SOCW 8205 Walden University WK 4 Patient Provider Communications Discussion

SOCW 8205 Walden University WK 4 Patient Provider Communications Discussion

SOCW 8205 Walden University WK 4 Patient Provider Communications Discussion

Respond to at least two different colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Expand on your colleague’s post by sharing a different perspective about patient–provider communication.

Offer a different opinion about one of the interventions your colleague suggested.

Explain any insights you gained from reading your colleague’s post on patient–provider communication that might enhance your professional skills when dealing with a patient.

Use Reference When Responding


DB 1


Patient–provider communication.

In order to receive and provide the best treatment, it is crucial that the communication in all forms between patients and providers be healthy, trustworthy and open. According to Kee, Khoo, Lim and Koh (2018) “doctor-patient communication is a fundamental component of clinical practice [and] in addition to being knowledgeable scientific experts in various specialties, effective doctor-patient communication is required for building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship” (p. 100). This relationship is a fundamental aspect to the treatment process that creates the foundation to which treatment is created and implemented in a patient center approach. Park and Park (2018) explain that “[providers] with good communication skills can improve diagnostic capability, reduce frustration or stress caused by difficult patients, and increase job satisfaction [and] it is also known that patients’ satisfaction and compliance are increased when working with a physician with good communication skills” (p. 156).

Relationship between patient–provider communications and illness outcomes.

Becker, Lin and Miller (2018) explain that “communication in medical appointments serves two broad purposes -to build a therapeutic alliance between the patient and physician and promote an efficient exchange of information in order to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment” (p.1329). How a patient and provider interact determines the outcome and can either positively impact the patient or negatively impact the patient.

There are many negative aspects in a poor relationship between a patient and a provider. When communication is poor, it can potentially result in aspects to the patients illness going under reported, not recognized or overlooked. This can be harmful to the patient and in some situations, life threatening. When the trust between a patient and their providers is also poor it impacts the treatment which can also negatively impact a patient should they not trust their provider enough to carry out their treatment plan. An example of poor communication would be a therapist and a patient who is experiencing depression. Should the patient find themselves suffering from thoughts of suicide, they are less likely to reach out to their therapist due to lack of positive communication and trust.

When communication is positive, there is the necessary support that allows for effective and therapeutic treatment to be carried out allowing for progress to be made towards meeting goals and recovery.

Factors that might lead to poor patient–provider communications

There are a number of factors that might lead to poor patient and provider communication.

1. All patients and providers have a personality and characteristics that are unique to them, and at times they may clash. When looking for providers, it is important to find someone that has a personality, qualities, characteristics and experience in providing the necessary support that is unique to the patient.

2.A language barrier may also cause for poor communication between providers and patients. When there is a language barrier, the patients have a right to a translator but that does not always prove to be effective. Patients might not be comfortable using a third party translator therefore may withhold certain information. There may also be issues with translation due to a lack of similar words in certain languages or cultures resulting in things getting mistranslated and communication errors. A language barrier becomes a communication issue on multiple levels, starting with a patient trying to schedule an appointment. Should a patient have a provider at a larger organization where there are receptionist staff, scheduling an appointment can be difficult because when the patient calls in it can be a difficult and stressful process. When these stressful situations arise, it can prevent the patient from calling to schedule an appointment when needed in the future.

3.Communication may also be poor when a patient is unable to communicate their needs. For example, individuals who are non-verbal are unable to communicate their needs in the traditional way which may cause for a barrier to be created in treatment should the provider not be familiar in the patients form of communication. Another example is a patient who is presenting with acute psychosis or catatonia which is preventing from allowing the patient to communicate their needs, advocate for themselves or provide details related to themselves or situation.

Improvements in patient–provider communications

Ways to improve communication between patients and providers will positively impact the way treatment is developed and implemented. Ensuring that education, training and retraining is provided to all providers can improve competencies in treating individuals who require alternative methods to conversations.

Education and awareness can also be given to patients to ensure they are aware they are able to advocate for themselves should they feel that communication is poor with their provider. Patients should not feel stuck in a therapeutic relationship with poor communication.

Role of culture in patient–provider communications

Culture directly impacts the patient-provider relationship and the communication between the two. Cultures vary in many ways including treatment methods, views on diagnosis and comfort level in expressing concerns. Mental health is an example of an aspect to the healthcare field that has a significant number of fews, including negative views, depending on the culture. Those who are presenting with mental health concerns, but come from a culture that does not recognize mental health as an illness, may be less likely to communicate their concerns or symptoms. Should the provider not be familiar with the patients culture and lack of recognition of views mental health, it may result in aspects to the patients needs going unnoticed and not treated.

Roles of a social worker in assisting a patient to improve communications with other members of the health care team.

A social worker is an advocate for a patient and the role of a social worker is to advocate on behalf of the patient and educate the patient on ways to improve communications with other members of the health care or treatment team. When there are multiple healthcare providers on a patients treatment team, communication is crucial in order to effectively support the patient and ensure that the treatment plan is appropriate and in the patients best interest.


