Conformity and Social Psychology Assignment

Conformity and Social Psychology Assignment

Conformity and Social Psychology Assignment

Conformity and obedience are forms of social influence, one of the subfields within social psychology. Conformity research addresses the influence the group majority has on individual and group behavior. Sherif and Asch conducted seminal studies on conformity. These researchers and others provide a clear picture of the influence of a group majority on the individual and factors that influence conformity. Research also provides insights into how a minority can influence a group (Fiske, 2014).


For this Discussion, review this week’s media program, Week 6: The Virtual Office. Consider how conformity occurred in the virtual office and describe the conditions that led to conformity.

Required headings

a brief description of two conditions in the media that led to conformity and explain why.

Using the current literature, explain one way to alter the conditions in the scenario to prevent conformity.

Finally, provide an example where conformity might be good and explain why.

Need References



PSYC 6245 PSYC 8247 CPSY 6245 Social Psychology Week 6: The Virtual Office (Interior of the office. Carter and Teresa are talking near the coffee pot.) CARTER: So how’s the job treating you now that you have three months under your belt? TERESA: I really like it. The hours have been great so far, and working with cardboard has been really fascinating and informative. CARTER: I know, right? Sometimes it feels too good to be true. (Jeannette walks toward Carter and Teresa.) JEANETTE: Morning guys, how’s it going? CARTER: Can’t complain, really. TERESA: Just another Monday. JEANETTE: Well, here’s a bit of news to perk you up. The big boss has asked you, Teresa, to join Carter here, Brian, and myself on our client’s specialty subcommittee. TERESA: Wow, really? What does that even entail? JEANETTE: Well the three of us have been on this group for a