7063.1.1 : Professional Development Path
The graduate recommends strategies for practicing lifelong learning skills to encourage continuous improvement essential for practicing as an advanced nursing professional.
7063.1.2 : The Advanced Nursing Professional as Policy Advocate
The graduate recommends legal and regulatory policies that advocate for improved health outcomes in patients and populations. AWM1 — AWM1 TASK 1: POLICY BRIEF PAPER
7063.1.3 : The Master’s Prepared Nurse as a Member of the Interprofessional Care Team
The graduate analyzes the roles and interaction of interprofessional team members to assess the resulting impact on healthcare outcomes.
7063.1.4 : Utilizing Data for Quality Improvement
The graduate analyzes organizational performance data to guide recommendations for improving healthcare outcomes and disseminating results to a professional community.
Professional nursing has the potential to influence health policy by using a collective voice for patient and healthcare advocacy. For this task, you will create a policy brief, a summary report that educates policy makers on relevant information or research for policy decisions.
Your goal for the policy brief is to present a problem from a nursing perspective clearly and concisely, using convincing evidence to bring about your desired result.
Before starting this task, you must have completed CAM1 Task 1 and the “CPE Record” associated with that task.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Note: The italicized subheadings reference the section titles of the template.
A. Analyze the context and scope of a SDOH in your community by doing the following:
1. Describe one SDOH that necessitates a policy change to optimize health in your community.
a. Provide data from state or local resources to support your description.
2. Describe three characteristics of the target population affected by the SDOH.
3. Identify the policy makers who will receive the policy brief (e.g., community group or individuals, including name and title).
4. Explain why the SDOH requires the policy makers’ attention.
a. Discuss the current policy for the SDOH in your community if one exists. Or discuss the effect that not having an existing policy for the SDOH has on your community.
b. Discuss the ethical implications of the current policy or the absence of an existing policy.
5. Complete the demographics table in the template and provide a scholarly resource for each of the following aspects:
• demographics associated with the SDOH
• risk factors associated with the SDOH
• trending facts associated with the SDOH
Policy Proposal and Implementation Plan, AWM1 — AWM1 TASK 1: POLICY BRIEF PAPER
B. Create a policy proposal and implementation plan by doing the following:
1. Develop two policy alternatives to address the SDOH described in part A1.
Note: Include supporting evidence.
2. Explain why one of the policy alternatives from part B1 is preferable over the other alternative.
Note: Include Supporting evidence.
3. Analyze the potential impact of your proposed policy by doing the following:
a. Explain how the desired results will optimize health in the community.
b. Discuss the financial costs and benefits of the proposed policy.
c. Discuss two ethical implications of the proposed policy on the population.
4. Describe actual or potential barriers to the implementation of your policy.
5. Explain what methods of communication you will use to introduce the policy to the policy maker(s) and educate them on the anticipated effectiveness of the proposed policy change on the SDOH in the community.
