Essay: Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

All assignments must be at least 5 pages, including a cover page and a table of contents, and in current Turabian format. Each assignment must include a bibliography with a minimum of 5 scholarly sources, which can include the course textbooks.

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Written Assignment 1 – Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

For this assignment, you will write a paper detailing the importance of spiritual formation and how it relates to discipleship. Give an overview of the 3 areas related to spiritual growth (chapters 10 and 12 in your reading….. Earley, Dave, and Rod Dempsey. Disciple Making Is…: How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence and detail how it affects the whole person. Explain how walking in and under the control of the Holy Spirit impacts our spiritual development. Finally, take the personal growth assessment (in the lecture notes for Module/Week 2) and reflect on your strong points and weaker points. Then, create some habits and disciplines for each of the 3 areas that you need to work on.

I pasted my growth assessment below.


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On the left side of each statement, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 (low to high).

Love for God (Up)

__6__ 1. I am daily reading God’s Word.

__3__ 2. I am systematically memorizing God’s Word.

__5__ 3. I am writing out key passages and meditating on God’s Word for application.

__2__ 4. I have a daily prayer time and plan.

__8__ 5. I have a dated prayer request list for people and requests.

__9__ 6. I pray daily to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

__2__ 7. I keep a journal and record how the Lord is at work in my life and around me.

__5__ 8. I regularly practice fasting from food and other areas for my spiritual development.

__6__ 9. I regularly disconnect from the world (including all media) and in solitude connect to Jesus.

__10__ 10. I try daily to listen and follow the still small voice of Jesus.

Add up the section ___56____ and divide by 10 = __5.6_____

Love for One Another (In)

__0__ 1. I meet weekly in a small group with other believers.

__8__ 2. I have discovered my spiritual gift.

__8__ 3. I am using my spiritual gift to build up others in the body of Christ.

__9__ 4. I am daily praying for other believers.

__10__ 5. I am guarding against the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

__7__ 6. I am confessing my faults, sins, and shortcomings to other believers.

__10__ 7. I am not involved in gossip against other believers.

__10__ 8. I am not holding a grudge or offense toward any person.

__10__ 9. I regularly clear up/ resolve hurts and offenses toward other believers.

__10__ 10. I am daily praying with my family or for my family.

Add up the section ___82____ and divide by 10 = ___8.2____

Love for Our Neighbors (Out)

__3__ 1. I have a prayer list for people who do not know Christ.

__8__ 2. I am praying specific requests for their salvation.

__9__ 3. I am seeking friendships and relationships with people who do not know Christ.

__9__ 4. I am listening first to what they have to say.

__3__ 5. I am planning for opportunities to eat with people who don’t know Christ.

__10__ 6. I am seeking to use my spiritual gift to serve others outside the body of Christ.