WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
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1. Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following:
● representation of your career goals, your aspirations, and how you want to move forward with your career
● overview of where you would like to focus your time and energies within the profession
a. Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.
2. Complete a professional summary (suggested length of 3–4 pages) that includes the following:
a. Explain how the specific artifacts or completed work or both in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional.
b. Discuss how the specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths.
c. Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program.
i. Explain how you overcame these challenges. WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
d. Explain how your coursework helped you meet each of the nine nursing program outcomes.
Note: Refer to the attachment below titled “Nursing Conceptual Model”
Artifact/complete work also attached
Board of nursing is a regulatory agency. A regulatory agency is a government agency. The primary purpose of Board of nursing is to protect and advocate for the health and safety of the public by ensuring the highest quality registered nurses in the state. Board of nursing is responsible for the writing of the Nurse Practice Act, which governs the scope of practice for all levels of nursing. Board of nursing issues nursing licenses and monitors license holders if they are following and compliance with the state laws. The Nurse Practice Act defines what a nurse are allowed to do at in their practice at all different levels, what type of setting a nurse is able to practice, and the type of education needed for certain nursing practice (“California Board of Registered Nursing,” n.d.).
Essentially, a regulatory agency such as a board of nursing wrote the Nurse Practice Act as a lay out on how practice nursing. This act allows me to once I passed the NCLEX, and gives me the appropriate nursing title to use within my practice. Combined with the laws of the board of nursing, the scope of practice is laid out.
Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association (DDNA) is a professional nursing association for nurses who provide care and support to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). When people ask me where I work I have a hard time explaining what it actually is. When I do say I work with patients with developmental disabilities they think I work in a psych unit. Developmental disabilities are a group of conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavior areas. In this association, nurses already know I am talking about. This association is a place where I can meet with other knowledgeable, interested nurses who serve persons with IDD. We strive to improve the quality of services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities (“DDNA | – Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association,” n.d.).
A professional nursing organization advocates for nurses. It is a place where their voice can be heard. Professional nursing associations such as DDNA allows nurses to develop a bigger picture of health care and nursing overall. It help nurses increase awareness of nursing issues, explore trends and concerns facing their profession, provide networking opportunities to connect them with peers, mentors, and nursing leaders. It is a place of support for collective actions among nurses.
WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
Provision 1: “The Nurse Practices with Compassion and Respect for the Inherent Dignity, Worth, and Unique Attributes of Every Person.” (Fowler & American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 1)
Even though my patients have profound mental disability. My colleagues and I still treat them the same as we would as a person without disability. We work together to provide them compassionate and effective health services. Even though they are non-verbal we provide them with optimal nursing care by reading their non-verbal cues. We do not judge them on their culture, spiritual beliefs, social support system, or sexual orientation.
Provision 3: “The Nurse Promotes, Advocates for, and Protects the Rights, Health, and Safety of the Patient.” (Fowler & American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 9)
Only the patient’s family and health care providers have access to information pertaining our patients. We provide physical privacy to the patient. The bathroom doors are closed whenever a patient is in shower. The patients changed their clothes inside their rooms. Cellphone are not inside the facility to prevent unintentional breaches of obligation to maintain and protect patient’s rights to privacy and confidentiality. Maintaining safety is very important to us. Our manager and administrator is always available when concerns arise. I feel that our patients are safe and their right are protected.
I work at an Adult Rehabilitation Facility for people with developmental disability. I work the night shift. There are 3 staff at night shift, sometimes 4. There is one Registered Nurse, one Licensed Vocational Nurse, one Respiratory Therapist, and sometimes one Certified Nursing Assistant. We collaborate with one another to give the best care for our patients. When one of the CNAs are changing the patient, I go in the patient’s room to help change. Sometime when there are no CNAs, the RTs help us change the patients. We provide care that requires collaborative effort that has the strong support and active participation of all health professions.
Protection of the Rights of Privacy and Confidentiality
My patients each have folder for their H&P. Their folder are locked up in the cabinets where only the staff are authorized to open. I never leave it anywhere outside of the cabinet. Every time I need to look up one of the patient’s folder I always make sure to put it back to the locked cabinet and not just leave it outside of the locked cabinet for anyone to see. It is my duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information.
