groups (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

Public health strategies and interventions have changed drastically over time. Bloodletting is one of the most ancient forms of medical interventions. It originated in the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, persisting through the Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment periods (PBS). Doctors used the bloodletting method for every ailment imaginable; from pneumonia, bone fractures, and even wounds, bloodletting was as trusted and popular as aspirin is today. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

Public health can be dated back to the Romans whom understood even during this time frame that proper division of human waste was a necessary tenant of public health in urban areas. Even dating as early as 1000 BC, the Chinese developed the practice of variolations …show more content… NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Progression through these eras resulted in the improvement of health strategies and interventions, allowing for the United States to be proactive in their preparation efforts of disease, rather than reactive to the imminent threat to human health and safety. The 20th century was the single most advancing era of public health in history, changing not only the world of medicine as we know it, but changing public perception of the world they live in .

Throughout history until the 19th century, infectious diseases, epidemics, and pandemics were thought to be the manifestation of supernatural forces and little to nothing was truly effective in preventing or treating these devastating threats to society. It was only during the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment that the long-accepted realities of society were questioned and research was conducted based on science and reason that would forever change the world we live in (Kumar, 2007). NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

This elective clinical internship course provides learning opportunities to apply nursing theory to nursing practice. The focus is on gaining depth of understanding of the role of the registered nurse, as well as strengthening nursing skills in the clinical setting. In this course, you are precepted by nurses in the practice setting. You will also work with a St. Catherine University nursing faculty during this experience. Offered in the College for Adults. Prerequisites: NURS 2200 or NURS 2540, approval by program director. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. NURS 2900 Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice — 4 credits

This course introduces students to nursing practice and the foundational nursing concepts of the patterns of knowing as they apply to the provision of basic nursing assessment, analysis, diagnosis, and independent nursing interventions with individuals and families in non-acute care settings. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Emphasis is placed on the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the assessment, analysis, diagnosis phases of the nursing process as it relates to the psychosocial functional health patterns. Students will have the opportunity to assume a health promotion role interacting with individuals and families in lab, simulation and selected field experiences. Offered in the College for Women. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisites: IPE 1030, IPE 1040. Prerequisite with concurrency: BIOL 2610. Corequisite: INDI 2800 (or IPE 2800). NURS 2910 Nursing Care of Individuals and Families — 4 credits

This course builds on NURS 2900. The focus in this course is on continuing to develop skills as a reflective and mindful professional nurse. Students will apply the classroom content to assessment and health promotion activities in the practice setting working with individuals and families (i.e. aging individuals, families and maternal-newborn patients in hospital and community settings). The patterns of knowing in nursing are used as the theoretical framework in the nursing process with an emphasis on nursing assessment, analysis, and intervention. Classroom content includes physical assessment, the continuum of care, teaching/learning principles and health promotion throughout the life span. Offered in the College for Women. Prerequisite: NURS 2900 and admission to the nursing major. NURS 3106 Foundations of Nursing and Holistic Care — 6 credits

This course introduces students to the foundations of holistic nursing practice. This approach engages body, mind and spirit, while unfolding a relationship centered caring practice supported by a unitary science and presence of self. Students will begin the journey of using a reflective practice and authentic presence with clients and each other. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prerequisites to begin the nursing program. Corequisites: NURS 3303 and NURS 3403. NURS 3281 Pathophysiology — 4 credits

Students will build on the biopsychosocial sciences, to explore the central concepts of pathology of physiologic and psychologic alterations. Students will explore alterations in health and related medical, pharmacologic and nursing interventions. To honor and respect the diversity of the human experience a holistic perspective of the patient/client is maintained. This course is a concept-based pathophysiology course. This means that students will learn how the central concepts (i.e., inflammation, immunity, perfusion, etc.) lead to disease. Students will learn how diseases are prevented, diagnosed and treated. Offered in the College for Women.

