UMGC HCAD 600 Healthcare Mental Health Policy & Mental Illnesses Research Paper
UMGC HCAD 600 Healthcare Mental Health Policy & Mental Illnesses Research Paper
First Paper Instructions
For your first project, identify one important, current issue in American healthcare or concerning global health, and then follow the instructions below.This paper provides you with an opportunity to explore how current events are affecting the role of the healthcare administrator.
Prepare an 800-1000 word research brief that:
- (1) summarizes a news story found on Kaiser Health News within the past 30 days, then
- (2) discusses the implications of this news event on your future as a leader in health care.
- Incorporate at least three (3) scholarly journal articles published in the last five years into your paper and cited accordingly.
- In addition, you must use UMGC’s library to locate the articles and include at least one scholarly journal that provides a DOI = digital object identifier on the reference page (example: doi: 10.1108/03090560710821161).
- Follow APA 7th edition style guidelines for cover page, citations, and the reference page.
- An abstract is not required for this paper.
- Prepare your essay in MS Word with 1-inch margins on all sides,
- double-spaced and 12 pt.
- Times New Roman font.
- Please note that the 1000 word limit pertains to the body of the paper.