Promotion of Personal Health, Safety, and Well-Being
Overtime will always be available at my work. If I want to work 60 hours per week it is always there. All I need to do is tell the HR that I want overtime and I will get overtime. Overtime brings extra money but my mind and body goes into cruise control after the 48th hour. My mind feels like it is half asleep. As a nurse, I know this not unsafe not only for me but my patience as well. Fatigue affects a nurse’s professional performance. I have to take care of myself first in able to take care of others. Not working to much is one way for me to promote well-being and safety.
Authority, Accountability, and Responsibility
I, as the RN, bear the primary responsibility for the care of the patient. Even though I have a RT, LVN, and CNA with me I am accountable for the care of the patient. When there I a change of condition to one of the patients, I will talk to the staff who was with patient who first saw the change of condition. Once I assess the patient, it is my responsibility to coordinate the care, if necessary delegate nursing intervention, and evaluate interventions.
Dorothea Orem
Self-care model. Nursing facilitates client self-care by measuring the client’s deficit relative to self-care needs; the nurse implements appropriate measures to assist the client in meeting these needs by matching them with an appropriate supportive intervention (“Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory,” n.d.). WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
Dorothea Orem’s self-care theory has influenced my professional practice. Orem’s general theory of nursing in three related parts: theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, theory of nursing system. . My patients are not able to do any self-care at all. The nurses do everything for them. They are in a wholly compensatory system. I use Orem’s theory to define my role as a nurse to meet self-care demands of my patient. I provided them air by keeping their airway patent. I raise the HOB up to at least 45 degree when they are in feed. Food and water are supplied to them every day. I weight them once a week to make sure they are getting sufficient intake of nutrients and not losing or gaining more than 5 pounds per week.
Florence Nightingale is credited with using public health principles and statistical methods to advocate for improved health conditions for British soldiers during the Crimean War. Through carefully recorded statistics, Nightingale was able to document that the soldiers’ death rate decreased from 42% to 2% as a result of health care reforms that emphasized sanitary conditions. Because of her remarkable work in using statistics to demonstrate cause and effect and improve the health of British soldiers, Nightingale is recognized for her contributions to nursing research (Nies and McEwen, 2007).
I became a nurse to help people that are in need. Florence Nightingale already had everything. She was a wealthy, intelligent, and attractive woman. Even though she had all that, she wanted to help that people that were sick. Instead of just living a lavish life, she was out there saving people.
I have heard a couple of people say they wanted to be nurses because they want to make money. Sure, being a nurse brings stable income but if you just think of nursing as a way of money, I think you are in the wrong possession. Nightingale was already wealth but she still wanted to help those that needed help. I greatly admire her for that.
Beneficence is action that is done for the benefit of other. An example of beneficence at my work is prior to wound care, I always make sure to administer pain medication. Wound care can be a very painful procedure for the patient. To lessen the pain, I give pain medication about thirty minutes before the procedure. Less pain means more patient compliance.
Autonomy is the agreement to respect another’s right to self-determine a course of action; support of independent decision making. An example of autonomy is picking what clothes to wear. Every day I give my patient shower. I do not pick out his clothes to wear. I always ask him what clothes to wear, though I help him put in on because he cannot do it himself.
California Board of Registered Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.rn.ca.gov
DDNA | – Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ddna.org/
Home | Developmental Disabilities | NCBDDD | CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/developmentaldisabilities/index.html
Fowler, M. D., & American Nurses Association. (2015). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: Development, interpretation, and application. WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment
Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/self_care_deficit_theory.html
University Mission Congruent to Department of Nursing Mission Western Governors Department of Nursing Mission Western Governors University Mission Improve quality; expand access to postsecondary educational opportunities by providing a means for individuals to learn, independent of time or place, and to earn competency-‐based degrees and other credentials that are credible to both academic institutions and employer. The mission of the Department of Nursing is to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and the practice of nursing, primarily through a professionally supported, competency-‐based and personalized student-‐focused learning model that assists working adults achieve success in educational goals and a sustained professional commitment.