Prerequisites: PSYC 3010, NURS 2910 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: NURS 3291, 3800. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. NURS 3282 Applied Pathophysiology — 4 credits

This course builds on NURS3281. This course extends the application of pathophysiological knowledge in providing holistic nursing care across the lifespan. Of primary focus is the development of empirical knowing through the explication of sound rationale for assessment, diagnostic tests, medical and pharmacologic interventions. An inclusive, holistic perspective is maintained to honor and respect the diversity of the human experience. Offered in the College for Women. Prerequisite: NURS 3281 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: NURS 3292, 3810. NURS 3291 Nursing Interventions I — 4 credits

In this course, students will use the central concepts in NURS 3281 Pathophysiology to determine and apply evidence based nursing interventions to patients across the continuum of care and through the lifespan. Learning activities will occur in the classroom, lab and simulation. Offered in the College for Women. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: NURS 2910 and PSYC 3010 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: NURS 3281, 3800. NURS 3292 Nursing Interventions II — 4 credits

In this course, students will use the concepts in NURS 3281 Pathophysiology and NURS 3282 Applied Pathophysiology to develop and apply evidence-based nursing interventions to patients across the continuum of care and through the lifespan. Students will develop appropriate nursing interventions by incorporating scientific evidence along with the patient’s preference and values. Learning activities will occur in the classroom, lab and simulation. Offered in the College for Women. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisite: NURS 3291 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: NURS 3282, 3810. NURS 3303 Human Caring – Professional Roles and Culture — 3 credits

This course presents the nursing triad model of compassionate care: nurse as scientist, artist, and healing presence. The baccalaureate student is introduced to philosophy, theory, and concepts of the art and science of nursing along with the direct experience of tacit knowing, while using practical skills needed to implement patient care. Reflective practice is supported by many “ways of knowing” expressed by multicultural groups, along with caring behaviors developed within the context of care delivery in various nursing situations. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prerequisites to begin the nursing program. Corequisites: NURS 3106 and NURS 3403. NURS 3305 Transition to Professional Holistic Nursing Practice — 5 credits

This course introduces students to professional holistic nursing practice and to the holistic care of older adults. This approach engages body, mind and spirit, while unfolding a relationship centered caring practice supported by a unitary science and presence of self. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Students will begin the journey of using a reflective practice and authentic presence with clients and each other. Students will explore how to maximize older adult strengths and minimize risks to their health, mental health and well-being. Students will attend to the experience of older adults in a manner that honors the unique meaning within each individual’s lived experience. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prerequisites to begin the LPN-BSN nursing program.

Corequisite: NURS 3303. NURS 3403 Holistic Care of Older Adults — 3 credits

This course introduces students to holistic nursing care of older adults and the common changes associated with aging, as differentiated from alterations in health. Students will explore how to maximize older adult strengths and minimize risks to their physical and mental health and well-being. Students will attend to the experience of older adults in a manner that honors the unique meaning within each individual’s lived experience. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSN. NURS 3502 Holistic Health Assessment — 2 credits

This course introduces holistic assessment of patients across the lifespan with a focus on a systematic approach to the collection and analysis of health data for diverse patients. Students learn to complete assessments that inform holistic nursing process. Prerequisites: NURS 3106 (not required for LPN to BSN), NURS 3303, and NURS 3403 (not required for LPN to BSN). NURS 3705 Holistic Nursing Care of Children and Childbearing Families — 5 credits

This course uses a holistic, culturally sensitive, person and family centered approach to the healthcare needs of mothers, children, and families. Theoretical and evidence-based practice findings are the basis for nursing holistic strategies to promote and maintain health and healing through the establishment of a safe, caring environment. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Prerequisites: NURS 3106 or NURS 3305, NURS 3303, NURS 3403 (not required for LPN to BSN), and NURS 3502. Corequisites: NURS 3803 and NURS 3902. NURS 3800 Appl of Theory Nursing Prac I — 4 credits

In this course students will focus on the operationalization of theoretical concepts in the provision of nursing care across healthcare settings. Students will apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in NURS 3281 and NURS 3291 to individuals and families in the acute care and the mental health or community health practice settings. Learning activities will occur in the clinical setting, seminar and simulation. Offered in the College for Women. Prerequisites: NURS 2910 and PSYC 3010 with a minimum grade of C. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Corequisites: NURS 3281, 3291. NURS 3803 Holistic Population Based Nursing: Community Perspectives — 3 credits

This course focuses on the integration of nursing theory with public health science to address health disparities in populations, communities and groups. This includes the development of a broader perspective of health and wellness across the continuum including prevention of disease and injury. Emphasis is placed on a holistic population assessment and the development of nursing role and interventions to mitigate health risks in vulnerable populations, communities and groups. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: NURS 3106 or NURS 3305, NURS 3303, NURS 3502. Corequisites: NURS 3705 and NURS 3902. NURS 3810 Application of Theory in Nursing Practice II — 4 credits

