WGU Performance Assessment 12/15/19, 9(09 AM GMP2 — GMP TASK 2: MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION ADVANCED INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND THE APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY — C791 PRFA — GMP2 COMPETENCIES 744.3.1 : Information Management The graduate evaluates information management systems that support timely, high-quality, patientcentered care.
744.3.2 : Leadership in Nursing Informatics The graduate integrates knowledge of nursing initiatives, professional organizations, and leadership into strategies for enhancing nursing informatics.
744.3.3 : Health Information Systems The graduate distinguishes between the critical and useful electronic data needed for effective decision support (clinical, financial and administrative outcomes) to provide high quality and efficient care.
744.3.4 : Information Security The graduate evaluates the essential elements of safety, security, privacy, in an information management system or informatics project.
744.3.5 : Current and Future Technologies The graduate evaluates the implications of current and emerging technologies for practice, research, education, and administration.
Current and emerging technologies in healthcare provide nurses with the opportunity to improve patient outcomes through ever-increasing access to data and evidence. Information support systems affect decisions made at both the point of care and the organizational levels. Nurses who are prepared at the master’s level fill a key role in leading unit and organizational change that incorporates these emerging technologies to promote patient safety and enhance quality of care. In this task, you will create a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote) that will summarize your findings from the scenario in task 1, in which you were asked to discuss how a health information system (HIS) meets current regulatory requirements. In addition, you will summarize how a common health information system affects the practice environment. Gmp Task 2: Multimedia Presentation Advanced Information Management And The Application Of Technology
https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview Page 1 of 6 WGU Performance Assessment 12/15/19, 9(09 AM Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Professional Communications is a required aspect to pass this task. Completion of a spell check and grammar check prior to submitting your final work is strongly recommended. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Include each of the following in your multimedia presentation: • 10–15 slides • headers • approximately 5–7 bullets per slide • presenter notes (talking points of the presentation; approximately 1–2 minutes per slide) • references (if applicable) Note: Prezi will not be accepted nor any other presentation that could potentially provide identityrevealing information about the evaluator or student. A well-organized and professional multimedia presentation will include the appropriate use of text, layout, and graphics (etc.). Note: Include presenter notes for slides as appropriate to fully cover the level of explanation, analysis, and discussion necessary.
B. Discuss how a health information system impacts patient-centered care.
C. Discuss how a common health information system supports quality care.
D. Evaluate the impact of a common health information system by doing the following:
1. Describe how a health information system affects the nursing process. 2. Describe how a health information system can support a culture of safety. 3. Describe how human factors can lead to errors, near misses, and adverse events. 4. Describe how clinical decision support (CDS) of the electronic health record (EHR) provides clinicians, staff, and patients with biomedical knowledge and person-specific information. 5. Describe how compliance with HIPAA Security and Privacy rules in health information systems protect individuals’ health information. E. Consider the implications of two emerging or current industry technology by doing the following: 1. Evaluate each technology’s usefulness in clinical practice, research, education, or https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview Page 2 of 6 WGU Performance Assessment 12/15/19, 9(09 AM administration. 2. Discuss how each technology generates data that supports the use of nursing informatics to improve healthcare. F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. File Restrictions File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( ) File size limit: 200 MB File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
A presentation is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE COMPETENT The presentation is missing 1 includes each of the given or more of the given points. points. The presentation appropriately B:HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM AND PATIENT CENTERED CARE NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A discussion of how a health APPROACHING COMPETENCE information system impacts The discussion is illogical or contains relevant details about patient-centered care is not provides insufficient support how a health information sys- provided. on how a health information tem impacts patient-centered system impacts patient-cen- care. The discussion is logical and tered care. C:HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM NOT EVIDENT A discussion of how a common health information system APPROACHING COMPETENCE COMPETENT The discussion is illogical or contains relevant details about https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview The discussion is logical and Page 3 of 6 WGU Performance Assessment 12/15/19, 9(09 AM supports quality care is not contains irrelevant details how a common health informa- provided. about how a common health tion system supports quality information system supports care. quality care. Gmp Task 2: Multimedia Presentation Advanced Information Management And The Application Of Technology
A description of how a health APPROACHING COMPETENCE information system affects the The description is illogical or contains relevant details about nursing process is not contains irrelevant details how a health information sys- provided. about how a health informa- tem affects the nursing tion system affects the nursing process. The description is logical and process. D2:HIS SUPPORT OF CULTURE SAFETY NOT EVIDENT APPROACHING COMPETENCE COMPETENT information system can sup- The description is illogical or contains relevant details about port a culture of safety is not contains irrelevant details how a health information sys- provided. about how a health informa- tem can support a culture of tion system can support a cul- safety. A description of how a health The description is logical and ture of safety. D3:HUMAN FACTORS NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of how human APPROACHING COMPETENCE factors can lead to errors, near The description is illogical or accurately addresses how hu- misses, and adverse events is contains inaccuracies about man factors can lead to errors, not provided. how human factors can lead to near misses, and adverse errors, near misses, or ad- events, and the description verse events, or all of the contains relevant details. The description is logical and above, or the description contains irrelevant details.