The Department of Nursing is committed to the formation of confident, caring, and competent professional nurses prepared to meet emerging healthcare needs of diverse populations. University Goals Congruent with Department of Nursing Goals Western Governors Department of Nursing Goals Western Governors University Goals Provision of competency-‐based programs Adherence to a student-‐centric model Use of technology to improve quality and efficiency Use of external learning resources, combined with mentoring and progress management; Adherence to an executive governance structure Oversight by external Councils • • • • • • • • • Competency-‐based bachelor’s and master’s degree programs that allow nurses to demonstrate their professional knowledge and skills Broad access to education for nurses where they live and work Professional preparation for new nursing practice roles and additional education Revised 2013
WGU Department of Nursing Philosophy We envision nursing as a caring interaction between the nurse, who is a member of an interdisciplinary team, and the patient who is a member of a family and community. This caring interaction occurs across the lifespan, from infancy through old age. Nurses identify and strengthen clients’ potential to move toward health and help clients shape their environment to promote well-‐being. We believe that healthcare begins in the community, prior to diagnosis of illness, by promoting health and wellness through advocacy, community assessment, and preventative care. Nurses use appropriate technologies and current evidence to develop their plans of care, whether in the community, the clinic, an acute care facility, or an extended care facility. Nurses assume leadership for clinical and ethical decision-‐making. We believe that the global nature of communities and healthcare delivery necessitates that nurses be able to engage with patients, families, and communities who have diverse ways of responding to their healthcare needs. We recognize that the definition of family has expanded to include a variety of different compositions and roles and is the fundamental vehicle for how clients are supported, interact with the world around them, access resources, and engage in healthcare. We recognize that students, particularly adult learners, have preferred learning styles, bring previous experience to the learning environment, and develop competency at different paces. Learners seek to make sense of new educational experiences in light of their past and existing knowledge and then apply their new findings to real situations. Therefore, nursing education should provide opportunities where students engage in real world application to demonstrate competency in cognitive knowledge, clinical reasoning, and ethical comportment. Revised 2013
Conceptual Framework There are 10 unifying themes that have guided the development of the nursing programs at Western Governors University. These themes are depicted visually in the conceptual model below. Revised 2013 BSN Nurse as Detective: The nurse uses clinical imagination coupled with nursing science to detect subtle changes and deviations from expected patterns of being to prevent or control adverse outcomes. Nurse as Scientist: The nurse participates in scientific inquiry to inform healthcare decisions; and critiques, disseminates and implements evidence to influence practice. Nurse as Manager of the Healing Environment: The healing environment is global in nature and includes considerations of healthcare policy, finance and regulations. Acknowledging this, the nurse creates, coordinates, and advocates for a respectful, interdisciplinary environment that promotes optimal well-‐being and affirms the dignity of the human experience MSN Nurse as Detective: The nurse uses clinical imagination coupled with nursing science to judge and determine the consequence of subtle changes and deviations from expected patterns of being to prevent or control adverse outcomes. Nurse as Scientist: The nurse uses translational science to influence healthcare decisions; to prescribe and implement best practice and broadly disseminate the findings. WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment. Nurse as manager of the Healing Environment: The healing environment is global in nature and includes social, cultural, political and economic influences. Acknowledging this, the nurse, as a member of the inter-‐professional community, influences public policy and promotes social justice in the human health experience. Revised 2013
Operational Definitions of Threaded Curriculum Concepts Compassionate Patient-‐centered care is the provision of holistic care with respect for values, preferences and needs of the patient, family and community in the journey to well-‐being cross the lifespan. Cultural competency is providing care that is acceptable to patients, families and communities from diverse cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds. Evidence based practice is integrating the “best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal healthcare” (QSEN, 2009) Genomics and Genethics include knowledge about the genetic basis of health and illness, the variables that impact the responses to genomic information and related ethical issues. Informatics/Technology Informatics is the engineering, storing, organizing and manipulation of data to support the provision of safe, effective quality care. Technology is the continuously changing array of devices and software used for patient care. Leadership/Education Leadership is the process of identifying and prioritizing goals to achieve optimal quality outcomes. Education is assessing learning needs and facilitating acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Safety and Quality care minimizes risk of harm to patients, families, communities and providers through analyses of systems effectiveness and individual performance while continually measuring quality of care in terms of cost, structure, process, and outcomes. Communication is effective interaction with patients, families, communities, professional colleagues and other health care team members. Teamwork and collaboration is effective engagement with nursing and interprofessional teams to foster open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making to achieve quality patient care. Professional/Legal/Ethical is effective decision-‐making and reflection within a framework of social justice and law, advocacy, and standards of practice to promote the common good. Revised 2013
BSN PROGRAM OUTCOMES The WGU Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Program Graduate Will: 1. Communicate effectively in oral, written, interpersonal and electronic modes. 2. Use clinical reasoning to provide safe, quality, nursing care based on the best available evidence and ethical principles. 3. Assume accountability for providing and ensuring safe, efficient, quality care congruent with ethical, professional and legal standards. 4. Synthesize theoretical, clinical and empirical knowledge from nursing, scientific, community and humanistic disciplines within the practice of nursing. Synthesizes theoretical and empirical knowledge drawing from the arts and sciences to understand the human experience as a social advocate, and professional nurse. 5. Provide compassionate, patient-‐centered care to individuals, families, and communities from a variety of cultures across the lifespan. 6. Apply leadership and education skills to engage others in creating and promoting a healing environment for continued self-‐improvement. 7. Engage in inter-‐professional collaboration to improve safety and quality of healthcare. 8. Incorporate knowledge of genomics and genethics into the care of patients, families and communities. 9. Use information technology to communicate, mitigate error and make decisions related to the provision of patient care and support incorporation of nursing knowledge in the development of patient care technology.