The course builds on the nursing practice students developed in NURS 3800 Application of Theory in Nursing Practice I. Students will continue to refine their reflective and mindful practice in the acute care setting and the mental health or community health practice arenas. New concepts and knowledge introduced in NURS 3282 and NURS 3292 will be integrated across settings. Enrichment in the patterns of knowing will be the focus of learning. Learning activities will occur in the clinical setting, seminar and simulation. Offered in the College for Women. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisites: NURS 3281, NURS 3291, NURS 3800 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: NURS 3282, NURS 3292. NURS 3902 Pharmacology and Holistic Nursing Practice — 2 credits

This course advances the student’s knowledge of the pharmacologic treatment of diseases and threats to health from a variety of cultural perspectives. Emphasis is on utilizing the nursing process when caring for people receiving pharmacological treatment, specifically the classifications of drugs, their physiologic impact; monitoring therapeutic responses, side effects, adverse reactions, and interactions; as well as teaching responsibilities. The student will learn about important pharmacological principles including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenomics, epigenomics, pharmacotherapeutics, and toxicology related to western and traditional medicinals used across the lifespan. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: NURS 3106 or NURS 3305, NURS 3303, NURS 3502. Corequisites: NURS 3705 and NURS 3803. NURS 3910 Empirical Foundations — 4 credits

This course provides a bridge to baccalaureate nursing education for experienced registered nurses. Students are introduced to a theoretical basis for nursing practice. An emphasis is placed on the empirical foundations of nursing, which highlights evidence-based practice. This encompasses therapeutic communication, holism, cultural diversity, professional nursing roles, and caring. Students are required to critically reflect on their individual nursing practices and evaluate the evidence that guides current nursing practice. The curriculum is designed to build on the nurses’ current knowledge while enhancing appreciation of nursing as a distinct discipline with foundations in theory, research, and practice. Offered in the College for Adults. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisite: ECON 1080 or equivalent. Prerequisite with concurrency: CORE 2000W. NURS 3920 Professional Nursing: Theories, Concepts and Practice — 4 credits

This course has theory, seminar and field experience components that provide a variety of learning experiences. The theory and seminar portions of the course are designed to enable the student to: (a) understand human experience as a focus of nursing from a perspective grounded in nursing theory, (b) articulate a philosophy of nursing oriented to holism and wellness, and (c) identify concepts and processes pivotal to professional nursing practice and instrumental in improving client outcomes. The importance of self-awareness and caring are integrated throughout all learning experiences. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. The field experience components of the course focus on developing interpersonal relationship skills with diverse populations and transitioning the practice focus from individuals to families. Using the patterns of knowing in nursing, students explore family theory, wellness, therapeutic relationships, and concepts related to cultural safety. Offered in the College for Adults. Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 3910. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. NURS 3930 Population-Based Nursing Practice I — 3 credits

This course has theory, seminar, online modules and clinical components that enable students to apply the patterns of knowing as they work with communities and populations. Course work and clinical experiences focus on increasing critical thinking skills while working with communities that might benefit from nursing interventions to promote community strengths and resilience. Community and population-focused nursing assessments and interventions will be highlighted. Offered in the College for Adults. Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 3920. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. NURS 4010 Nursing Care of Complex Patients — 6 credits

In this course students will use the patterns of knowing to plan and provide care for individuals, families and populations, with complex health concerns across the continuum of care. Students will be introduced to nursing management of patients and families in high acuity settings, as well as the care of patients and families managing chronic health problems in facilities that provide for the continuum of care. The care of patients with complex conditions will be operationalized in theory, applied learning, and simulation. Prerequisites: NURS 3282, NURS 3292, NURS 3810, IPE 4200W. Corequisite: NURS 4020. NURS 4020 Complex Patient Care across the Continuum — 4 credits

In this course, the students apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes developed in previous and concurrent nursing courses to provide care for complex clients in a variety of settings using an evidence-based approach. The students focus on the continuum of care and the needs of and challenges faced by individuals, families, and populations. Classroom learning includes discussion of the ethical, economic, and policy issues which impact health care. Introduction to the care of populations will broaden the student’s view of assessment and planning for health care, both locally and globally. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisites: NURS 3282, NURS 3292, NURS 3810, IPE 4200W. Corequisite: NURS 4010. NURS 4030 Introduction to the Role of the Operating Room Nurse — 2 credits

This elective course provides learning opportunities to introduce and apply theory and knowledge related to the operating room nurse role. Students will engage in classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences related to this professional nursing specialty. Students will be co-mentored by nurses in the practice setting and nurse faculty in the academic setting to create a rich and intensive on-site learning experience in the operating room. Coursework will focus on specific skills, knowledge and attitudes pertinent to the operating room nurse role with emphasis on and interconnection with the competencies for baccalaureate prepared nurses. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NURS 4010 and 4020 and junior or senior status in the nursing program. NURS 4040 Maternal and Child Nursing Care — 2 credits

