Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper
Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper
Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper
The following is the assessment from a professor that I received. I want to correct the areas that I did not get a distinguished grade in Which was Criteria 2 and Criteria 3. Criteria 2 just needs to be developed more in detail and 3 was missing completely. I uploaded the completed paper so you can see how it flows.
ASSESSMENT 1: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FPX 5310 June 24, 2020 Strategic Recruitment Plan Rebecca M Smith Capella University Assessment 1: Strategic Human Resources Management FPX 5310 S T R AT E G I C R E C R U I T M E N T P L A N INTRODUCTION The retail store, Fleet, Farm and Home (FFH) is a chain in the Midwest that has a presence in six states. FFH supplies Midwesterners with a variety of hardware, agricultural, automotive and domestic goods. Customer services is considered to be at a gold standard level by its loyal customers owing to the superior customer service training their workforce receives. As with most retail chains, FFH often encounters challenges in the recruitment and retainment of quality people for positions they have open within their workforce. They are also faced with challenges in creating care