Case Study Treatment Plan Assignment

Case Study Treatment Plan Assignment

Case Study Treatment Plan Assignment


complete the remaining portion of the interactive Case Study Treatment Plan

  • Identifying Information:
    • Summarize key facts to briefly introduce the client (for example, age, cultural factors, marital status, profession, et cetera).
  • Other Assessments:
    • If applicable, suggest any other assessments or screens that may be useful to help refine the diagnosis and/or help the counselor treat the client’s problem.
  • Short Term Goals (based on theory choice from the Unit 6 assignment):
    • Based on the diagnosis from your Unit 4 assignment and the theoretical orientation chosen from the Unit 6 assignment, identify three short-term evidence-based systemic counseling goals designed to promote optimal sexual functioning.
  • Long Term Goals (based on theory choice from the Unit 6 assignment):
    • Based on the diagnosis from your Unit 4 assignment and the theoretical orientation chosen from the Unit 6 assignment, identify three long-term evidence-based systemic counseling goals designed to promote optimal sexual functioning.
  • Treatment Plan Interventions Annotated Bibliography:
    • Briefly describe evidence-based systemic counseling interventions designed to promote optimal sexual functioning and explain why these strategies are most appropriate for dealing with the client’s identified issues. Briefly describe anticipated results.
    • Cite and reference the resources that support your treatment interventions using current APA guidelines. Utilize a minimum of five current articles from peer-reviewed journals in the counseling or related professions, from the Capella University Library. You may utilize your textbook, but it does not count as one of your five scholarly resources. You are also encouraged to utilize more than five resources, if they aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
  • Communication With Other Professionals:
    • Identify other professionals that you anticipate will be involved in the care for this client as the treatment continues. Explain how you will arrange for communication with them and what you are likely to communicate to each of them. Identify the kind of information you will need from each source.

Please integrate these multicultural considerations throughout the Case Study Treatment Plan:

  • Describe any cultural norms specific to the chosen client (for example, sexual orientation, religion, or race).
  • Discuss the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders related to issues of human sexuality.