6. Describe the potential results of inaction.
Executive Summary
C. Write an executive summary to begin your policy brief by doing the following:
1. Summarize the context and scope of the chosen SDOH in your community.
2. Summarize how your proposed policy will address the SDOH in your community.
3. Propose a persuasive course of action for the policy makers to address the policy change.
D. Write a reflection statement that includes the following:
1. Describe how you were a change agent in creating this policy brief.
2. Discuss the knowledge and skills you need to develop to continue influencing policy development decision-making.
E. Create a References section for your policy brief using APA style.
F. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
NOTE: The Performance Assessment should be uploaded as a separate attachment(s) and should not be included in the E-portfolio or submitted as a link. AWM1 — AWM1 TASK 1: POLICY BRIEF PAPER
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
NOT EVIDENT A description of 1 social determinant of health (SDOH) necessitating a policy change is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description of 1 SDOH within the chosen community that necessitates a policy change is not well supported with relevant sources. Or the SDOH is not appropriate for the chosen community. |
COMPETENT The description of 1 SDOH within the chosen community that necessitates a policy change is well supported by relevant source and is appropriate for the chosen community. |
NOT EVIDENT Data from state and local resources are not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE Data from state or local resources do not support the description in part A1, or the data are not from a trusted source for state or local resources. Or the data sources are not cited. |
COMPETENT Data from state and local resources support the description in part A1 and are from trusted sources for state and local resources. The data sources are cited. |
NOT EVIDENT A description of the target population affected by the SDOH is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description of the target population affected by the SDOH does not include 3 characteristics of that population, or it does not address consideration of diversity within the community. Or the description is not specific to the chosen SDOH. |
COMPETENT The description of the target population affected by the SDOH includes 3 characteristics of the target population and addresses consideration of diversity within the community. The description is specific to the chosen SDOH. |
NOT EVIDENT None of the policy makers who should review the policy brief are identified. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE 1 or more of the identified policy makers should not receive this policy brief, or information for each policy maker, including affiliation, name, and title, is not included. |
COMPETENT The policy makers who should receive the policy brief are correctly identified, including affiliation, name, and title for each policy maker. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain why the SDOH requires the policy makers’ attention. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not provide a convincing argument that explains why the SDOH requires the policy makers’ attention, or the explanation includes inaccurate information. Or the explanation lacks key concepts linking the policy brief to the identified SDOH in the community. |
COMPETENT The submission provides an accurate, convincing argument that explains why the SDOH requires the policy makers’ attention. The explanation includes key concepts linking the policy brief to the identified SDOH in the community. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not discuss the current policy or the absence of a policy for the SDOH in the community. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission discusses the current policy, but it does not accurately discuss how effective the policy is in addressing critical aspects of the SDOH in the community. Or sources to support the current policy are not provided. Or if a policy does not exist for the SDOH, the submission does not discuss the effect this has on the community. |
COMPETENT The submission accurately discusses how effective the current policy is in addressing critical aspects of the SDOH in the community, and relevant sources to support the policy are provided. Or if a policy does not exist for the SDOH, the submission discusses the effect this has on the community. |
NOT EVIDENT A discussion of the ethical implications of the current policy or absence of an existing policy is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically discuss the ethical implications on the community of the existing policy. Or the submission does not logically discuss the ethical implications of the absence of an existing policy. |
COMPETENT The submission logically discusses the ethical implications on the community of the existing policy. Or the submission logically discusses the ethical implications of the absence of an existing policy. |
NOT EVIDENT A demographics table is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The demographics table is only partially completed. Or scholarly sources are missing for 1 or more of the given aspects. |
COMPETENT The demographics table is complete and identifies scholarly sources to support each of the given aspects. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not discuss policy alternatives to address the SDOH identified in part A1. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not discuss both policy alternatives, or either of the policy alternatives is not logical for addressing the identified SDOH in the chosen community. Or the discussion does not incorporate best practices or does not address the relevancy either of the policy alternatives have to the SDOH. |
COMPETENT The submission discusses 2 policy alternatives and both policy alternatives are logical for addressing the identified SDOH in the chosen community. The discussion incorporates best practices and addresses the relevancy both policy alternatives have to the SDOH. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain why 1 policy is preferred over the other. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not provide a convincing argument in explaining why 1 policy proposal is preferred over the other to address the SDOH. Or the explanation is not supported with data or background information on the chosen policy. |