Becker, T.D., Lin, H.C. & Miller, V.A. (2018). A patient study of observed physician-parent-child communication and child satisfaction in a gastroenterology clinic. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 1327-1335

Kee, J.W., Khoo, H.S., Lim, I. & Koh, M.Y. (2018). Communication skills in patient-doctor interactions: Learning from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2), 97-106.

Park, K.H. & Park, S. G. (2018). The effect of communication training using standardized nonverbal behaviors on patients in medical students. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30(2), 153-159.

DB 2


A description of the importance of patient–provider communication

Patient-doctor/ provider communication is a complex interpersonal interaction that requires an understanding of each party’s emotional state (Kee et al., 2018). When communication between doctors and providers goes downhill, it is usually due to lack of communication or errors in the way both parties have been communicating. To ensure our patient are receiving the proper information and communication experience, we should always make eye contact, be mindful of our facial expressions, use simple terms, use active listening, give quality information, and be mindful of our attitudes and delivery. The main focuses of communication are non-verbal, verbal, content, and attitude (Kee et al., 2018). It is so important to get the communication right because we must build a therapeutic relationship to encourage patient morale and effective care. We also want to decrease the amount of patient complaints that are being received due to patient/provider interactions.

Be sure to address the relationship between patient–provider communications and illness outcomes

Patients are more likely to listen to the recommendations of the provider whether it be the doctor, social worker, or a nurse, if there is an open and positive line of communication. Communication between physicians, patients, and patient’s families underlies nearly all aspects of medical practice (Becker, et. Al., 2018). Positive communication can lead to patient evolvement and gains the trust of providers. Patients also need to feel comfortable in their ability to ask questions when they don’t understand without feeling as though they are bothering the providers.

Identify a minimum of three factors that might lead to poor patient–provider communications

Three factors that may lead to poor patient-provider communications are language barriers, the failure of the healthcare provider to answer questions, and discrimination due to someone’s status or appearance. Some patients that come in do does not speak English or they speak very little. This impacts the communication abilities between the provider and patient. Providers will normally find a translator but even with a translator, communication can still be difficult and can impact the care of the patient. Sometimes healthcare providers know so much but lack people skills. Patients ask questions that never get answered or are not answered to their satisfactory because doctors often don’t want patients to worry about certain things that may not affect them directly. A study revealed that some individuals said that when they tried to ask questions to better understand what was being communicated to them, some healthcare providers did not give them the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification(Madula, et. Al., 2018). This impacts lack of information. Lastly discrimination against individuals of different status. All patients should be given the same amount of information, treatment, and empathy as someone of a higher class.

Explain the ways patient–provider communications might be improved

Providers should use encouraging and supportive words to build a positive rapport with the patient regardless of who they are. Providers can facilitate good communication by establishing a standard on the first interaction. Both parties should conduct in communication habits that consist of verbal and non-verbal respective measure. If things ever escalate to a point where there may be concern, there should always be a third party individual in the room during these interactions so that nothing is said out of bounds or detrimental to the patient, provider, or anyone else in the facility. Respect and active listening should be encouraged as well. Some patients of color often feel like they are unheard and ignored. I have personally dealt with this and have had to switch doctors until I found the right one that listened to my concerns and gave me respectful answers to my questions and concerns. Providers should consistently be taking ethics courses, participating in simulation-based communication modules for training, and go through random monitoring to ensure the content of what they are telling patients and the way in which they are presenting information lines up with the ethics of the hospital.

Explain the role culture plays in patient–provider communications

Culture plays a big role in patient-provider communication. I say this because some patients feel that providers lack knowledge of their culture and beliefs and try to force certain treatments on them without asking or considering their culture. Good patient-provider communication is strongly associated with patient satisfaction, better treatment recommendations, and improved healthcare outcomes. Providers should be culturally competent and consider how some treatment plans or care mechanisms may affect the patients beliefs. Providers should be culturally trained and should always be sensitive to the beliefs and values of a different culture than their own. Culture affects the perception of health, illness, beliefs about the causes of the disease, death, health promotion, where patients seek help, and the types of treatments preferred. All these things should be considered by providers. SOCW 8205 Walden University WK 4 Patient Provider Communications Discussion

Explain the roles of a social worker in assisting a patient to improve communications with other members of the health care team

It is the responsibility of the social worker to initiate conversation with a patient who is feeling unheard or not respected by their providers. We are there to help them understand their options for treatment and care while collaborating with the medical team to bring them the best possible care. We are responsible for helping to fins a resolution for communication between both parties and getting the patient the necessary help, they need while engaging the provider and letting them know the patients concerns. They often hear it better coming from someone who is mutual and has both parties interest at heart to resolve the situation. We are advocates for the patients but we are also there to assist providers when communication seems to be an issue and patients don’t quite understand what is happening.


Becker, T.D., Lin, H.C. & Miller, V.A. (2018). A patient study of observed physicianparent-child communication and child satisfaction in a gastroenterology clinic. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 1327-1335.

Kee, J.W., Khoo, H.S., Lim, I. & Koh, M.Y. (2018). Communication skills in patientdoctor interactions: Learning from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2), 97-106.

Madula, P., Kalembo, F.W. & Kaminga, A. C., (2018). Healthcare provider-patient communication: A qualitative study of women’s perceptions during childbirth. Reproductive Health, 15, 135-142