This course builds on all previous nursing courses and on maternal child content in NURS 2910. The focus of this course is on nursing care of the maternal child dyad. Didactic is provided in the first week of the course with precepted clinical experiences for the following three weeks. Classroom content includes care of the mother throughout labor, delivery and the postpartum period, pregnancy and postpartum complications, as well as neonatal transition and nutrition. Clinical content includes care of mother and neonate dyads in the intrapartum and postpartum period. Prerequisites: NURS 4010, NURS 4020 or by faculty recommendation. NURS 4106 Holistic Care of Adults — 6 credits

This course uses a holistic, culturally sensitive, person and family centered approach to the health care needs of adults and their families. Theoretical and evidence-based practice findings are the basis for holistic nursing strategies to address health alterations and to promote and maintain health and healing through the establishment of a safe, caring practice environment. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisite: NURS 4603. Corequisites: NURS 4203 and NURS 4703. NURS 4110 Population-Based Nursing Practice II — 4 credits

This course has theory, online modules and practice experiences that enable students to apply the patterns of knowing as they work with vulnerable populations in the community. Course work and practice experiences focus on increasing critical thinking skills with vulnerable populations in communities who would benefit from population-based nursing interventions that promote health. Students will continue to expand their knowledge about various issues in public health that impact communities. Offered in the College for Adults. Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 3930. NURS 4120 Leadership and Systems Change — 4 credits

An exploration of the nursing profession as one of the many systems within the health care system and the role of the nurse as leader/manager within that complex system is the focus of this course. The course includes three major components: 1) nursing practice at the systems level; 2) leadership and management in the care of groups of complex clients; and 3) evidence based practice. Theory and off campus practice experiences will be included in this course. Offered in the College for Adults. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 4110. NURS 4130 Evidence-based Practice and Outcome Management — 3 credits

This course has theory, seminar, online modules and clinical components that enable students to synthesize and apply leadership, nursing and public health theory and practice to provide nursing care at the systems and community level of population based practice. This course will enhance student’s understanding and ability to provide evidence-based nursing care. Students will initiate a change in nursing practice to improve care for a group of clients. Students will increase their ability to take a leadership role in a complex organization and to participate in the change process. Students will complete an evidenced-based clinical leadership staff development project in their practice setting. Offered in the College for Adults. Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 4120. NURS 4200 Leadership in Professional Nursing Practice — 8 credits

This course explores the nursing profession as one of many systems within the healthcare system and the role of the nurse as leader/manager within that complex system. The course introduces three major components: population-based nursing practice at the systems and community level; evidence-based practice and empirical knowing; and leadership management in the care of complex clients. Learning activities will occur in the classroom, lab, simulation, clinical and seminar. Offered in the College for Women. Prerequisites: NURS 4010, 4020. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. NURS 4203 Holistic Nursing Approaches to Mental Health — 3 credits

This course uses a holistic, relationship-centered, culturally sensitive approach to the health care needs of individuals, families and groups experiencing alterations in mental health across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on theoretical knowledge and evidence-based practices to promote, maintain, and restore health. Priority is given to the use of self as a therapeutic tool, principles of holistic therapeutic relationships, knowledge of physiological underpinnings of mental health disruptions, and healing processes. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisite: NURS 4603. Corequisites: NURS 4106 and NURS 4703. NURS 4303 Holistic Nursing Advances: Leading and Influencing — 3 credits

This course expands on complexity science and examines holistic leadership and change theories. Students explore holistic transformational leadership, with an emphasis on collaborating with intra and interprofessional healthcare teams to achieve excellence and data-driven quality outcomes in complex, dynamic environments. This course explores management concepts through the paradigms of nursing and prepares students for professional practice in complex, dynamic situations. The art of self-care is lived while engaging in the professional practice of the discipline with a multicultural, holistic, and social justice perspective that demonstrates leadership and responsibility for continued transformation of self and the discipline of nursing. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: NURS 4106, NURS 4203, NURS 4703. Corequisites: NURS 4704, NURS 4804. NURS 4600 Internship — 0 credits

This is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair. NURS 4601 Internship — 1 credit

This is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair. NURS 4602 Internship — 2 credits

This is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair. NURS 4603 Holistic Nursing: Reflection in Action — 3 credits

