Accounting Question Assignment Paper

Accounting Question Assignment Paper

Accounting Question Assignment Paper

Read the 1989 Malkiel article, “Is the Stock Market Efficient,” linked in the Resources. In addition, conduct research in the Capella library or the Internet on different perspectives on the Efficient Market Hypothesis. You might try using search terms such as “efficient market hypothesis controversy” and “efficient market hypothesis perspectives” to obtain relevant results.


Use your research to complete the following:

  • Explain the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH).
  • Distinguish among the three levels of market efficiency.
  • Briefly explain the implications of the EMH on financial decisions by individual investors.

Use at least two research resources to support your ideas.


  • Length: Your paper should be 1–2 typed, double-spaced pages. In addition, include a title page and references page.
  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Style and Formatting: Your essay should be formatted according to APA style and formatting to cite your references.
  • Resources: You must use at least two references in your essay.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

    Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Scoring Guide

    Explain the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EHM). Does not identify key components of the EMH. Identifies key components of EMH but misses aspects. Explains the EMH. Analyzes the EMH including the implications for financial markets.
    Compare the three levels of market efficiency. Does not compare the three levels of market efficiency. Lists the three levels of market efficiency. Compares the three levels of market efficiency. Compares the three levels of market efficiency; provides an analysis of each level of market efficiency.
    Explain the implications of the EMH on financial decisions. Does not explain the implications of the EMH on financial decisions. Lists potential implications of the EMH on financial decisions. Explains the implications of the EMH on financial decisions. Explains the implications of the EMH on financial decisions.