https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview COMPETENT Page 4 of 6 WGU Performance Assessment 12/15/19, 9(09 AM A description of how CDS of COMPETENCE The description is logical and the EHR provides clinicians, The description is illogical or accurately addresses how CDS staff, and patients with bio- contains inaccuracies about of the EHR provides clinicians, medical knowledge and per- how CDS of the EHR provides staff, and patients with bio- son-specific information is not clinicians, staff, and patients medical knowledge and per- provided. with biomedical knowledge son-specific information, and and person-specific informa- the description contains rele- tion, or the description con- vant details. tains irrelevant details. D5:HIPAA SECURITY AND PRIVACY RULES NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT A description of how compli- APPROACHING COMPETENCE ance with HIPAA Security and The description contains inac- accurately addresses how Privacy rules is not provided. curacies about HIPAA Security compliance with HIPAA Securi- and Privacy compliance re- ty and Privacy rules in health quirements, or the description information systems protect in- does not appropriately relate dividuals’ health information. The description is logical and the compliance requirements to health information systems.
E1:EVALUATION OF TECHNOLOGIES NOT EVIDENT APPROACHING COMPETENCE COMPETENT technologies are useful in clinical The evaluation is illogical or accurately addresses how each practice, research, education, contains inaccuracies about technology is useful in clinical or administration is not how 1 or both of the technolo- practice, research, education, provided. gies are useful in clinical prac- or administration. An evaluation of how the tech- The evaluation is logical and tice, research, education, or administration.
A discussion of how the tech- APPROACHING COMPETENCE nologies generate data that The discussion is illogical or accurately addresses how 2 supports the use of nursing in- contains inaccuracies about emerging or current technolo- https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview
The discussion is logical and Page 5 of 6 WGU Performance Assessment formatics is not provided. 12/15/19, 9(09 AM how 1 or both of the emerging gies support the use of nursing or current technologies sup- informatics, including how each port the use of nursing infor- technology generates data to matics, or lacks specific de- improve healthcare. tails about how each technology generates data to improve healthcare. F:SOURCES NOT EVIDENT APPROACHING COMPETENCE COMPETENT clude both in-text citations and The submission includes in- citations for sources that are a reference list for sources text citations for sources that properly quoted, paraphrased, that are quoted, paraphrased, are quoted, paraphrased, or or summarized and a reference or summarized. summarized, and a reference list that accurately identifies the list; however, the citations author, date, title, and source and/or reference list is incom- location as available. The submission does not in- The submission includes in-text plete or inaccurate.
: NOT EVIDENT COMPETENT Content is unstructured, is dis- APPROACHING COMPETENCE jointed, or contains pervasive Content is poorly organized, is tail, is organized, and focuses errors in mechanics, usage, or difficult to follow, or contains on the main ideas as pre- grammar. Vocabulary or tone errors in mechanics, usage, or scribed in the task or chosen is unprofessional or distracts grammar that cause confu- by the candidate. Terminology from the topic. sion. Terminology is misused is pertinent, is used correctly, or ineffective. and effectively conveys the in- Content reflects attention to de- tended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding. https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000263647/course/8680003/task/1326/overview Page 6 of 6 Advanced Information Management and the Application of Technology Health information systems Name Institutional Affiliation Features that can be Integrated in HIS to achieve patient-centered care Information technology can facilitate patient-centered care by providing a means for patients to provide crucial information about themselves such as use of electronic medical records (EMR). Informatics tools can help clinicians integrate information they derive from clients with their medical knowledge to improve patient care. Communication tools and information resources can be used by both patients and clinicians to foster better interaction and eliminate information bias. Personal health records (PHRs) are electronic tools used by individual patients to store and share medical information. PHRs facilitate better patient self management. Respecting patient’s values, preferences, and expressed needs can be achieved by involving patients in decision-making. Patient-centered care is achieved by treating patients with respect and dignity. How HIS Supports Quality Care Health information systems have decision making tools used in the assessment of patients to prevent adverse effects, for instance, EMR can be used to assess patients with drug allergies. Gmp Task 2: Multimedia Presentation Advanced Information Management And The Application Of Technology
