N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1

N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1

N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1

Using peer-reviewed journal articles or evidence-based practice websites locate policy or regulatory position statements or campaigns that support changes in APRN prescribing practices at the state or national level. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1

In a paper not to exceed six double-spaced pages, excluding title and reference pages, analyze these statements by assessing their alignment with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)’s Nurse Practitioner Prescriptive Privilege statement (see AANP Position Statement & Papers). Use the Assignment 1 Rubric below to guide you in completing this assignment.

Assignment 1 Rubric


30 points

27 points

25 points

0 points

Points Earned

Policies, regulator position statements, campaigns Locates multiple policies or regulator position statements or campaigns that support changes in APRN prescribing practices at state and at national level Locates several state or national level policy or regulator position statement, but not both Locates only one policy or position statement Does not locate policies or position statements


peer reviewed journals and evidence-based practice Applies multiple peer reviewed journals and evidence-based practice websites to the assignment Applies several peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites to the assignment, but not both Applies one peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites to the assignment Does not use  peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites in the assignment


Analyzes regulatory position statements by assessing their alignment with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)’s Nurse Practitioner Prescriptive Privilege statement. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements Evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements Minimal evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements No evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. No discussion of teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements



5 points

4 points

3 points

0 points

Points Earned

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect scholarly writing NA


APA Compliance The paper meets APA format guidelines There are minor APA format errors There are significant errors in format NA


Total Points


Discussion 1

Locate your state’s nurse practice act (NPA) and associated regulations governing prescribing by advanced practice nurses (CNPs, CRNAs, CNMs, CNSs). Answer and discuss the following in this forum:

  1. Does your NPA require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement, and explain why/why not.
  2. Does your NPA require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement, and explain why/why not.
  3. Does your NPA permit APRNs to prescribe all classes (schedules) of medications? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not permit APRNs to prescribe all classes of medications, and explain why/why not.
  4. Describe collaborative approaches to treating rashes across the lifespan. Should the CNP treat without a collaborator or consultant? Support your statements based upon evidence.

Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please see the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Requirements and Grading Criteria. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1

Example Discussion Approach

Does your NPA require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement, and explain why/why not.

Advance practice nurses (APRN) must collaborate with physicians for almost all aspects of care this is done via written agreements, or standardized procedures set forth by organizations, administrators, physicians, surgeons, and APRN’s (California Legislative Information, Business and Professions Code; Healing Arts 2019).  APRN’s do not go through the same education as physicians, they are not doctors.  Do they have the capacity to treat patients yes is their educations as extensive as a Doctor no.  In my opinion, nurses should operate under these pretenses until deemed otherwise but further policy stated in the NPA.  There are sections of the NPA which ensure that before a APRN can perform a procedure such as an aspiration abortion they must have relevant training and expertise and have completed training and validation of clinical competency (California Legislative Information, Business and Professions Code; Healing Arts 2019).

Does your NPA require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement, and explain why/why not.

Under section 2836.1 “(a) The drugs or devices are furnished or ordered by a nurse practitioner in accordance with standardized procedures or protocols developed by the nurse practitioner and the supervising physician and surgeon when the drugs or devices furnished or ordered are consistent with the practitioner’s educational preparation or for which clinical competency has been established and maintained (California Legislative Information, Business and Professions Code; Healing Arts 2019).”

Nurses must have operating procedures and competency to prescribe drugs and devices.  In California yes I believe this is still relevant unlike rural areas where resources are more limited these practices must be maintained to ensure quality care is being given.

Does your NPA permit APRNs to prescribe all classes (schedules) of medications? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not permit APRNs to prescribe all classes of medications, and explain why/why not.

The California NPA states that APRN may order or furnish drugs or devices that include Schedule II through Schedule V controlled substances based on the standardized procedure set forth by APRN and physician and or surgeon.  This document must be able to be submitted to dispensing pharmacy on demand(California Legislative Information, Business and Professions Code; Healing Arts 2019).

Describe collaborative approaches to treating rashes across the lifespan. Should the CNP treat without a collaborator or consultant? Support your statements based upon evidence.

I can attest to the difficulty of diagnosing a skin abnormality I have been diagnosed with over 5 conditions on the same skin abnormality with over 14 medications provided for the same thing.  Not only are they easily misdiagnosed but treating them with some systemic medications can do harm to the patient.  APRN’s should collaborate because almost all practitioners have difficulty diagnosing rashes. (Lyons, Ousley, 2015).  A single skin condition can present multiple ways, although some skin conditions such tinea related diagnosis are probably easier to diagnose others are not collaboration aims to benefit the patient experience in certain instances. Again, based that I am in California I believe the resources are here to collaborate easier.


California Legislative Information. (2019, January 1). Business and Professions Code BPC; Healing Arts. Retrieved March 12, 2020, from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=BPC

Lyons, F., & Ousley, L. (2015). Dermatology for the advanced practice nurse / Faye Lyons, LisaOusley. Springer Publishing Company. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1