Essay: Intercultural Reflection 

Essay: Intercultural Reflection

Essay: Intercultural Reflection


Intercultural communication through interaction has been vouched for its role in fostering diversity. Knowledge of other cultures allows one to not only appreciate other cultures but also develop respect for the cultural values and identities of different communities. Experience with other cultures enables one identify their ethnocentrism hence learn to cope with people from other cultures. Fundamentally, culture unites people with diverse background. However, this statement can be considered just a platitude especially when culture creates animosity (Bar‐Tal, Halperin & Oren, 2010, Essay: Intercultural Reflection ).

However, contrary to fostering peace, intercultural communication can also be a recipe for instigating violence among different cultures. Through intercultural conflicts, peace is disrupted initiating the need for conflict resolution. In the past and even in the contemporary world, conflict has been happening (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). The causes of intercultural conflicts can be due to social, economic and political factors as evidence in the Israeli and Arab conflict. In a review of intercultural intercourse between Israel and Palestine, it becomes evident that intercultural interaction can also promote border violence and cause enormous tragedies to parties involved. Hence, this study addresses intercultural conflicts with respect to the Israel and Palestine. Elaborate discussion will provide analysis of the instances of intercultural pitfalls that have contributed to this war.

ORDER Essay: Intercultural Reflection 

Case Study: Israel and Palestine Conflict

The protracted and yet ongoing conflicts between Palestine and Israeli is an example of how intercultural interactions can lead to conflicts. The basis of conflict is on the region row of the Gaza Strip and West Bank (Fraser, 2015). The political and socio-cultural development of Palestine began when the Turkish Empire declared a sphere of interest in the region. The Muslim group from Turkey known as the Seljuk Turks occupied Jerusalem and took control of its activities in 1071 (Ashuri, 2010). However, Christian crusaders from Europe wedged a war against the Muslim group over the ownership of Jerusalem and in 1099, they took control of the land.  The Muslim groups further reoccupied the city. Israel which comprises of Jews and Christians occupy Jerusalem claimed by Palestinians who are Muslim Arabs.

However, the ownership of the territory was attributed to the intercultural interaction between the Jews and the Arabs. During mass killings of the Jews in Europe, most moved to Palestine in order to better their lives (Nicholls, 2014). However, their interaction caused animosity rather than peace. After the British had pulled out of Israel, and during what became known as the War of Independence, Israeli expanded their territory prompting their occupation of 77% of Jerusalem. Moreover, 50% of Palestinians were evacuated meaning that the Israelis controlled the majority of the land (Bennis, 2012).

Essentially, the protracted conflicts between Israel and Palestine can be attributed to cultural, social and political differences over the territory of Jerusalem. Intrinsically, the religious groups of Christian, Muslim, and Jew share legitimate ties to the territory of Jerusalem. Ideally, Jerusalem holds significance to all the three religious groups. According to Christians, Jerusalem is the place where Jesus performed miracles and taught the message of hope. To the Jews, Jerusalem is the point where Solomon built the original temple hence considered a city of promise as well as hope. Besides, the city remains a Passover celebration for the Jews. For the Muslims, Jerusalem holds a political significance as it is the place where Al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the holiest temple was built. Certainly, Israel is the home of two religious groups, the Christians, and Jews while Palestine consists of the Muslims who are mostly Arabs. However, since mid-90s, Israel has demonstrated its authority over Palestine. In 1967, Israel took control of 60% of West Bank as well as 33% of the territory in the Gaza strip (Ashuri, 2010, Essay: Intercultural Reflection ). And as if this was not enough, Israel confiscated 33% of Palestine by demolishing homes and evicting Palestinians.

The Israel Palestine conflict has attracted world attention. Arab states have welcomed the Palestine refugees and strongly supported Palestine in wedging war against Israel. The United Nations has strongly supported Palestine and advocated for peaceful resolution of conflicts between Israel and Palestine. The United States of America and a majority of countries in the West support Israel occupation of Gaza Strip and West Bank (Fraser, 2015). Their support could be due to the association of Palestine with the Arab states. In essence, it can be concluded that external forces contributed to the Israeli and Palestine conflict. Jews immigration to Jerusalem as they escaped Nazi Germany led them to occupy and displace Palestine in their territory. Population demographics also contributed to the conflict. Jewish immigration into Arab territories created discontent among Palestine. The new population became more economically privileged than the natives which gave the Jews an upper hand to subdue the Arabs in their territory (Ashuri, 2010). This can be one challenge of intercultural interaction as it can lead to economic, cultural and social assimilation. Thus, it can be concluded that both population and economic dynamics have led to the intensification of the Israel and Palestine conflict.