HIS has imaging and monitoring tools that can be used in better diagnosis of patients’ illnesses. Imaging tools such as mammograms can detect cancers better than human observation. HIS also has planning tools such as the Computerized Physician Order Entry which helps in medical administration and prevents human errors such as over treatment which can result in adverse effects on patients. HIS assist nurses with implementation of medical services through its analytical capabilities. Drug trial participation and other parameters can help nurses with actionable information for implementation of mitigation measures. HIS includes evaluation tools which can be used to manage preventable diseases. Nurses can use evaluation tools for screening examinations to test and managing of at-risk patients. Human Factors in HIS Documentation and Input There are human factors such as fatigue and inaccuracy that can cause adverse effects such as medical errors and near misses in patient care. HIS tools such as CPOE aid nurses in preventing near misses and providing proficient patient care. Lack of proper communication between physicians and nurses often leads to medical errors or near misses in patient medical administration. HIS prevents such errors through facilitating timely information sharing between clinicians.. Complacency is a human factor which can cause medical errors. It involves over confidence in patterns of recognition and failure to recognize a unique case. Lack of knowledge for a specific illness or causes of an illness can limit a clinician’s ability to provide excellent medical care. Distractions can happen in an instant and take the mind of a practitioner of work. Whereas they may be instantaneous, they may cause near misses or even adverse events in patients. HIS and Documentation Review Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) such as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an information system that computes patient information including records, medication, and billing. EHR upholds patient safety and analyzes staffing needs (Lavin, Harper, & Barr, 2015).
HIS documentation methods such as the EHR, provide both biomedical knowledge and patientspecific information that aid nurses in the prioritization of diagnoses as well as making the nursing process more transparent. Diagnostic tools such as MYCIN and QMR provide communication, alerts, and reminders of the data that passes through health systems. HIS tools can be used in screening, vaccination, chronic disease management and improve care by eliminating unnecessary testing and avoiding costly complications. HIS documentation in the EHR is crucial to the wellbeing of patients. It can potentially flag allergic reactions or other problems with medicine administration. How Technologies Generate Data, Quality Indicator data and the HIS Technologies such as the EMR generates data of infection rates in patients. Quality indicators to assess measurable improvements include making efforts to reduce clinicalrelated infections such as CAUTI (Mavin & Mills, 2015). Standardized and evidence-based measures of healthcare generate quantifiable data used as quality indicators and are used with hospital administrative data to assess clinical performance. Quality indicator data is divided into quality indicators, inpatient quality indicators, patient safety indicators, and pediatric indicators. Nurse sensitive indicators are structural, process, and outcomes of nursing practice that affect patient care. The use of activity based costing is a quality indicator data used to deliver informed and usable data in the analytics environment. HITECH and HIPAA Data Storage Integrity, Data Backup and Recovery HITECH and HIPAA security safeguards mandate that HIS should maintain data integrity in storage, backup, and recovery. Patients have a right to access and change the information in their health records (ONCHIT, 2015) Automatic safeguards include actions such as logging off inactive pages after a specified time. HITECH and HIPAA policies mandate that healthcare systems limit the people who have access to patient’s information to only the authorized staff. HITECH/HIPAA policies mandate that coveted organizations should conduct regular training for staff that accesses patient information and also inform patients on breach of their information (Moore & Frye, 2019). The HITECH standards also require HIS to back up and secure retrievable copies of electronic medical records. Protected Health Information and the HIS Protecting patient information involves performing a risk analysis to identify vulnerabilities of the HIS.
Creating an action plan involves measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient health information. Protecting patient health information involves physical safeguards such as restricting access to data storage, setting up alarm systems, and shielding screens. Administrative safeguards include staff training, designating security officers, and conducting periodic security reassessment. Technical safeguards are more detailed and include controlling access to EMR, using audit logs to monitor user activity, securing electronic exchanges, and preventing improper changes to patient data (Kruse et al., 2017). Standardizing Documentation, Reducing waste, and Increasing Productivity using HIS Standardizing documentation involves adopting actions that minimize delays. The standardization breaks down department responsibility. Wastes can be reduced by using a computerized physician order inventory that ensures the right medication for the right patient (Martin, 2014). Automated systems aid nurses provide better patient care and also prevent medical errors that would cost the organization a lot of money. HIS provides better information availability speeding up the work of nurses and increasing their productivity. Overuse of resources in overtreatment causes wastage. HIS improves patient care by providing better care … Gmp Task 2: Multimedia Presentation Advanced Information Management And The Application Of Technology