MSN PROGRAM OUTCOMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The WGU Master’s Degree in Nursing Program Graduate Will: Employ appropriate patient-‐ care technologies and information management strategies to lead change and improve quality care outcomes. WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment. Integrates clinical reasoning with organizational, patient-‐centered, culturally appropriate strategies to plan, deliver, and evaluate evidence-‐based practice. Design innovative nursing practices to impact quality outcomes for individuals, populations, and systems congruent with ethical, professional and legal standards. Assemble scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings. Utilize applied research outcomes within the practice setting, navigating and integrating care services across healthcare systems. Design organization and leadership systems that promote high quality patient-‐care delivery and advance life-‐long learning. Construct interprofessional teams to communicate, coordinate, collaborate and consult with other health professionals to advance a culture of excellence. Integrate scientific knowledge including that from genetics and genethics in the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings and populations. Provide oversight and guidance in the integration of technology to manage care, identify performance measures and standards that improve quality and safety outcomes. Revised 2013
A. Board of nursing is a regulatory agency. A regulatory agency is a government agency. The primary purpose of Board of nursing is to protect and advocate for the health and safety of the public by ensuring the highest quality registered nurses in the state. Board of nursing is responsible for the writing of the Nurse Practice Act, which governs the scope of practice for all levels of nursing. Board of nursing issues nursing licenses and monitors license holders if they are following and compliance with the state laws. The Nurse Practice Act defines what a nurse are allowed to do at in their practice at all different levels, what type of setting a nurse is able to practice, and the type of education needed for certain nursing practice (“California Board of Registered Nursing,” n.d.). Essentially, a regulatory agency such as a board of nursing wrote the Nurse Practice Act as a lay out on how practice nursing. This act allows me to once I passed the NCLEX, and gives me the appropriate nursing title to use within my practice. Combined with the laws of the board of nursing, the scope of practice is laid out. Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association (DDNA) is a professional nursing association for nurses who provide care and support to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). When people ask me where I work I have a hard time explaining what it actually is. When I do say I work with patients with developmental disabilities they think I work in a psych unit. Developmental disabilities are a group of conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavior areas. In this association, nurses already know I am talking about. This association is a place where I can meet with other knowledgeable, interested nurses who serve persons with IDD. We strive to improve the quality of services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities (“DDNA | – Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association,” n.d.).
A professional nursing organization advocates for nurses. It is a place where their voice can be heard. Professional nursing associations such as DDNA allows nurses to develop a bigger picture of health care and nursing overall. It help nurses increase awareness of nursing issues, explore trends and concerns facing their profession, provide networking opportunities to connect them with peers, mentors, and nursing leaders. It is a place of support for collective actions among nurses. B. Provision 1: “The Nurse Practices with Compassion and Respect for the Inherent Dignity, Worth, and Unique Attributes of Every Person.” (Fowler & American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 1) Even though my patients have profound mental disability. My colleagues and I still treat them the same as we would as a person without disability. We work together to provide them compassionate and effective health services. Even though they are non-verbal we provide them with optimal nursing care by reading their non-verbal cues. We do not judge them on their culture, spiritual beliefs, social support system, or sexual orientation. WGU Department of Nursing Mission Assignment. Provision 3: “The Nurse Promotes, Advocates for, and Protects the Rights, Health, and Safety of the Patient.” (Fowler & American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 9) Only the patient’s family and health care providers have access to information pertaining our patie …