In this course students will participate in an intensive 90 hour clinical internship/preceptorship. Students apply philosophy, theory, and concepts through praxis. Students will engage in reflective practice which is supported by “ways of knowing” and Unitary Human Caring Science. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to integrate clinical and theoretical learning from previous nursing courses while engaging in professional communication and clinical decision making. Prerequisites: NURS 3705, NURS 3803, NURS 3902. NURS 4604 Internship — 4 credits

This is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair. NURS 4681 Directed Study — 1 credit

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval. NURS 4682 Directed Study — 2 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval. NURS 4684 Directed Study — 4 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval. NURS 4703 Global Communities and Holistic Public Health Nursing II — 3 credits

This course provides an opportunity for students to apply advanced public health nursing theory through holistic nursing practice with global populations in the community. The student will come to know the experience of various immigrant populations and the changes in health they have encountered through their various disruptions and opportunities. Course experiences will focus on critical thinking skills in a variety of communities and settings to improve population health. Ways to diminish health disparities will be explored. Prerequisite: NURS 4603. Corequisites: NURS 4203 and NURS 4106. NURS 4704 Unification of Nursing Concepts and Contexts in Holistic Complex Care — 4 credits

In this course the nursing student synthesizes concepts/contexts, as used in holistic complex nursing situations, to navigate the various paradigms/worldviews presented by diverse human expressions of health and healing. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Learning from all previous nursing courses is utilized. Subject matter, lab activities, and simulation prepare the generalist nurse at the baccalaureate level for clinical practice as a registered nurse. The “praxis” of nursing, where reflection on theory and practice as action, become one and the same, is facilitated through a view of holism and unitary perspectives. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: NURS 4106, NURS 4203, NURS 4703. Corequisites: NURS 4303 and NURS 4804. NURS 4804 Holistic Nursing Practice in Complex Dynamic Situations — 4 credits

This practicum course is a precepted clinical immersion experience that includes synthesis and unification of holistic nursing concepts. Unitary Caring Science informs students as they engage in the direct experience of tacit knowing, while using practical skills needed to implement holistic patient care. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Reflective practice is supported by many “ways of knowing” expressed by multicultural groups, along with caring behaviors developed within the context of care delivery in various settings. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to integrate clinical and theoretical learning from previous nursing courses through a role-transition clinical experience.

Prerequisite: NURS 4106. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Corequisites: NURS 4704, NURS 4703. NURS 4952 Independent Study — 2 credits

Independent study offers students the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. Students work with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit earned for the study also is included in the learning contract. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments. Prerequisites: Permission of the faculty and department chair or program director. NURS 4954 Independent Study — 4 credits

Independent study offers students the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. Students work with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit earned for the study also is included in the learning contract. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Prerequisites: Permission of the faculty and department chair or program director. NURS 4992 Topics — 2 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. NURS 4993 Topics — 3 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. NURS 4994 Topics — 4 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses.

This is the format for the title page used for every assignment at Walden. Refer to APA resource materials for additional information on title pages.

For all other pages check APA resources for information on page headers, page numbers, level one headings, and the reference page.

Title of Paper

Student’s Full Name

Walden University

Course Number, Section, and Title

(Example: NURS 4010 Section 04, Family, Community, and Population-Based Care)

Month, Day, Year

(enter the date submitted to Instructor)

NURS 4010: Week 3 Application Rubric: Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Application Rubric

Due by Day 7 of Week 3 .

For this Application Assignment, select a disaster that could happen in your community. Write a 3- to 4-page paper outlining the disaster, how the professional nurse uses clinical judgment and decision-making skills to provide appropriate nursing care, other health care professionals that may be involved in a emergency or disaster response, and strategies for improving your community’s response to your identified disaster. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria and the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional Web sites in addition to the literature references. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments

· Overview—20 points Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to…”

· The Role of the Nurse—40 points Describe the disaster you selected and discuss how the professional nurse would use clinical judgment and decision-making skills during the disaster. Include a description of other healthcare professionals that may be involved in a response to your identified disaster and how the BSN nurse would collaborate with those professionals. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers.

· Nursing Strategies—30 points Outline your suggestions for how to improve your community’s response to your identified disaster. Include a minimum of two best practices that could be implemented. Discuss how each best practice could address the identified weakness in the current response plan. Support each selected best practice with references from the professional literature. This section will be 2–3 paragraphs. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments.

· Summary—10 points End the paper with a 1-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper.


Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required references.