Introduction of the concepts: Dialectical perspective in understanding intercultural conflict

Complication in dispute can often lead to major conflict compared to the initial stage when it appeared. As illustrated by the author in the book Intercultural Communication in Context simple animosities can escalate into undetermined tragedies (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). These uncertainties in cultural conflicts are explored vividly through the dialectical perspective. In addressing the dialectics, the author explores economic context, religious context and cultural identities as factors that can influence conflicts. Besides, political context and belongingness as well shape the intercultural conflicts (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). A perception of economic disparity is the reason why there is the division of wealth status into first class, middle class and the poor. Essentially, religious animosity evident by the Islam and Christianity, Catholic and Protestants, have also been crucial in aggravating intercultural conflicts. In the view of political context, affiliations to political ideologies have added to the intercultural conflicts. For instant in the World Wars, there emerged two political ideologies of Communism and Capitalism. Differences in these ideologies created tension and consequently the World Wars as each group wanted to display their might. In addition, the United States of America has two major political parties; the Republican Party is comprising of the majority whites and the Democratic Party dominated by the minority races such as African Americans and Hispanics. Republicans embrace a conservative ideology while Democrats are liberalists. These two ideologies form the basis for the political campaigns resulting in tensions perceived by both the majority and minority groups.

In consistent with authors view, it is evident that ambiguity in intercultural conflicts determines the course of the dispute. Different cultures have varied approaches to handling disputes. For instance, some cultures use confrontational styles in their dealing with conflicts while others use avoider approaches to retreat in the conflict. The different perspectives in intercultural conflicts are also contributed by language (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). The latter will address understanding of cultures. Evidently, people not conversant with the language or culture of a given group can be considered outcast. This is the reason behind the interethnic animosity and has in history contributed to civil wars in Rwanda, Sudan, and Somalia.

Analysis of the Case using the Concept: Dialectical perspective concept to Israel and Palestine Conflicts

Based on the Israeli and Palestine, can it be deduced that human interactions operate parallel to the intercultural relations of fostering peace? However, in addressing this prompt, it is apparent that intercultural communication factor plays a significant role in this conflict such that the Israeli and Palestine fail to understand each other. Based on the dialectics, different approaches in conflict management between Israel and Palestine have contributed to the protracted conflicts (Fraser, 2015). Historical Israeli attitude since interaction with Palestinians has failed to foster cultural engagement of these two nations. The domineering aspect of the Zionists in the past and even in the contemporary aspect has meant that the Israeli leaders do not have interest in engaging in negotiations for conflict resolution.

Though cultural engagement is supposed to build bridges caused by divisions and nurtures freedom, the interactions between Palestine and Israeli divide the two. This has been compounded by the complexities caused by the new dimensions of the conflict. Cultural xenophobia has been emulated with respect to Jews and Arab culture in the Israeli and Palestine conflict. The external influence has given preference to Jews at the expense of the Arab culture. The latter tend to be more aggrieved as their land was taken, families displaced and still, they receive limited attention in the world. However, in response to this unbiased focus, Palestine retaliates by lawfulness expulsion as evidenced by terrorist attacks to the Israeli families in West Bank and Gaza Strip. This, in turn, has yielded a world’s negative perception of Palestine due to their association with outlawed terrorist groups (Pearson, 2017). Palestine is believed to be causing deaths of innocent mothers and children through the weapons of mass destruction, though extremist groups could as well be responsible for the terrorist attacks in Israel.  Hence, much of the Western efforts have been to empower Israel through economic and military support. The United States of America has been in the forefront in giving grants to Israel to help build the nation after the Nazi Holocaust. Europe and Russia have also been in history for supporting Israel since 1947 when they facilitated the partition of Palestine from Israel, Essay: Intercultural Reflection .



The political and economic factors have taken precedent to culture as the resolution of the conflict for Israel, and Palestine dispute focuses on settling political differences. However, the socio-cultural and religious context in this conflict plays significant roles in bridging misunderstanding (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). However, in view of traditional approaches to conflict resolution, reconciliation play significant roles in ensuring that the grievances of parties in dispute are met. Conversely, in the context of the Israeli and Palestine dispute, power imbalance, authority of mediators from interest countries and perceived history of injustices among Palestine makes conflict resolution a challenge (Bar‐Tal, Halperin & Oren, 2010). In essence, addressing the conflict requires mutual respect of the cultural identities of the two states. As it stands, lack of understanding due to cultural differences makes the effort of reconciliation a challenge to end the dispute. Israeli and Palestinian leaders do not have an agreement on the resolutions to the conflict proposed by the United Nations (Pearson, 2017).

What is being done or can be done to improve intercultural relationships?

With respect to the case study, peace is a nightmare in the near future. Progress has to be made to end hostilities that erupt between the two states and in the entire region of Middle East (Bennis, 2012). To address this, intercultural relationships must be improved. Mutual respect among diverse cultures must be at the center of fostering intercultural interaction. In the event of a conflict, the arbitrators and mediators should maintain neutrality so as not to polarize the already volatile situation (Nicholls, 2014). Besides, reconciliatory approach should be the key such that a modest method is used to unite the cultures and ensures that individuals are willing to forgive, Essay: Intercultural Reflection.