EDUC1300 Walden University Wk2 Sharing Web Resources Questions
In the “Foundations” course, the first course in this program, five early childhood professionals spoke to you about resources that enrich their professional lives. All mentioned that they use information provided by early childhood organizations to stay current in the field and connect with other professionals. As you know, all of the major professional early childhood organizations maintain websites. And many of them distribute free weekly or monthly e-newsletters which provide subscribers with the latest news, policy initiatives, and other field-specific information. At the beginning of this course you selected a specific early childhood related organization. You either subscribed to one of the e-newsletters or chose to learn more about specific initiatives or policies of that organization.
Think about these questions:
- If you have subscribed to a newsletter, what type of issues does the newsletter address? Is the focus on one specific issue or do you obtain information about a variety of issues?
- If you chose to study the policies or other specific resources of a site, what have you learned so far?
- If you chose an international website, is there a specific issue addressed on this site that stands out or catches your attention—perhaps an issue that is different from issues presented by U.S. organizations, or the same issue but from a different perspective?
- Considering the topic for this week, that is, changing demographics and diversity, do the newsletter and/or the website offer you additional information or food for thought?
- Provide the name and link for the organization you selected, and a brief description of the organization’s focus, OR
- Provide the name and link for the international website you selected, and a brief description of the organization’s focus
- Identify one current issue/trend from the newsletter and/or from the website that caught your attention
- Share if there was anything else you learned from studying these resources related to the topic of this week