Total points for assignment = 100 points When completed, save the Assignment according to the instructions in the Assignment area. Submit this assignment via the Assignment submission link.

The MSPH is an academic research degree designed for students who wish to prepare for further study at the doctoral level or to prepare for research or technical positions in government, industry, academia, or private institutions. Studies will include many of the core disciplines included in the MPH degree with an additional emphasis on advanced research methods and quantitative analysis skills. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments.

We are committed to transmitting the skill sets necessary to conduct effective public health research to all our students, understanding that such research may take place in academic, governmental, the private sector, and international settings. Experience in public health research often involves similar skill sets as those needed by public health practitioners.

The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) degree is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).

Upon completion of the Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) degree, all graduates will be able to:

Competencies: Average Program Duration: 2 years Total required credits: 45 credits The Curriculum The MSPH program is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.

An elective credit waiver may be available for students who enter the MSPH degree program with an earned advanced degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, JD). NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments.

The hygienic and accurate nature of Baker Perkins’ ServoForm™ starchless depositing process makes it ideal for producing confectionery for the functional, medicated and other healthcare markets, including nutraceutical, sports nutrition and pharmaceutical. Jellies and gummies can be used to deliver a variety of functional ingredients including vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, Omega-3, probiotics and energy supplements. The healthy positioning may be enhanced with the inclusion of fruit pulp or pieces.

Consistently accurate weight and dosage control Depositing into solid moulds at final or very high solids ensures consistently accurate weight and dosage control, while the smooth surface and consistent shape with no shrinkage convey the high-quality image necessary for the healthcare sector. Striped, layered and filled products are all possible and high levels of fruit pulp or pieces may be included. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments.

Starch-free for hygiene and cost benefits Baker Perkins’ starchless systems for the production of jellies and gummies deposit high-solids syrup into silicone rubber, plastic or metal moulds rather than starch moulds. No starch is required anywhere on the line and drying time is significantly shorter or eliminated altogether. Capital and running costs are substantially reduced as less floor space, drying capacity, energy, labour and consumables are required.

Starchless depositing is completely hygienic, with no cross-contamination risk from recycled starch or excessive cleaning of airborne dust. Unlike starch moguls, the process adheres to the principles of GMP and is readily capable of validation to FDA/EMEA standards.

Full range of jelly and gummy textures Baker Perkins has worked closely with ingredient suppliers to develop quick-setting formulations using high-performance gelling agents including pectin, gelatin and carrageenan. These enable confectioners to benefit from starchless depositing across the full range of jelly and gummy textures.

This course offers the student an opportunity for active participation in a nursing research project with the approval of the supervising faculty member(s). This course allows students to apply their beginning research and skills to selected areas of focus. (Elective) Pre-requisite: NURS 3410.

Evidence-based knowledge of leadership and management theories and concepts to prepare professional nurses to function in a variety of health care settings. Includes emphasis on ethics, finance, health outcomes, organizational theory, personal career development, role transition, quality, and values.

An important consideration for nurses who care for patients in the community or in their homes is to understand the culture and environment in which the patient resides. In this course, students learn applications for theories and concepts from nursing and public health sciences in assessing health status and preventing and controlling disease in families, aggregates, and communities. They analyze and discuss the use of epidemiological and community assessment techniques to examine populations at risk, health promotion, and levels of disease prevention, with special emphasis on ethnically diverse and vulnerable populations. Students also consider major local, state, and national health issues, including mental health and substance abuse and related co-morbidities, re-emergence of infectious and communicable diseases, environmental and occupational health hazards, bioterrorism, emergency preparedness, and disaster response. Students apply knowledge and gain practical experience through a 45-hour practicum experience in a community/population-based healthcare setting. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignments.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of NURS 3010, NURS 3021, NURS 3031, NURS 3050 with a “C” or higher Co-requisite: NURS 4000, NURS 4020, NURS 4050 This hybrid course provides a foundation in nursing leadership preparing students to provide care for diverse individual, families, and groups on a managerial and organizational level. NURS 4010 – Family and Population-Based Care Assignment Papers. Students will integrate knowledge and skills from previous courses in nursing and other disciplines with knowledge from leadership theory to understand issues in delivery of quality and safe health care. The course will emphasize skills of prioritization and delegation, intra-and-inter-professional communication, teamwork and collaboration, decision-making, ethical and legal issues, technology and informatics, advocacy, and conflict resolution in the delivery of care. The focus of this course is to develop a servant leadership approach to the delivery and improvement of health care. The professional portfolio will be reviewed in this course.