COMPETENT The submission provides a convincing argument in explaining why 1 policy proposal is preferred over the other to address the SDOH. The explanation is supported with data and background information on the chosen policy. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain how the desired results will optimize health in the community. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically explain how the desired results will optimize health in the chosen community, or it does not explain major elements that would support the desired health outcomes. Or 1 or more of the desired results do not align with the chosen policy proposal. |
COMPETENT The submission logically explains how the desired results will optimize health in the chosen community and explains major elements that would support the desired health outcomes. All desired results align with the chosen policy proposal. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not discuss the financial costs and benefits of the proposed policy. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission discusses the financial costs and benefits of the proposed policy, but 1 or more of the costs or benefits discussed are inaccurate or irrelevant. Or the discussion is not supported with relevant data. |
COMPETENT The submission discusses accurate and relevant financial costs and benefits of the proposed policy, and the discussion is well supported with relevant data. |
NOT EVIDENT A discussion of 2 ethical implications of the proposed policy is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically discuss 2 ethical implications of the proposed policy on the population, or only 1 ethical implication is discussed. |
COMPETENT The submission logically discusses 2 ethical implications of the proposed policy on the population. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe actual or potential barriers to the implementation of the policy. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission describes actual or potential barriers to the implementation of the chosen policy, but the barriers described are either implausible or irrelevant. |
COMPETENT The submission describes plausible and relevant actual or potential barriers to the implementation of the chosen policy. |
NOT EVIDENT Communication methods that will be used to introduce the policy are not explained. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The chosen communication methods are inappropriate for introducing the proposed policy. Or the chosen communication methods could not logically enhance relationship building with the policy makers. Or the explanation does not address the effectiveness of the proposed policy change on the SDOH within the community. |
COMPETENT The chosen communication methods are appropriate for introducing the proposed policy and could logically enhance relationship building with the policy makers. The explanation addresses the anticipated effectiveness of the proposed policy change on the SDOH within the community. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe the potential results of inaction. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission describes potential results of inaction, but the described results are not logical for addressing the SDOH within the community. |
COMPETENT The submission logically describes the potential results of inaction for addressing the SDOH within the community. |
NOT EVIDENT A summary of the context and scope of the SDOH in the community is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The summary does not fully address either the context or the scope of the chosen SDOH in the community to the identified policy makers. Or the summary is inaccurate for the SDOH or the community. |
COMPETENT The summary fully addresses the context and the scope of the chosen SDOH in the community to the identified policy makers. The summary is accurate for the SDOH and the community. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not summarize how the proposed policy will address the SDOH in the community. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission summarizes the proposed policy, but the summary does not describe how the policy will address the SDOH in the community, or the summary is either vague or overly lengthy. |
COMPETENT The submission summarizes how the proposed policy will address the SDOH in the community. The summary is thorough, and concise. |
NOT EVIDENT A proposed course of action for policy makers to address the policy change is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The course of action proposed for the policy makers to address the policy change is not persuasive, concise, or logical. |
COMPETENT The course of action proposed for the policy makers to address the policy change is persuasive, concise, and logical. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe how the candidate acted as a change agent in the creation of the policy brief. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically describe how the candidate acted as a change agent in the creation of the policy brief for the SDOH in the community. Or the actions necessary to the change agent role are not evident in the description. Or the description does not include what the candidate learned or how that relates to being a change agent. |
COMPETENT The submission logically describes how the candidate acted as a change agent in the creation of the policy brief for the SDOH in the community. The actions necessary to the change agent role are evident in the description. The description includes what the candidate learned and how that relates to being a change agent. |
NOT EVIDENT A discussion of the knowledge and skills the candidate needs to develop to influence policy development decision-making is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussion of the knowledge and skills the candidate needs to develop to influence policy development decision-making is not logical or is not supported with an understanding of how those knowledge and skills would create a continued, sustainable commitment to public policy action. |
COMPETENT The discussion of the knowledge and skills the candidate needs to develop to influence policy development decision-making is logical and supported with an understanding of how those knowledge and skills would create a continued, sustainable commitment to public policy action. |
NOT EVIDENT A reference section for the policy brief is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The reference section is not formatted in APA style or 1 or more of the references is not credible or relevant for providing background information to policy makers. |
COMPETENT The reference section is formatted using APA style. Each reference provides background information for the policy makers. Each reference is credible and relevant. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style. |
COMPETENT The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. |
NOT EVIDENT Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. AWM1 — AWM1 TASK 1: POLICY BRIEF PAPER |
COMPETENT Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding. |