MMPA 6910 Walden University Privacy and Civil Liberties Policies

MMPA 6910 Walden University Privacy and Civil Liberties Policies

MMPA 6910 Walden University Privacy and Civil Liberties Policies

Throughout this course you develop a research-based project plan related to public administration, public policy, or nonprofit management and leadership. Depending on your field, the plan you create will be a policy analysis, program evaluation, or administrative analysis. Each week you complete various stages of your plan, including a research question, literature review, identification of the types of data and research methods, and conclusions and recommendations. For this Assignment, you refine your research question from this week’s Discussion based on peer feedback and the Research Question Guidelines located in this week’s Learning Resources.


To complete:

  • With peer feedback in mind, refine the research question you posted in this week’s Discussion.
  • Compare your research question to the Research Question Guidelines document and refine accordingly.
  • State your research question.
  • Write a 1- to 2-page rationale for your research question, including why the question is relevant to public administration, public policy, or nonprofit management.

Reminder: Use APA guidelines for citations and formatting.

Isaiah Hannah Response

RE: Discussion – Week 3


Great question! This should be a very interesting research paper. Are you focusing just on how civil and private liberties are effecting American citizens or are you including terrorists as well? Terrorist have been mistreated over the years as they rights have been violated by the American government policies since 9/11.



Running head: RESEARCH QUESTION Research Question Name of Student Institution Affiliation 1 RESEARCH QUESTION 2 Research Question What are the effects of the privacy and civil liberties policies on the operation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? Viability The research question can be held as viable for the scope of this course since it entails an interest of one of the topics of the course. According to Booth et al. (2016), the identification of interest of a given topic forms the basis of generating a viable research question. Thus, due to my interest in the public policy, I was in a position to develop a viable research question that relates to my selected agency precisely the Department of Homeland Security. Challenges One of the challenges that I encountered when conceptualizing issues as a research question was